Raw File
# Amira-Script-Object V3.0

# Copyright (C) 2007 Gregory Jefferis <gsxej2@cam.ac.uk>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Copyright Addendum
# Additional contributions by Christopher Potter and Alexander Chan

$this proc constructor { } {
	global this
	$this newPortFilename filename
	$this newPortFilename fileListName
    $this newPortButtonList Action 6
	$this Action setLabel Action:
	$this Action setLabel 0 LoadAll
	$this Action setLabel 1 Remove
	$this Action setLabel 2 Update
	$this Action setLabel 3 Show
	$this Action setLabel 4 LoadFileList
	$this Action setLabel 5 ShowIcons
	$this newPortFloatSlider red
	$this red setMinMax 0 1
	$this newPortFloatSlider green
	$this green setMinMax 0 1
	$this newPortFloatSlider blue
	$this blue setMinMax 0 1
	$this newPortFloatSlider width
	$this width setMinMax 0 2.5
	$this width setValue 1
	$this newPortIntSlider ScoreThreshold
	$this ScoreThreshold setMinMax 0 4
	$this ScoreThreshold setValue 0
	$this newPortInfo dirName
	$this newPortInfo numObjects
	$this newPortInfo numDisplayedObjects
	$this numDisplayedObjects setValue 0
	$this setVar lvList ""
	$this setVar fileList ""
	$this setVar scoreList ""

$this proc compute { } {
	if { [ $this Action isNew  ] && [$this Action getValue]==0} {
		$this makeFileListFromDir
		$this loadFiles
	if { [ $this Action isNew  ] && [$this Action getValue]==1} {
		$this removeAll

	if { [ $this Action isNew  ] && [$this Action getValue]==2} {
		$this myupdate
	if { [ $this Action isNew  ] && [$this Action getValue]==3} {		
		if { [ $this Action getLabel 3]=="Show" } {
			$this showLineViews 1
		} elseif {[ $this Action getLabel 3]=="Hide" } {
			$this showLineViews 0
	if { [ $this Action isNew  ] && [$this Action getValue]==4} {
		$this loadFileList
		$this loadFiles
	if { [ $this Action isNew  ] && [$this Action getValue]==5} {
		#echo "Button 5 pressed"
		if { [ $this Action getLabel 5]=="ShowIcons" } {
			$this showIcons 1
		} elseif {[ $this Action getLabel 5]=="HideIcons" } {
			$this showIcons 0
	if { [ $this ScoreThreshold isNew ] } {
		$this showLineViews 1
	if { [ $this red isNew ] || [ $this green isNew ] || [ $this blue isNew ] || [ $this width isNew ]} {
		$this myupdate
	# uncomment to turn on continuous update
	#$this myupdate

$this proc setrgb { r g b } {
	$this red setValue $r
	$this green setValue $g
	$this blue setValue $b
	$this myupdate

$this proc removeAll {} {
	remove [$this getVar lvList]
	foreach fn [$this getVar fileList] {
		remove [file tail $fn]

$this proc myupdate {} {
	# echo "entering myupdate"
	set lvList [$this getVar lvList]
	foreach lineView $lvList {
		# echo "Iterating over $lineView"
		set lvstatus [exists $lineView]
		# echo "line view is $lineView and its status is $lvstatus"
		if {$lvstatus} {
			$lineView setLineColor [$this red getValue] [$this green getValue] [$this blue getValue]
			$lineView scaleFactor setValue [$this width getValue]
			$lineView fire
$this proc makeFileListFromDir {} {
	set filename [ $this filename getValue ] 
	set fileList [glob [file dirname $filename]/*[file extension $filename]]
	# set the instance variable fileList to the value of the local fileList
	$this setVar fileList $fileList
	#set scoreList [lrepeat [llength fileList] 0]
	#$this setVar scoreList $scoreList
	$this dirName setValue [file dirname $filename]
	#$this setLabel 
	#set mymsg [$this Action getValue]			
	#echo "My messge is: $mymsg"

$this proc loadFiles {} {
	set fileList [$this getVar fileList]	
	set lvList [$this getVar lvList]
	set scoreList ""
	#echo $fileList
	#set hideStatus [set hideNewModules]
	#set hideNewModules 1	
	set counter 0
	foreach file $fileList {
		set splitFile [file split $file]
		set justfilename [lindex $splitFile [expr [llength $splitFile]-1]]
		if { [file isfile $file] == 0 } { continue }
		# echo "Loading file $file"
		set newModule [load $file]
		set lineView [create HxDisplayLineSet]
		$newModule hideIcon
		$lineView hideIcon
		$lineView data connect $newModule
		$lineView setLineColor [$this red getValue] [$this green getValue] [$this blue getValue]
		#$lineView setLineWidth 2
		# Draw in circle mode
		$lineView shape setState values 1 6
		$lineView scaleFactor setValue [$this width getValue]
		$lineView fire
		$lineView setLabel "$justfilename.lv"
		lappend lvList "$justfilename.lv"
		# echo "adding $justfilename.lv to list"
		incr counter
		lappend scoreList 1
	# echo "$lvList"
	#set hideNewModules 0
	$this setVar lvList $lvList
	echo $this getVar lvList
	$this numObjects setValue $counter
	$this numDisplayedObjects setValue $counter
	$this setVar scoreList $scoreList

$this proc loadFileList { } {
	# make a file list as follows
	# dir /b  *average.clm* > averagefiles.txt
	set fileListName [ $this fileListName getValue ]
	set justFileListName [split $fileListName /]
	set fileList ""
	set scoreList ""
	if {$fileListName != ""} {
    	set retcd [ catch { set infile [open $fileListName "r"] } ]
	} else {
    if {$retcd == 1} {
		echo "unable to open $fileListName"
	} elseif {$retcd == 0} {
    	set inEOF -1
     	while {[gets $infile inln] != $inEOF} {
     		# split line to get name and score
     		set splitLine [split $inln]
     		set justfilename [lindex $splitLine 0]
     		set score [lindex $splitLine 1]
     		set fullpath [file join [file dirname $fileListName] $justfilename]
     		if {[file exists $fullpath]} {
	        	lappend fileList $fullpath
	        	# append score to scores array
	        	lappend scoreList $score
        close $infile
    #echo $fileList
    $this setVar fileList $fileList
    # set object variable scores to local scores list
    $this setVar scoreList $scoreList
	$this dirName setValue $fileListName
	#$this setLabel [lindex $justFileListName [expr [llength $justFileListName]-1]]
	#set this [lindex $justFileListName [expr [llength $justFileListName]-1]]
    return $fileListName

$this proc showLineViews { mask } {
	#echo "entering showLineViews with mask $mask"
	set lvList [$this getVar lvList]
	set scoreList [$this getVar scoreList]
	set numDisplayed 0
	for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $lvList]} {incr i} {
		set lineView [lindex $lvList $i]
		set lvstatus [exists $lineView]
		if {$lvstatus && $mask == 1 } {
			if {[lindex $scoreList $i] >= [$this ScoreThreshold getValue]} {
				$lineView setViewerMask 1
				incr numDisplayed
			} else {
			  $lineView setViewerMask 0
		} elseif {$lvstatus && $mask == 0} {
				$lineView setViewerMask 0
	if {$mask == 0} { $this Action setLabel 3 Show}
	if {$mask == 1} { $this Action setLabel 3 Hide}
	$this numDisplayedObjects setValue $numDisplayed

$this proc showIcons { mask } {
	# echo "entering showIcons with mask $mask"
	set lvList [$this getVar lvList]
	foreach lineView $lvList {

		set lvstatus [exists $lineView]
		if {$lvstatus && $mask == 1} {
			$lineView showIcon
		if {$lvstatus && $mask == 0} {
			$lineView hideIcon
	if {$mask == 0} { $this Action setLabel 5 ShowIcons}
	if {$mask == 1} { $this Action setLabel 5 HideIcons}
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