Raw File
#! /usr/bin/env python

Try to calculate and succinctly present the differences between two bld logs
for the same component

from standard_script_setup import *
from CIME.utils import run_cmd_no_fail

import argparse, sys, os, gzip

def parse_command_line(args, description):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        usage="""\n{0} log1 log2
{0} --help

    > {0} case1 case2


    parser.add_argument("log1", help="First log.")

    parser.add_argument("log2", help="Second log.")

    parser.add_argument("-I", "--ignore-includes", action="store_true",
                        help="Ignore differences in include flags")

    args = CIME.utils.parse_args_and_handle_standard_logging_options(args, parser)

    return args.log1, args.log2, args.ignore_includes

def is_compile_line(line):
    return line.count("-I") > 0 and not line.startswith("gmake ") and not line.startswith("make ")

def get_compile_lines_from_log(logfile_text):
    result = []
    for line in logfile_text.splitlines():
        if is_compile_line(line):

    return result

_SRCFILE_ENDINGS = (".F", ".f", ".c", ".F90", ".f90", ".cpp")
def parse_log(logfile_text):
    compile_lines = get_compile_lines_from_log(logfile_text)
    result = {}
    for compile_line in compile_lines:
        items = compile_line.split()
        compiled_file = None
        for item in items:
            for ending in _SRCFILE_ENDINGS:
                if item.endswith(ending):
                    #expect(compiled_file is None, "Found multiple things that look like files in '{}'".format(compile_line))
                    compiled_file = os.path.basename(item)

            if compiled_file:

        if compiled_file is None:
            print("WARNING: Found nothing that looks like a file in '{}'".format(compile_line))
            if compiled_file in result:
                print("WARNING: Found multiple compilations of {}".format(compiled_file))
            result[compiled_file] = items

    # TODO - Need to capture link lines too

    return result

def get_case_from_log(logpath):
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(logpath), ".."))

def read_maybe_gzip(filepath):
    opener = lambda: gzip.open(filepath, "rt") if filepath.endswith(".gz") else open(filepath, "r")
    with opener() as fd:
        return fd.read()

def log_diff(log1, log2, repls, ignore_includes):
    Search for build/link commands and compare them
    are_same = True

    # Read files
    log1_contents = read_maybe_gzip(log1)
    log2_contents = read_maybe_gzip(log2)

    # Normalize log2
    for replace_item, replace_with in repls.items():
        log2_contents = log2_contents.replace(replace_item, replace_with)

    # Transform log contents to a map of filename -> compile_args
    compile_dict1 = parse_log(log1_contents)
    compile_dict2 = parse_log(log2_contents)

    file_set1 = set(compile_dict1.keys())
    file_set2 = set(compile_dict2.keys())

    for item in (file_set1 - file_set2):
        print("{} is missing compilation of {}".format(log2, item))
        are_same = False

    for item in (file_set2 - file_set1):
        print("{} has unexpected compilation of {}".format(log2, item))
        are_same = False

    for item in (file_set1 & file_set2):
        print("Checking compilation of {}".format(item))
        flags1 = compile_dict1[item]
        flags2 = compile_dict2[item]

        missing = set(flags1) - set(flags2)
        extra   = set(flags2) - set(flags1)

        # Let's not worry about order yet even though some flags are order-sensitive
        for flag in missing:
            if not (ignore_includes and flag.startswith("-I")) and item not in flag:
                print("  Missing flag {}".format(flag))
                are_same = False

        for flag in extra:
            if flag != "-o" and not flag.startswith("CMakeFiles") and not (ignore_includes and flag.startswith("-I")) and item not in flag:
                print("  Extra flag {}".format(flag))
                are_same = False

    return are_same

def _main_func(description):
    log1, log2, ignore_includes = parse_command_line(sys.argv, description)

    xml_normalize_fields = ["TEST_TESTID", "SRCROOT"]
    repls = {}
    for xml_normalize_field in xml_normalize_fields:
            case1 = get_case_from_log(log1)
            case2 = get_case_from_log(log2)
            val1 = run_cmd_no_fail("./xmlquery --value {}".format(xml_normalize_field), from_dir=case1)
            val2 = run_cmd_no_fail("./xmlquery --value {}".format(xml_normalize_field), from_dir=case2)
            if os.sep in val1:
                repls[os.path.normpath(val2)] = os.path.normpath(val1)
                repls[val2] = val1
        except Exception as e:
            logging.warning("Warning, failed to normalize on {}: {}".format(xml_normalize_field, str(e)))
            repls = {}

    same = log_diff(log1, log2, repls, ignore_includes)
    sys.exit(0 if same == 0 else 1)


if (__name__ == "__main__"):
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