\name{cox.tvc} \alias{cox.tvc} \title{Test for a time-varying effect in the \code{coxph} model} \description{ Test for a time-varying effect in the \code{coxph} model by re-fitting the partial likelihood including a time-varying effect, plot the effect size, and return the re-fitted model. The main advantage of this function over the \code{tt()} special is that it scales well for moderate sized datasets (cf. \code{tt} which expands the dataset and scales very poorly). } \usage{ cox.tvc(obj, var=NULL, method="logt") } \arguments{ \item{obj}{A \code{coxph} object. Currently restricted to right censoring with Breslow ties and without stratification, etc.} \item{var}{String for the effect name. Currently assumes simple continuous effects.} \item{method}{A string representing the possible time transformations. Currently only "logt".} } \value{ Returns a \code{tvcCoxph} object (which inherits from the \code{mle2} class) of the re-fitted model. } \seealso{ \code{\link{coxph}}, \code{\link{cox.zph}} } %% \references{ %% } \examples{ ## As per the example for cox.zph: fit <- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + ecog.ps, data=ovarian) temp <- rstpm2:::cox.tvc(fit, "age") print(temp) # display the results plot(temp) # plot curves } \keyword{time-varying,Cox}