// slang-ir-restructure.h #pragma once #include "../core/slang-basic.h" namespace Slang { class DiagnosticSink; struct IRBlock; struct IRGlobalValueWithCode; struct IRInst; struct IRLoop; /// A structured control-flow region. /// /// A `Region` is used to layer structured control flow information /// over an existing IR control flow graph (CFG). Each `Region` /// represents a sub-graph of the CFG such that control always /// enters at the start of the region. /// class Region : public RefObject { public: enum class Flavor { Simple, If, Break, Continue, Loop, Switch, }; Flavor getFlavor() { return flavor; } Region* getParent() { return parent; } /// Is this region a descendent of `other`? /// /// For the purpose of this query, a region /// is a descendent of itself. bool isDescendentOf(Region* other); /// Is this region a descendent of `block`? /// /// This tests is the region is a descendent /// of any simple region for `block`. bool isDescendentOf(IRBlock* block); protected: Region(Flavor flavor, Region* parent) : flavor(flavor) , parent(parent) {} /// What kind of region is this? Flavor flavor; /// The parent region of this region. Region* parent; }; /// Base type for regions that have a "next" region. /// /// While we think of it as a region to execute /// after this region, the `nextRegion` is actually /// a *child* region, in that it can see local /// values that were defined in this parent region /// (and any other ancestor regions). class SeqRegion : public Region { protected: SeqRegion(Flavor flavor, Region* parent) : Region(flavor, parent) {} public: /// The (child) region to execute after this one. RefPtr nextRegion; }; /// A simple region that encapsulates a basic block. /// class SimpleRegion : public SeqRegion { public: SimpleRegion(Region* parent, IRBlock* block) : SeqRegion(Region::Flavor::Simple, parent) , block(block) {} /// The basic block for this region. IRBlock* block = nullptr; /// The next simple region for the same block /// /// A single IR basic block may turn into multiple regions, /// if the restructuring pass has to duplicate it (this /// currently happens for the continue clause in a `for` /// loop if it has multiple `continue` sites. /// SimpleRegion* nextSimpleRegionForSameBlock = nullptr; }; /// A conditional region, corresponding to an `if` /// class IfRegion : public SeqRegion { public: IfRegion(Region* parent, IRInst* condition) : SeqRegion(Region::Flavor::If, parent) , condition(condition) {} /// The IR value that controls the conditional branch IRInst* condition; /// The region to execute if the `condition` is `true` RefPtr thenRegion; /// The region to execute if the `condition` is `false` RefPtr elseRegion; }; /// Base type for regions that execution can `break` out of class BreakableRegion : public SeqRegion { protected: BreakableRegion(Flavor flavor, Region* parent) : SeqRegion(flavor, parent) {} }; /// A region that expresses a `break` out of nested control flow. /// class BreakRegion : public Region { public: BreakRegion(Region* parent, BreakableRegion* outerRegion) : Region(Region::Flavor::Break, parent) , outerRegion(outerRegion) {} BreakableRegion* outerRegion; }; /// A structured loop class LoopRegion : public BreakableRegion { public: LoopRegion(Region* parent, IRLoop* loopInst) : BreakableRegion(Region::Flavor::Loop, parent) , loopInst(loopInst) {} /// The IR instruction that represents the branch into the loop. /// We keep this instruction around because it may have decorations /// that need to influence how we emit this loop. /// IRLoop* loopInst; /// The code inside the loop. /// /// The body region may include `break` or `continue` operations for this loop. RefPtr body; }; /// A region that expresses a `continue` for a structured loop. /// class ContinueRegion : public Region { public: ContinueRegion(Region* parent, LoopRegion* outerRegion) : Region(Region::Flavor::Continue, parent) , outerRegion(outerRegion) {} LoopRegion* outerRegion; }; /// A structured `switch` statement. class SwitchRegion : public BreakableRegion { public: SwitchRegion(Region* parent, IRInst* condition) : BreakableRegion(Region::Flavor::Switch, parent) , condition(condition) {} /// The IR value that controls the conditional branch IRInst* condition; /// A collection of `case`s that share the same code. class Case : public RefObject { public: /// The various values that should branch to this case. /// /// It is possible for this list to be empty if this /// is the `default` case and has no explicit values /// that map to it. /// List values; /// The region to execute if this case is selected. RefPtr body; }; /// All of the cases for the `switch`. /// /// This includes any `default` cases. /// /// As an invariant, a case that "falls through" to another /// should immediately precede its target in this list. /// List> cases; /// The default case, if any. /// /// It is valid for this to be `null` if there is no `default` case, /// in which case the default behavior should be to branch to the region /// after the `switch`. /// /// The default case must also be present in `cases`. Case* defaultCase; }; /// Container for all of the regions in a function. /// /// A `RegionTree` owns the `Region` objects associated with a function, /// along with a mapping from basic blocks in the IR function to regions /// in the tree. /// class RegionTree : public RefObject { public: /// Type for the mapping from IR blocks to regions. typedef Dictionary MapBlockToRegion; /// A dictionary to map from IR blocks to regions. MapBlockToRegion mapBlockToRegion; /// The root region of the region tree. RefPtr rootRegion; /// The IR function that was used to compute the region tree. IRGlobalValueWithCode* irCode = nullptr; }; /// Construct structrured regions to represent the control flow in an IR function. /// /// The resulting `RegionTree` will encode a structured (statement-like) /// form for the control flow graph (CFG) of `code`. /// In cases where our current restructuring approach is now powerful /// enough to handle something in the input CFG, diagnostic messages /// will be output to the given `sink`. /// RefPtr generateRegionTreeForFunc( IRGlobalValueWithCode* code, DiagnosticSink* sink); }