# ESMValTool # recipe_kcs.yml --- documentation: title: Reproduce KNMI '14 Climate Scenarios description: > This recipe reproduces the basic steps described in Lenderink 2014, one scenario at a time. references: - lenderink14erl authors: - rol_evert - kalverla_peter - alidoost_sarah maintainer: - unmaintained projects: - eucp cmip5: &cmip5 - {dataset: ACCESS1-0, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp45], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: ACCESS1-0, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp85], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: ACCESS1-3, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp45], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: ACCESS1-3, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp85], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: CanESM2, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp45], ensemble: "r(1:5)i1p1", start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: CCSM4, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp45], ensemble: "r(1:4)i1p1", start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: CCSM4, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp60], ensemble: "r(1:4)i1p1", start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: CCSM4, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp85], ensemble: "r(1:4)i1p1", start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp26], ensemble: "r(1:10)i1p1", start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: BNU-ESM, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp26], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: BNU-ESM, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp45], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} - {dataset: BNU-ESM, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp85], ensemble: r1i1p1, start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} target: &target - {dataset: CCSM4, project: CMIP5, mip: Amon, exp: [historical, rcp85], ensemble: "r(1:4)i1p1", start_year: 1961, end_year: 2099} preprocessors: preprocessor_global: custom_order: true area_statistics: operator: mean annual_statistics: operator: mean anomalies: period: full reference: start_year: 1981 start_month: 1 start_day: 1 end_year: 2010 end_month: 12 end_day: 31 standardize: false multi_model_statistics: span: full statistics: - operator: percentile percent: 10 - operator: percentile percent: 90 preprocessor_local: &extract_NL extract_point: longitude: 6.25 latitude: 51.21 scheme: linear diagnostics: global_matching: description: > - Make a plot of the global mean temperature change according to all datasets (defined above) - Get the global mean temperature change for specified years and specified percentiles (Delta T). These define our scenarios. - Select the 30-year period from the target model (all ensemble members) where they match the Delta T for each scenario. variables: tas_cmip: short_name: tas preprocessor: preprocessor_global additional_datasets: *cmip5 tas_target: short_name: tas preprocessor: preprocessor_global additional_datasets: *target scripts: global_matching: script: kcs/global_matching.py scenario_years: [2050, 2085] scenario_percentiles: [Percentile10, Percentile90] local_resampling: description: > - Divide the 30-year dataset into 5-year blocks - Create all possible combinations out of these 30/5 = 6 periods and x ensemble members (may contain the same block multiple times, but less is better and maximum three times (see third item below)) - Determine the 1000 best ... - Determine the final best variables: pr_target: short_name: pr preprocessor: preprocessor_local additional_datasets: *target tas_target: short_name: tas preprocessor: preprocessor_local additional_datasets: *target pr_cmip: short_name: pr preprocessor: preprocessor_local additional_datasets: *cmip5 tas_cmip: short_name: tas preprocessor: preprocessor_local additional_datasets: *cmip5 scripts: resample: script: kcs/local_resampling.py control_period: [1981, 2010] n_samples: 8 scenarios: ML_MOC: description: "Moderate warming / low changes in seasonal temperature & precipitation, mid-century" global_dT: 1.0 scenario_year: 2050 resampling_period: [2021, 2050] dpr_winter: 4 pr_summer_control: [25, 55] pr_summer_future: [45, 75] tas_winter_control: [50, 80] tas_winter_future: [20, 50] tas_summer_control: [0, 100] tas_summer_future: [0, 50] ML_EOC: description: "Moderate warming / low changes in seasonal temperature & precipitation, mid-century" global_dT: 1.5 scenario_year: 2085 resampling_period: [2031, 2060] dpr_winter: 6 pr_summer_control: [10, 40] pr_summer_future: [60, 90] tas_winter_control: [50, 80] tas_winter_future: [20, 50] tas_summer_control: [0, 100] tas_summer_future: [0, 50] WH_EOC: description: "High warming / high changes in seasonal temperature & precipitation, end of century" global_dT: 3.0 scenario_year: 2085 resampling_period: [2066, 2095] dpr_winter: 24 pr_summer_control: [60, 100] pr_summer_future: [0, 40] tas_winter_control: [20, 50] tas_winter_future: [50, 80] tas_summer_control: [10, 50] tas_summer_future: [60, 100]