% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/objects.R \name{HVFInfo.SCTAssay} \alias{HVFInfo.SCTAssay} \title{Get Variable Feature Information} \usage{ \method{HVFInfo}{SCTAssay}(object, selection.method, status = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object} \item{selection.method}{Which method to pull. For \code{HVFInfo} and \code{VariableFeatures}, choose one from one of the following: \itemize{ \item \dQuote{vst} \item \dQuote{sctransform} or \dQuote{sct} \item \dQuote{mean.var.plot}, \dQuote{dispersion}, \dQuote{mvp}, or \dQuote{disp} } For \code{SVFInfo} and \code{SpatiallyVariableFeatures}, choose from: \itemize{ \item \dQuote{markvariogram} \item \dQuote{moransi} }} \item{status}{Add variable status to the resulting data frame} \item{...}{Arguments passed to other methods} } \description{ Get variable feature information from \code{\link{SCTAssay}} objects } \examples{ # Get the HVF info directly from an SCTAssay object pbmc_small <- SCTransform(pbmc_small) HVFInfo(pbmc_small[["SCT"]], selection.method = 'sct')[1:5, ] } \seealso{ \code{\link[SeuratObject]{HVFInfo}} }