plot.gsym.point <- function(x, xlab, ylab, main,...) { op <- par(pty = "s") methods <- x[x$methods] <- if(is.null(x$ {1} else {length(x$} <- if(is.null(x$ {NULL} else {x$} n.plots=0 TPR <- matrix(NA,,ncol=length(methods)) FPR <- matrix(NA,,ncol=length(methods)) for (i in { = TRUE) dev.set(which = dev.cur()) for(j in 1:length(methods)) { if(length(methods[[j]][[i]][["optimal.result"]][[1]])== 0) { if(is.null(x$ { cat(paste(names(methods)[j], ": There are no cutoff values that fulfill the criterion \n", sep = "")) } else { cat(paste(names(methods)[j], ": There are no cutoff values that fulfill the criterion for ",[i], "\n", sep = "")) } } m <- methods[[j]][[i]] if ( >1) { # Marker in the healthy population: X0 <- x$data[x$data[,x$call$status] == x$call$tag.healthy & x$data[,x$call$categorical.cov] ==[i], x$call$marker] # Marker in the diseased population: X1 <- x$data[x$data[,x$call$status] != x$call$tag.healthy & x$data[,x$call$categorical.cov] ==[i], x$call$marker] } else { # Marker in the healthy population: X0 <- x$data[x$data[,x$call$status] == x$call$tag.healthy, x$call$marker] # Marker in the diseased population: X1 <- x$data[x$data[,x$call$status] != x$call$tag.healthy, x$call$marker] } x0 = relative_sample(X0,X1,0) rho = m[["rho"]] if (missing(xlab)) { xlab <- paste("False Positive Rate") } if (missing(ylab)) { ylab <- paste("True Positive Rate") } parameters = c(rho,x0) x_axis = seq(0,1,length.out=1000) TPR[i,j]<-m[["optimal.result"]]$Sensitivity[1] FPR[i,j] <-1-m[["optimal.result"]]$Specificity[1] X0 <- sort(X0) X1 <- sort(X1) if ( >1) { X <- sort(x$data[x$data[,x$call$categorical.cov] ==[i], x$call$marker]) } else { X <- sort(x$data[, x$call$marker]) } F0 = cdf_empirical_dist(X0,X) F1 = cdf_empirical_dist(X1,X) F0 = c(0,F0,1) F1 = c(0,F1,1) if (missing(main)) { plot(1-F0,1-F1,type="l",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, main = paste("Empirical ROC Curve and line y = 1-",rho, "x", "\n", " ", ifelse(is.null(, "",[i]), sep = ""), cex.main=1,...) } else { plot(1-F0,1-F1,type="l",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, main = main, cex.main=1,...) } lines(x_axis, 1-rho*x_axis, lty = 2) if (length(methods) == 1) { legend.coordinatesGPQ<-paste("GPQ:"," ", "(",round(FPR[i,],3), ", ", round(TPR[i,],3),")", sep = "") legend.coordinatesEL<-paste("EL:"," ", "(",round(FPR[i,j],3), ", ", round(TPR[i,j],3),")", sep = "") legend.AUC <- paste("AUC: ",round(m[["AUC"]], 3)) if ((names(methods) == "GPQ") | (names(methods) == "auto" & !"normality.transformed" %in% names(m))) { points(FPR[i,j],TPR[i,j], pch = 21:00) legend("bottom", c(legend.coordinatesGPQ,legend.AUC), pch = c(21,NA),bty = "n") } else if (names(methods) == "EL") { points(FPR[i,j],TPR[i,j], pch = 21:00, bg="black") legend("bottom", c(legend.coordinatesEL,legend.AUC), pch = c(19,NA),bty = "n") } else if (names(methods) == "auto" & "normality.transformed" %in% names(m) & m$normality.transformed == "yes") { points(FPR[i,j],TPR[i,j], pch = 21:00) legend("bottom", c(legend.coordinatesGPQ,legend.AUC), pch = c(21,NA),bty = "n") } else if (names(methods) == "auto" & "normality.transformed" %in% names(m) & m$normality.transformed == "no") { points(FPR[i,j],TPR[i,j], pch = 21:00, bg="black") legend("bottom", c(legend.coordinatesEL,legend.AUC), pch = c(19,NA),bty = "n") } } else { if ("GPQ" == names(methods)[1]) { points(FPR[i,1],TPR[i,1], pch = 21:00) points(FPR[i,2],TPR[i,2], pch = 21:00, bg="black") legend.coordinatesGPQ<-paste("GPQ:"," ", "(",round(FPR[i,1],3), ", ", round(TPR[i,1],3),")", sep = "") legend.coordinatesEL<-paste("EL:"," ", "(",round(FPR[i,2],3), ", ", round(TPR[i,2],3),")", sep = "") } else { points(FPR[i,2],TPR[i,2], pch = 21:00) points(FPR[i,1],TPR[i,1], pch = 21:00, bg="black") legend.coordinatesGPQ<-paste("GPQ:"," ", "(",round(FPR[i,2],3), ", ", round(TPR[i,2],3),")", sep = "") legend.coordinatesEL<-paste("EL:"," ", "(",round(FPR[i,1],3), ", ", round(TPR[i,1],3),")", sep = "") } legend.AUC <- paste("AUC: ",round(m[["AUC"]], 3)) legend("bottom", c(legend.coordinatesGPQ,legend.coordinatesEL,legend.AUC), pch = c(21,19,NA), bty = "n") } n.plots = n.plots + 1 } } par(op) }