/** * \file * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license */ #include "DensityDubinin.h" #include "MaterialLib/PhysicalConstant.h" #include "DensityCook.h" #include "Adsorption.h" namespace { // NaX_Dubinin_polyfrac_CC.pickle // date extracted 2015-06-23 16:47:50 file mtime 2015-06-23 16:47:23 const double DensityDubinin_c[] = { 0.3635538371322433, /* a0 */ -0.0014521033261199435, /* a1 */ -0.0007855160157616825, /* a2 */ 4.385666000850253e-08, /* a3 */ 5.567776459188524e-07, /* a4 */ 6.026002134230559e-10, /* a5 */ -1.0477401124006098e-10 /* a6 */ }; } // namespace namespace Adsorption { double DensityDubinin::getAdsorbateDensity(const double T_Ads) const { const double Tb = 373.1; if (T_Ads < Tb) { return rhoWaterDean(T_Ads); } const double Tc = 647.3; // K const double pc = 221.2e5; // Pa // boiling point density const double rhob = rhoWaterDean(Tb); // state values const double R = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant; const double M = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::MolarMass::Water; const double b = R * Tc / (8. * pc); // m^3/mol const double rhom = M / b; // kg/m^3 const double rho = rhob - (rhob - rhom) / (Tc - Tb) * (T_Ads - Tb); return rho; } //Thermal expansivity model for water found in the works of Hauer double DensityDubinin::getAlphaT(const double T_Ads) const { const double Tb = 373.1; if (T_Ads <= Tb) { return alphaTWaterDean(T_Ads); } // critical T and p const double Tc = 647.3; // K // const double rhoc = 322.; // kg/m^3 const double pc = 221.2e5; // Pa // boiling point density const double rhob = rhoWaterDean(Tb); // state values const double R = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant; const double M = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::MolarMass::Water; const double b = R * Tc / (8. * pc); // m^3/mol const double rhom = M / (b); // kg/m^3 const double rho = rhob - (rhob - rhom) / (Tc - Tb) * (T_Ads - Tb); return ((rhob - rhom) / (Tc - Tb) * 1. / rho); } // Characteristic curve. Return W (A) double DensityDubinin::characteristicCurve(const double A) const { double W = curvePolyfrac(DensityDubinin_c, A); // cm^3/g if (W < 0.0) { W = 0.0; // TODO [CL] debug output } return W/1.e3; // m^3/kg } double DensityDubinin::dCharacteristicCurve(const double A) const { return dCurvePolyfrac(DensityDubinin_c, A); } } // namespace Adsorption