# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license module Linking import Base.Libc: Libdl # inlined LLD_jll # These get calculated in __init__() const PATH = Ref("") const LIBPATH = Ref("") const PATH_list = String[] const LIBPATH_list = String[] const lld_path = Ref{String}() const lld_exe = Sys.iswindows() ? "lld.exe" : "lld" if Sys.iswindows() const LIBPATH_env = "PATH" const LIBPATH_default = "" const pathsep = ';' elseif Sys.isapple() const LIBPATH_env = "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" const LIBPATH_default = "~/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib" const pathsep = ':' else const LIBPATH_env = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" const LIBPATH_default = "" const pathsep = ':' end function adjust_ENV!(env::Dict, PATH::String, LIBPATH::String, adjust_PATH::Bool, adjust_LIBPATH::Bool) if adjust_LIBPATH LIBPATH_base = get(env, LIBPATH_env, expanduser(LIBPATH_default)) if !isempty(LIBPATH_base) env[LIBPATH_env] = string(LIBPATH, pathsep, LIBPATH_base) else env[LIBPATH_env] = LIBPATH end end if adjust_PATH && (LIBPATH_env != "PATH" || !adjust_LIBPATH) if adjust_PATH if !isempty(get(env, "PATH", "")) env["PATH"] = string(PATH, pathsep, env["PATH"]) else env["PATH"] = PATH end end end return env end function __init_lld_path() # Prefer our own bundled lld, but if we don't have one, pick it up off of the PATH # If this is an in-tree build, `lld` will live in `tools`. Otherwise, it'll be in `libexec` for bundled_lld_path in (joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.LIBEXECDIR, lld_exe), joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "..", "tools", lld_exe), joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, lld_exe)) if isfile(bundled_lld_path) lld_path[] = abspath(bundled_lld_path) return end end lld_path[] = something(Sys.which(lld_exe), lld_exe) return end const VERBOSE = Ref{Bool}(false) function __init__() VERBOSE[] = parse(Bool, get(ENV, "JULIA_VERBOSE_LINKING", "false")) __init_lld_path() PATH[] = dirname(lld_path[]) if Sys.iswindows() # On windows, the dynamic libraries (.dll) are in Sys.BINDIR ("usr\\bin") append!(LIBPATH_list, [joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.LIBDIR, "julia"), Sys.BINDIR]) else append!(LIBPATH_list, [joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.LIBDIR, "julia"), joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.LIBDIR)]) end LIBPATH[] = join(LIBPATH_list, pathsep) return end function lld(; adjust_PATH::Bool = true, adjust_LIBPATH::Bool = true) env = adjust_ENV!(copy(ENV), PATH[], LIBPATH[], adjust_PATH, adjust_LIBPATH) return Cmd(Cmd([lld_path[]]); env) end import Base.Libc: Libdl function ld() default_args = `` @static if Sys.iswindows() # LLD supports mingw style linking flavor = "gnu" m = Sys.ARCH == :x86_64 ? "i386pep" : "i386pe" default_args = `-m $m -Bdynamic --enable-auto-image-base --allow-multiple-definition` elseif Sys.isapple() flavor = "darwin" arch = Sys.ARCH == :aarch64 ? :arm64 : Sys.ARCH default_args = `-arch $arch -undefined dynamic_lookup -platform_version macos $(Base.MACOS_PRODUCT_VERSION) $(Base.MACOS_PLATFORM_VERSION)` else flavor = "gnu" end `$(lld()) -flavor $flavor $default_args` end const WHOLE_ARCHIVE = if Sys.isapple() "-all_load" else "--whole-archive" end const NO_WHOLE_ARCHIVE = if Sys.isapple() "" else "--no-whole-archive" end const SHARED = if Sys.isapple() "-dylib" else "-shared" end is_debug() = ccall(:jl_is_debugbuild, Cint, ()) == 1 libdir() = abspath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.LIBDIR) private_libdir() = abspath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.PRIVATE_LIBDIR) if Sys.iswindows() shlibdir() = Sys.BINDIR else shlibdir() = libdir() end function link_image_cmd(path, out) LIBDIR = "-L$(libdir())" PRIVATE_LIBDIR = "-L$(private_libdir())" SHLIBDIR = "-L$(shlibdir())" LIBS = is_debug() ? ("-ljulia-debug", "-ljulia-internal-debug") : ("-ljulia", "-ljulia-internal") @static if Sys.iswindows() if Sys.ARCH == :x86_64 libgcc_s = "-lgcc_s_seh-1" else libgcc_s = "-lgcc_s_sjlj-1" end LIBS = (LIBS..., "-lopenlibm", "-lssp-0") # Are we okay with system libm? LIBS = (LIBS..., libgcc_s, "-lgcc", "-lmsvcrt") end V = VERBOSE[] ? "--verbose" : "" `$(ld()) $V $SHARED -o $out $WHOLE_ARCHIVE $path $NO_WHOLE_ARCHIVE $LIBDIR $PRIVATE_LIBDIR $SHLIBDIR $LIBS` end function link_image(path, out, internal_stderr::IO = stderr, internal_stdout::IO = stdout) run(link_image_cmd(path, out), Base.DevNull(), stderr, stdout) end end # module Linking