\name{sendMaster} \alias{sendMaster} \title{ Sends data from the child to to the master process } \description{ \code{sendMaster} Sends data from the child to to the master process } \usage{ sendMaster(what) } \arguments{ \item{what}{data to send to the master process. If \code{what} is not a raw vetor, \code{what} will be serialized into a raw vector. Do NOT send an empty raw vector - it is reserved for internal use.} } \value{ returns \code{TRUE} } \details{ Any child process (created by \code{\link{fork}} directly or by \code{\link{parallel}} indirectly) can send data to the parent (master) process. Usually this is used to deliver results from the parallel child processes to the master process. } \seealso{ \code{\link{parallel}}, \code{\link{fork}} } \author{Simon Urbanek} \keyword{interface}