# # Validate scores and labels # .validate_scores_and_labels <- function(obj, obj_name, scores, labels, ...) { if (missing(obj) || is.null(obj)) { # Check if scores and labels are specified if(is.null(scores) && !is.null(labels)) { stop("Invalid scores", call. = FALSE) } else if(!is.null(scores) && is.null(labels)) { stop("Invalid labels", call. = FALSE) } else if (is.null(scores) && is.null(labels)) { if (is.null(obj)) { stop("Invalid scores & labels", call. = FALSE) } else { stop(paste0(obj_name, " must be specified"), call. = FALSE) } } # Check scores .validate_scores(scores) # Check labels .validate_labels(labels) # Check length of scores and labels if (length(labels) != length(scores)) { stop("scores and labels must be the same lengths", call. = FALSE) } } else if (!is.null(obj)) { # Validate the first argument obj <- .validate(obj) } obj } # Check mode .validate_mode <- function(mode) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(mode), (mode == "rocprc" || mode == "basic")) } # # Validate scores # .validate_scores <- function(scores) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(scores), is.vector(scores), is.numeric(scores), length(scores) > 0L) } # # Validate labels # .validate_labels <- function(labels) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(labels), (is.vector(labels) || is.factor(labels)), length(labels) > 0L, length(unique(labels)) == 2L) } # # Validate modname # .validate_modname <- function(modname) { if (!is.null(modname)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(modname)) } } # # Validate modnames # .validate_modnames <- function(modnames, datalen) { if (!is.null(modnames)) { assertthat::assert_that(is.vector(modnames), is.character(modnames), length(modnames) == datalen) for (i in 1:length(modnames)) { .validate_modname(modnames[i]) } } } # # Validate dsid # .validate_dsid <- function(dsid) { if (!is.null(dsid)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.number(dsid)) } } # # Validate dsids # .validate_dsids <- function(dsids, datalen) { if (!is.null(dsids)) { assertthat::assert_that(is.vector(dsids), is.numeric(dsids), length(dsids) == datalen) for (i in 1:length(dsids)) { .validate_dsid(dsids[i]) } } } # # Validate posclass # .validate_posclass <- function(posclass) { if (!is.null(posclass)) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(posclass), (is.vector(posclass) || is.factor(posclass)), length(posclass) == 1L) } } # # Validate na_worst # .validate_na_worst <- function(na_worst) { if (!is.null(na_worst)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(na_worst), assertthat::noNA(na_worst)) } } # # Validate ties_method # .validate_ties_method <- function(ties_method) { if (!is.null(ties_method)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(ties_method)) choices = c("equiv", "random", "first") if (!(ties_method %in% choices)) { stop(gettextf("ties_method must be one of %s", paste(dQuote(choices), collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE) } } } # # Validate expd_first # .validate_expd_first <- function(expd_first) { if (!is.null(expd_first)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(expd_first), (expd_first == "modnames" || expd_first == "dsids")) } } # # Validate model type # .validate_model_type <- function(model_type) { if (!is.null(model_type)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(model_type), (model_type == "single" || model_type == "multiple")) } } # # Validate data type # .validate_data_type <- function(data_type) { if (!is.null(data_type)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(data_type), (data_type == "single" || data_type == "multiple")) } } # # Validate calc_avg # .validate_calc_avg <- function(calc_avg) { if (!is.null(calc_avg)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(calc_avg), assertthat::noNA(calc_avg)) } } # # Validate cb_alpha # .validate_cb_alpha <- function(cb_alpha, calc_avg = NULL) { if (!is.null(cb_alpha)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.number(cb_alpha), cb_alpha >= 0 && cb_alpha <= 1) if (!is.null(calc_avg)) { if (!calc_avg && cb_alpha) { warning("cb_alpha is ignored when calc_avg = FALSE", call. = FALSE) } } } } # # Validate raw_curves # .validate_raw_curves <- function(raw_curves, calc_avg = NULL) { if (!is.null(raw_curves)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(raw_curves), assertthat::noNA(raw_curves)) if (!is.null(calc_avg)) { if (!calc_avg && raw_curves) { warning("raw_curves is ignored when calc_avg = FALSE", call. = FALSE) } } } } # # Validate x_bins # .validate_x_bins <- function(x_bins) { if (!is.null(x_bins) && !is.na(x_bins)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.number(x_bins), x_bins >= 1L) } } # Check mode .check_mode <- function(mode, obj = NULL) { .validate_mode(mode) obj_mode <- attr(obj, "args")[["mode"]] if (mode != obj_mode) { stop("Invalid mode", call. = FALSE) } } # # Check curve types # .check_curvetype <- function(curvetype, obj = NULL) { roc_prc <- TRUE basic_eval <- TRUE cfunc <- function(curvetype, all_types, all_len) { if (!is.atomic(curvetype) || !is.character(curvetype) || length(curvetype) > all_len || length(setdiff(curvetype, all_types)) != 0) { FALSE } else { TRUE } } roc_prc <- cfunc(curvetype, c("ROC", "PRC"), 2) basic_eval <- cfunc(curvetype, c("error", "accuracy", "specificity", "sensitivity", "precision"), 5) if (!roc_prc && !basic_eval) { stop("Invalid curvetype", call. = FALSE) } if (!is.null(obj)) { obj_mode <- attr(obj, "args")[["mode"]] if (((obj_mode == "rocprc") && !roc_prc) || ((obj_mode == "basic") && !basic_eval)) { stop("Invalid curvetype", call. = FALSE) } } } # # Check type # .check_type <- function(type) { if (!is.null(type)) { assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(type), (type == "l" || type == "p" || type == "b")) } } # # Check show_cb # .check_show_cb <- function(show_cb, obj = NULL) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(show_cb), assertthat::is.flag(show_cb), assertthat::noNA(show_cb)) if (!is.null(obj) && (attr(obj, "dataset_type") == "multiple")) { obj_calc_avg <- attr(obj, "args")[["calc_avg"]] if (show_cb && !obj_calc_avg ) { stop(paste0("calc_avg of the evalmod function", " must be set as TRUE before using show_cb", " of this function"), call. = FALSE) } } } # # Check raw_curves # .check_raw_curves <- function(raw_curves, obj = NULL) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(raw_curves), assertthat::is.flag(raw_curves), assertthat::noNA(raw_curves)) if (!is.null(obj) && (attr(obj, "dataset_type") == "multiple")) { obj_calc_avg <- attr(obj, "args")[["calc_avg"]] obj_raw_curves <- attr(obj, "args")[["raw_curves"]] if (raw_curves && (!obj_calc_avg || !obj_raw_curves)) { stop(paste0("Both calc_avg and raw_curves of the evalmod function", " must be set as TRUE before using raw_curves", " of this function"), call. = FALSE) } } } # # Check show_legend # .check_show_legend <- function(show_legend) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(show_legend), assertthat::is.flag(show_legend), assertthat::noNA(show_legend)) } # # Check add_np_nn # .check_add_np_nn <- function(add_np_nn) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(add_np_nn), assertthat::is.flag(add_np_nn), assertthat::noNA(add_np_nn)) } # # Check ret_grob # .check_ret_grob <- function(ret_grob) { assertthat::assert_that(is.atomic(ret_grob), assertthat::is.flag(ret_grob), assertthat::noNA(ret_grob)) }