\name{bondyield} \alias{bondyield} \docType{data} \encoding{latin1} \title{ Bond Yield } \usage{data(bondyield)} \description{ Bond Yield Data. } \format{ A multivariate quarterly time series from 1961(1) to 1975(4) with variables \describe{ \item{RAARUS}{difference of interest rate on government and corporate bonds,} \item{MOOD}{measure of consumer sentiment,} \item{EPI}{index of employment pressure,} \item{EXP}{interest rate expectations,} \item{Y}{artifical time series based on RAARUS,} \item{K}{artifical time series based on RAARUS.} } } \source{ The data was originally studied by Cook and Hendershott (1978) and Yawitz and Marshall (1981), the data set is given in Krämer and Sonnberger (1986). Below we replicate a few examples given in their book. Some of these results differ more or less seriously and are sometimes parameterized differently. } \references{ T.Q. Cook & P.H. Hendershott (1978), The Impact of Taxes, Risk and Relative Security Supplies of Interest Rate Differentials. \emph{The Journal of Finance} \bold{33}, 1173--1186 J.B. Yawitz & W. J. Marshall (1981), Measuring the Effect of Callability on Bond Yields. \emph{Journal of Money, Credit and Banking} \bold{13}, 60--71 W. Krämer & H. Sonnberger (1986), \emph{The Linear Regression Model under Test}. Heidelberg: Physica } \examples{ data(bondyield) ## page 134, fit Cook-Hendershott OLS model and Yawitz-Marshall OLS model ## third and last line in Table 6.5 modelCH <- RAARUS ~ MOOD + EPI + EXP + RUS lm(modelCH, data=bondyield) dwtest(modelCH, data=bondyield) ## wrong sign of RUS coefficient modelYM <- RAARUS ~ MOOD + Y + K lm(modelYM, data=bondyield) dwtest(modelYM, data=bondyield) ## coefficient of Y and K differ by factor 100 ## page 135, fit test statistics in Table 6.6 b) ################################################ ## Chow 1971(1) if(require(strucchange, quietly = TRUE)) { sctest(modelCH, point=c(1971,1), data=bondyield, type="Chow") } ## Breusch-Pagan bptest(modelCH, data=bondyield, studentize=FALSE) bptest(modelCH, data=bondyield) ## Fluctuation test if(require(strucchange, quietly = TRUE)) { sctest(modelCH, type="fluctuation", data=bondyield, rescale=FALSE)} ## RESET reset(modelCH, data=bondyield) reset(modelCH, power=2, type="regressor", data=bondyield) reset(modelCH, type="princomp", data=bondyield) ## Harvey-Collier harvtest(modelCH, order.by= ~ MOOD, data=bondyield) harvtest(modelCH, order.by= ~ EPI, data=bondyield) harvtest(modelCH, order.by= ~ EXP, data=bondyield) harvtest(modelCH, order.by= ~ RUS, data=bondyield) ## Rainbow raintest(modelCH, order.by = "mahalanobis", data=bondyield) ## page 136, fit test statistics in Table 6.6 d) ################################################ ## Chow 1966(1) if(require(strucchange, quietly = TRUE)) { sctest(modelYM, point=c(1965,4), data=bondyield, type="Chow") } ## Fluctuation test if(require(strucchange, quietly = TRUE)) { sctest(modelYM, type="fluctuation", data=bondyield, rescale=FALSE) } ## RESET reset(modelYM, data=bondyield) reset(modelYM, power=2, type="regressor", data=bondyield) reset(modelYM, type="princomp", data=bondyield) ## Harvey-Collier harvtest(modelYM, order.by= ~ MOOD, data=bondyield) harvtest(modelYM, order.by= ~ Y, data=bondyield) harvtest(modelYM, order.by= ~ K, data=bondyield) ## Rainbow raintest(modelYM, order.by = "mahalanobis", data=bondyield) } \keyword{datasets}