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# Fold / Hopf Continuation

For this to work, it is important to have an analytical expression for the jacobian. See the example `Chan` for more details.

## The case of the Fold point

Once a Fold point have been detected after a call to `br, _ = continuation(...)`, it can be refined with the use of `newton` iterations. We have implemented a **Minimally Augmented** formulation. A simplified interface is provided.

### Newton refinement

Let us say that `ind_fold` is the index in `br.bifpoint` of a Fold point. This guess can be refined by calling the simplified interface. More precisions are provided below for an advanced usage.

outfold, hist, flag = @time Cont.newtonFold((x,p) -> F(x, p),
							(x, p) -> Jac(x, p),
							br, ind_fold,

It is important to note that for improved performance, a function implementing the expression of the **hessian** should be provided. This is by far the fastest for the computations. Reader interested in this advanced usage should look at the example `example/chan.jl`. Although it is a simple problem, many different use case are shown in a simple setting.

## The case of the Hopf point

One a Hopf point have been detected after a call to `br, _ = continuation(...)`, it can be refined with the use of `newton` iterations. We have implemented a **Minimally Augmented** formulation. A simplified interface is provided as for the Fold case.

### Newton refinement

Let us say that `ind_hopf` is the index in `br.bifpoint` of a Hopf point. This guess can be refined by calling the simplified interface. More precisions are provided below for an advanced usage.

outfold, hist, flag = @time Cont.newtonHopf((x,p) -> F(x, p),
							(x, p) -> Jac(x, p),
							br, ind_hopf,

## Functions

newtonFold(F, J, Jt, d2F, foldpointguess::Union{Vector, BorderedVector{vectype, T}}, eigenvec, options::NewtonPar; normN = norm) where {T,vectype}




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