/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Set up the finite element problem to suit: returns with all memory */ /* allocated, temperature, viscosity, node locations and how to use */ /* them all established. 8.29.92 or 29.8.92 depending on your nationality*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" #include "citcom_init.h" #include "initial_temperature.h" #include "lith_age.h" #include "material_properties.h" #include "output.h" #include "output_h5.h" #include "parallel_related.h" #include "parsing.h" #include "phase_change.h" void parallel_process_termination(); void allocate_common_vars(struct All_variables*); void allocate_velocity_vars(struct All_variables*); void check_bc_consistency(struct All_variables*); void construct_elt_gs(struct All_variables*); void construct_elt_cs(struct All_variables*); void construct_shape_function_derivatives(struct All_variables *E); void construct_id(struct All_variables*); void construct_ien(struct All_variables*); void construct_lm(struct All_variables*); void construct_masks(struct All_variables*); void construct_shape_functions(struct All_variables*); void construct_sub_element(struct All_variables*); void construct_surf_det (struct All_variables*); void construct_bdry_det (struct All_variables*); void construct_surface (struct All_variables*); void get_initial_elapsed_time(struct All_variables*); void lith_age_init(struct All_variables *E); void mass_matrix(struct All_variables*); void output_init(struct All_variables*); void set_elapsed_time(struct All_variables*); void set_sphere_harmonics (struct All_variables*); void set_starting_age(struct All_variables*); void tracer_initial_settings(struct All_variables*); void tracer_input(struct All_variables*); void viscosity_input(struct All_variables*); void vtk_output(struct All_variables*, int); void get_vtk_filename(char *,int,struct All_variables *,int); void myerror(struct All_variables *,char *); void open_qfiles(struct All_variables *) ; void read_rayleigh_from_file(struct All_variables *); void read_initial_settings(struct All_variables *); void check_settings_consistency(struct All_variables *); void global_derived_values(struct All_variables *); void initial_mesh_solver_setup(struct All_variables *E) { int chatty; //chatty = ((E->parallel.me == 0)&&(E->control.verbose))?(1):(0); chatty = E->parallel.me == 0; E->monitor.cpu_time_at_last_cycle = E->monitor.cpu_time_at_start = CPU_time0(); output_init(E); (E->problem_derived_values)(E); /* call this before global_derived_ */ global_derived_values(E); (E->solver.parallel_processor_setup)(E); /* get # of proc in x,y,z */ (E->solver.parallel_domain_decomp0)(E); /* get local nel, nno, elx, nox et al */ allocate_common_vars(E); (E->problem_allocate_vars)(E); (E->solver_allocate_vars)(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"memory allocation done\n"); /* logical domain */ construct_ien(E); construct_surface(E); (E->solver.construct_boundary)(E); (E->solver.parallel_domain_boundary_nodes)(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"parallel setup done\n"); /* physical domain */ (E->solver.node_locations)(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"node locations done\n"); allocate_velocity_vars(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"velocity vars done\n"); get_initial_elapsed_time(E); /* Set elapsed time */ set_starting_age(E); /* set the starting age to elapsed time, if desired */ set_elapsed_time(E); /* reset to elapsed time to zero, if desired */ /* open the heatflow files here because we need to know about loc_me */ if(E->output.write_q_files) open_qfiles(E); else{ E->output.fpqt = E->output.fpqb = NULL; } if(E->control.lith_age) lith_age_init(E); (E->problem_boundary_conds)(E); check_bc_consistency(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"boundary conditions done\n"); construct_masks(E); /* order is important here */ construct_id(E); construct_lm(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"id/lm done\n"); (E->solver.parallel_communication_routs_v)(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"v communications done\n"); if(E->control.use_cbf_topo){ (E->solver.parallel_communication_routs_s)(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"s communications done\n"); } reference_state(E); construct_sub_element(E); construct_shape_functions(E); construct_shape_function_derivatives(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"shape functions done\n"); construct_elt_gs(E); if(E->control.inv_gruneisen != 0) construct_elt_cs(E); /* this matrix results from spherical geometry */ /* construct_c3x3matrix(E); */ mass_matrix(E); construct_surf_det (E); construct_bdry_det (E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"mass matrix, dets done\n"); set_sphere_harmonics (E); if(E->control.tracer) { tracer_initial_settings(E); (E->problem_tracer_setup)(E); if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"tracer setup done\n"); } #ifdef USE_GGRD /* updating local rayleigh number (based on Netcdf grds, the rayleigh number may be modified laterally in the surface layers) */ if(E->control.ggrd.ray_control) read_rayleigh_from_file(E); #endif if(chatty)fprintf(stderr,"initial_mesh_solver_setup done\n"); } /* This function is replaced by CitcomS.*.setProperties() in Pyre. */ void read_instructions(struct All_variables *E, char *filename) { void read_initial_settings(); void setup_parser(); void shutdown_parser(); /* ================================================== Initialize from the command line from startup files. (See Parsing.c). ================================================== */ setup_parser(E,filename); read_initial_settings(E); shutdown_parser(E); return; } /* This function is replaced by CitcomS.Solver.initial_setup() in Pyre. */ void initial_setup(struct All_variables *E) { initial_mesh_solver_setup(E); general_stokes_solver_setup(E); (E->next_buoyancy_field_init)(E); } void initialize_material(struct All_variables *E) { void construct_mat_group(); void read_mat_from_file(); if(E->control.mat_control) read_mat_from_file(E); else construct_mat_group(E); } /* This function is replaced by CitcomS.Components.IC.launch()*/ void initial_conditions(struct All_variables *E) { void initialize_tracers(); void init_composition(); void common_initial_fields(); initialize_material(E); if (E->control.tracer==1) { initialize_tracers(E); if (E->composition.on) init_composition(E); } (E->problem_initial_fields)(E); /* temperature/chemistry/melting etc */ common_initial_fields(E); /* velocity/pressure/viscosity (viscosity must be done LAST) */ return; } void read_initial_settings(struct All_variables *E) { void set_convection_defaults(); void set_cg_defaults(); void set_mg_defaults(); float tmp; double ell_tmp; int m=E->parallel.me,i; double levmax; int tmp_int_in; /* first the problem type (defines subsequent behaviour) */ input_string("Problem",E->control.PROBLEM_TYPE,"convection",m); if ( strcmp(E->control.PROBLEM_TYPE,"convection") == 0) set_convection_defaults(E); else if ( strcmp(E->control.PROBLEM_TYPE,"convection-chemical") == 0) set_convection_defaults(E); else { fprintf(E->fp,"Unable to determine problem type, assuming convection ... \n"); set_convection_defaults(E); } input_string("Geometry",E->control.GEOMETRY,"sphere",m); if ( strcmp(E->control.GEOMETRY,"sphere") == 0) (E->solver.set_3dsphere_defaults)(E); else { fprintf(E->fp,"Unable to determine geometry, assuming sphere 3d ... \n"); (E->solver.set_3dsphere_defaults)(E); } input_string("Solver",E->control.SOLVER_TYPE,"cgrad",m); if ( strcmp(E->control.SOLVER_TYPE,"cgrad") == 0) set_cg_defaults(E); else if ( strcmp(E->control.SOLVER_TYPE,"multigrid") == 0) set_mg_defaults(E); else { if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"Unable to determine how to solve, specify Solver=VALID_OPTION \n"); parallel_process_termination(); } /* Information on which files to print, which variables of the flow to calculate and print. Default is no information recorded (apart from special things for given applications. */ input_string("datadir",E->control.data_dir,".",m); input_string("datafile",E->control.data_prefix,"initialize",m); input_string("datadir_old",E->control.data_dir_old,".",m); input_string("datafile_old",E->control.data_prefix_old,"initialize",m); input_int("nproc_surf",&(E->parallel.nprocxy),"1",m); input_int("nprocx",&(E->parallel.nprocx),"1",m); input_int("nprocy",&(E->parallel.nprocy),"1",m); input_int("nprocz",&(E->parallel.nprocz),"1",m); if (E->control.CONJ_GRAD) { input_int("nodex",&(E->mesh.nox),"essential",m); input_int("nodez",&(E->mesh.noz),"essential",m); input_int("nodey",&(E->mesh.noy),"essential",m); E->mesh.mgunitx = (E->mesh.nox - 1) / E->parallel.nprocx; E->mesh.mgunity = (E->mesh.noy - 1) / E->parallel.nprocy; E->mesh.mgunitz = (E->mesh.noz - 1) / E->parallel.nprocz; E->mesh.levels = 1; } else { input_int("mgunitx",&(E->mesh.mgunitx),"1",m); input_int("mgunitz",&(E->mesh.mgunitz),"1",m); input_int("mgunity",&(E->mesh.mgunity),"1",m); input_int("levels",&(E->mesh.levels),"1",m); levmax = E->mesh.levels - 1; E->mesh.nox = E->mesh.mgunitx * (int) pow(2.0,levmax) * E->parallel.nprocx + 1; E->mesh.noy = E->mesh.mgunity * (int) pow(2.0,levmax) * E->parallel.nprocy + 1; E->mesh.noz = E->mesh.mgunitz * (int) pow(2.0,levmax) * E->parallel.nprocz + 1; } input_double("radius_outer",&(E->sphere.ro),"1",m); input_double("radius_inner",&(E->sphere.ri),"0.55",m); if(E->sphere.caps == 1) { input_double("theta_min",&(E->control.theta_min),"essential",m); input_double("theta_max",&(E->control.theta_max),"essential",m); input_double("fi_min",&(E->control.fi_min),"essential",m); input_double("fi_max",&(E->control.fi_max),"essential",m); } input_int("coor",&(E->control.coor),"0",m); if(E->control.coor == 2){ /* refinement in two layers */ /* number of refinement layers */ E->control.coor_refine[0] = 0.10; /* bottom 10% */ E->control.coor_refine[1] = 0.15; /* get 15% of the nodes */ E->control.coor_refine[2] = 0.10; /* top 10% */ E->control.coor_refine[3] = 0.20; /* get 20% of the nodes */ input_float_vector("coor_refine",4,E->control.coor_refine,m); }else if(E->control.coor == 3){ /* refinement CitcomCU style, by reading in layers, e.g. r_grid_layers=3 # minus 1 is number of layers with uniform grid in r rr=0.5,0.75,1.0 # starting and ending r coodinates nr=1,37,97 # starting and ending node in r direction */ input_int("r_grid_layers", &(E->control.rlayers), "1",m); if(E->control.rlayers > 20) myerror(E,"number of rlayers out of bounds (20) for coor = 3"); /* layers radii */ input_float_vector("rr", E->control.rlayers, (E->control.rrlayer),m); /* associated node numbers */ input_int_vector("nr", E->control.rlayers, (E->control.nrlayer),m); } input_string("coor_file",E->control.coor_file,"",m); input_boolean("node_assemble",&(E->control.NASSEMBLE),"off",m); /* general mesh structure */ input_boolean("verbose",&(E->control.verbose),"off",m); input_boolean("see_convergence",&(E->control.print_convergence),"off",m); input_boolean("stokes_flow_only",&(E->control.stokes),"off",m); //input_boolean("remove_hor_buoy_avg",&(E->control.remove_hor_buoy_avg),"on",m); /* restart from checkpoint file */ input_boolean("restart",&(E->control.restart),"off",m); input_int("post_p",&(E->control.post_p),"0",m); input_int("solution_cycles_init",&(E->monitor.solution_cycles_init),"0",m); /* for layers */ input_int("num_mat",&(E->viscosity.num_mat),"1",m); /* number of layers, moved from Viscosity_structures.c */ if(E->viscosity.num_mat > CITCOM_MAX_VISC_LAYER) myerror(E,"too many viscosity layers as per num_mat, increase CITCOM_MAX_VISC_LAYER"); /* those are specific depth layers associated with phase transitions, default values should be fixed */ input_float("z_cmb",&(E->viscosity.zcmb),"0.45",m); /* 0.45063569 */ input_float("z_lmantle",&(E->viscosity.zlm),"0.103594412180191",m); /*0.10359441 */ input_float("z_410",&(E->viscosity.z410),"0.0643541045361796",m); /* 0.06434, more like it */ input_float("z_lith",&(E->viscosity.zlith),"0.0156961230576048",m); /* 0.0157, more like it */ /* those are depth layers associated with viscosity or material jumps, they may or may not be identical with the phase changes */ E->viscosity.zbase_layer[0] = E->viscosity.zbase_layer[1] = -999; input_float_vector("z_layer",E->viscosity.num_mat,(E->viscosity.zbase_layer),m); /* the start age and initial subduction history */ input_float("start_age",&(E->control.start_age),"0.0",m); input_int("reset_startage",&(E->control.reset_startage),"0",m); input_int("zero_elapsed_time",&(E->control.zero_elapsed_time),"0",m); input_int("output_ll_max",&(E->output.llmax),"1",m); input_int("topvbc",&(E->mesh.topvbc),"0",m); input_int("botvbc",&(E->mesh.botvbc),"0",m); /* internal boundary conditions */ input_int("toplayerbc",&(E->mesh.toplayerbc),"0",m); /* > 0: apply surface boundary condition throughout all nodes with r > toplayerbc_r < 0: apply to single node layer noz+toplayerbc */ input_float("toplayerbc_r",&(E->mesh.toplayerbc_r),"0.984303876942",m); /* minimum r to apply BC to, 100 km depth */ input_float("topvbxval",&(E->control.VBXtopval),"0.0",m); input_float("botvbxval",&(E->control.VBXbotval),"0.0",m); input_float("topvbyval",&(E->control.VBYtopval),"0.0",m); input_float("botvbyval",&(E->control.VBYbotval),"0.0",m); input_float("T_interior_max_for_exit",&(E->monitor.T_interior_max_for_exit),"1.5",m); input_int("pseudo_free_surf",&(E->control.pseudo_free_surf),"0",m); input_int("toptbc",&(E->mesh.toptbc),"1",m); input_int("bottbc",&(E->mesh.bottbc),"1",m); input_float("toptbcval",&(E->control.TBCtopval),"0.0",m); input_float("bottbcval",&(E->control.TBCbotval),"1.0",m); input_boolean("side_sbcs",&(E->control.side_sbcs),"off",m); input_int("file_vbcs",&(E->control.vbcs_file),"0",m); input_string("vel_bound_file",E->control.velocity_boundary_file,"",m); input_int("file_tbcs",&(E->control.tbcs_file),"0",m); input_string("temp_bound_file",E->control.temperature_boundary_file,"",m); input_int("reference_state",&(E->refstate.choice),"1",m); if(E->refstate.choice == 0) { input_string("refstate_file",E->refstate.filename,"refstate.dat",m); } input_int("mineral_physics_model",&(E->control.mineral_physics_model),"1",m); input_int("mat_control",&(E->control.mat_control),"0",m); input_string("mat_file",E->control.mat_file,"",m); input_boolean("precise_strain_rate",&(E->control.precise_strain_rate),"off",m); #ifdef USE_GGRD /* note that this part of the code might override mat_control, file_vbcs, MATERIAL CONTROL usage: (a) ggrd_mat_control=2 ggrd_mat_file="weak.grd" read in time-constant prefactors from weak.grd netcdf file that apply to top two E->mat layers i.e. ggrd_mat_control > 0 --> assign to layers with ilayer <= ggrd_mat_control ggrd_mat_control < 0 --> assign to layers with ilayer == -ggrd_mat_control (b) ggrd_mat_control=2 ggrd_mat_file="mythist" ggrd_time_hist_file="mythist/times.dat" time-dependent, will look for n files named mythist/i/weak.grd where i = 1...n and n is the number of times as specified in ggrd_time_hist_file which has time in Ma for n stages like so -->age is positive, and forward marching in time decreases the age<-- 0 15 15 30 30 60 in the example above, the input grid is a layer. if it's a 3D model, provide ggrd_mat_depth_file, akin to temperature input */ ggrd_init_master(&E->control.ggrd); /* this is controlling velocities, material, and age */ /* time history file, if not specified, will use constant VBCs and material grids */ input_string("ggrd_time_hist_file", E->control.ggrd.time_hist.file,"",m); /* if > 0, will use top E->control.ggrd.mat_control layers and assign a prefactor for the viscosity */ /* if < 0, will assign only to layer == -ggrd_mat_control */ input_int("ggrd_mat_control",&(E->control.ggrd.mat_control),"0",m); input_boolean("ggrd_mat_limit_prefactor",&(E->control.ggrd_mat_limit_prefactor),"on",m); /* limit prefactor to with 1e+/-5 */ input_int("ggrd_mat_is_code",&(E->control.ggrd_mat_is_code),"0",m); /* the viscosity grids are actually codes for different types of rheologies, from 1 .... cmax */ if(E->control.ggrd_mat_is_code){ /* we need code assignments */ E->control.ggrd_mat_code_viscosities = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*E->control.ggrd_mat_is_code); for(i=0;i < E->control.ggrd_mat_is_code;i++) E->control.ggrd_mat_code_viscosities[i] = 1; input_float_vector("ggrd_mat_code_viscosities", E->control.ggrd_mat_is_code,(E->control.ggrd_mat_code_viscosities),m); } input_string("ggrd_mat_file",E->control.ggrd.mat_file,"",m); /* file to read prefactors from */ input_string("ggrd_mat_depth_file", E->control.ggrd_mat_depth_file,"_i_do_not_exist_",m); if(E->control.ggrd.mat_control != 0) /* this will override mat_control setting */ E->control.mat_control = 1; /* Surface layer Rayleigh number control, similar to above */ input_int("ggrd_rayleigh_control", &(E->control.ggrd.ray_control),"0",m); input_string("ggrd_rayleigh_file", E->control.ggrd.ray_file,"",m); /* file to read prefactors from */ /* surface velocity control, similar to material control above if time-dependent, will look for ggrd_vtop_file/i/v?.grd if constant, will look for ggrd_vtop_file/v?.grd where vp/vt.grd are Netcdf GRD files with East and South velocities in cm/yr */ input_int("ggrd_vtop_control",&(E->control.ggrd.vtop_control),"0",m); input_string("ggrd_vtop_dir",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir,"",m); /* file to read prefactors from */ /* if ggrd_vtop_euler is set, will read wx wy wz from E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir/rotvec.dat and location codes from E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir/code.grd assigning euler vector velocities in cm/yr assuming wx/wy/wz are in deg/Myr codes go between 1....N where N is the number of entries in rotvec.dat */ input_boolean("ggrd_vtop_euler",&(E->control.ggrd_vtop_euler),"off",m); if(E->control.ggrd_vtop_euler) E->control.ggrd.vtop_control = 1; if(E->control.ggrd.vtop_control) /* this will override mat_control setting */ E->control.vbcs_file = 1; /* if set, will check the theta velocities from grid input for scaled (internal non dim) values of > 1e9. if found, those nodes will be set to free slip */ input_boolean("allow_mixed_vbcs",&(E->control.ggrd_allow_mixed_vbcs),"off",m); /* when assigning composition from grid file, allow values between 0 and 1 ? default will ronud up/down to 0 or 1 */ input_boolean("ggrd_comp_smooth",&(E->control.ggrd_comp_smooth),"off",m); #endif input_boolean("aug_lagr",&(E->control.augmented_Lagr),"off",m); input_double("aug_number",&(E->control.augmented),"0.0",m); input_boolean("remove_rigid_rotation",&(E->control.remove_rigid_rotation),"on",m); input_boolean("inner_remove_rigid_rotation",&(E->control.inner_remove_rigid_rotation),"off",m); input_boolean("remove_angular_momentum",&(E->control.remove_angular_momentum),"on",m); input_boolean("self_gravitation",&(E->control.self_gravitation),"off",m); input_boolean("use_cbf_topo",&(E->control.use_cbf_topo),"off",m); /* make default on later XXX TWB */ input_int("storage_spacing",&(E->control.record_every),"10",m); input_int("checkpointFrequency",&(E->control.checkpoint_frequency),"100",m); input_int("cpu_limits_in_seconds",&(E->control.record_all_until),"5",m); input_int("write_q_files",&(E->output.write_q_files),"0",m);/* write additional heat flux files? */ if(E->output.write_q_files){ /* make sure those get written at least as often as velocities */ E->output.write_q_files = min(E->output.write_q_files,E->control.record_every); } input_boolean("precond",&(E->control.precondition),"off",m); input_int("mg_cycle",&(E->control.mg_cycle),"2,0,nomax",m); input_int("down_heavy",&(E->control.down_heavy),"1,0,nomax",m); input_int("up_heavy",&(E->control.up_heavy),"1,0,nomax",m); input_double("accuracy",&(E->control.accuracy),"1.0e-4,0.0,1.0",m); input_double("inner_accuracy_scale",&(E->control.inner_accuracy_scale),"1.0,0.000001,1.0",m); input_boolean("force_iteration",&(E->control.force_iteration),"off",m); input_boolean("check_continuity_convergence",&(E->control.check_continuity_convergence),"on",m); input_boolean("check_pressure_convergence",&(E->control.check_pressure_convergence),"on",m); /* for backward compatibility, override */ input_boolean("only_check_vel_convergence",&tmp_int_in,"off",m); if(tmp_int_in){ E->control.check_continuity_convergence = 0; E->control.check_pressure_convergence = 0; } input_int("vhighstep",&(E->control.v_steps_high),"1,0,nomax",m); input_int("vlowstep",&(E->control.v_steps_low),"250,0,nomax",m); input_int("max_mg_cycles",&(E->control.max_mg_cycles),"50,0,nomax",m); input_int("piterations",&(E->control.p_iterations),"100,0,nomax",m); input_float("rayleigh",&(E->control.Atemp),"essential",m); input_float("dissipation_number",&(E->control.disptn_number),"0.0",m); input_float("gruneisen",&(tmp),"0.0",m); /* special case: if tmp==0, set gruneisen as inf */ if(tmp != 0) E->control.inv_gruneisen = 1/tmp; else E->control.inv_gruneisen = 0; if(E->control.inv_gruneisen != 0) { /* which compressible solver to use: "cg" or "bicg" */ input_string("uzawa",E->control.uzawa,"cg",m); if(strcmp(E->control.uzawa, "cg") == 0) { /* more convergence parameters for "cg" */ input_int("compress_iter_maxstep",&(E->control.compress_iter_maxstep),"100",m); } else if(strcmp(E->control.uzawa, "bicg") == 0) { } else myerror(E, "Error: unknown Uzawa iteration\n"); } input_float("surfaceT",&(E->control.surface_temp),"0.1",m); /*input_float("adiabaticT0",&(E->control.adiabaticT0),"0.4",m);*/ input_float("Q0",&(E->control.Q0),"0.0",m); /* Q0_enriched gets read in Tracer_setup.c */ /* data section */ input_float("gravacc",&(E->data.grav_acc),"9.81",m); input_float("thermexp",&(E->data.therm_exp),"3.0e-5",m); input_float("cp",&(E->data.Cp),"1200.0",m); input_float("thermdiff",&(E->data.therm_diff),"1.0e-6",m); input_float("density",&(E->data.density),"3340.0",m); input_float("density_above",&(E->data.density_above),"1030.0",m); input_float("density_below",&(E->data.density_below),"6600.0",m); input_float("refvisc",&(E->data.ref_viscosity),"1.0e21",m); input_double("ellipticity",&ell_tmp,"0.0",m); #ifdef ALLOW_ELLIPTICAL /* ellipticity and rotation settings */ /* f = (a-c)/a, where c is the short, a=b the long axis 1/298.257 = 0.00335281317789691 for Earth at present day */ E->data.ellipticity = ell_tmp; if(fabs(E->data.ellipticity) > 5e-7){ /* define ra and rc such that R=1 is the volume equivalanet */ E->data.ra = pow((1.-E->data.ellipticity),-1./3.); /* non dim long axis */ E->data.rc = 1./(E->data.ra * E->data.ra); /* non dim short axis */ E->data.efac = (1.-E->data.ellipticity)*(1.-E->data.ellipticity); if(E->parallel.me == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL: ellipticity: %.5e equivalent radii: r_a: %g r_b: %g\n", E->data.ellipticity,E->data.ra,E->data.rc); } E->data.use_ellipse = 1; }else{ E->data.ra = E->data.rc = E->data.efac=1.0; E->data.use_ellipse = 0; } /* centrifugal ratio between \omega^2 a^3/GM, 3.46775e-3 for the Earth at present day */ input_double("rotation_m",&E->data.rotm,"0.0",m); if(fabs(E->data.rotm) > 5e-7){ /* J2 from flattening */ E->data.j2 = 2./3.*E->data.ellipticity*(1.-E->data.ellipticity/2.)- E->data.rotm/3.*(1.-3./2.*E->data.rotm-2./7.*E->data.ellipticity); /* normalized gravity at the equator */ E->data.ge = 1/(E->data.ra*E->data.ra)*(1+3./2.*E->data.j2-E->data.rotm); if(E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: rotational fraction m: %.5e J2: %.5e g_e: %g\n", E->data.rotm,E->data.j2,E->data.ge); E->data.use_rotation_g = 1; }else{ E->data.use_rotation_g = 0; } #else if(fabs(ell_tmp) > 5e-7){ myerror(E,"ellipticity not zero, but not compiled with ALLOW_ELLIPTICAL"); } #endif input_float("radius",&tmp,"6371e3.0",m); E->data.radius_km = tmp / 1e3; E->data.therm_cond = E->data.therm_diff * E->data.density * E->data.Cp; E->data.ref_temperature = E->control.Atemp * E->data.therm_diff * E->data.ref_viscosity / (E->data.density * E->data.grav_acc * E->data.therm_exp) / (E->data.radius_km * E->data.radius_km * E->data.radius_km * 1e9); output_common_input(E); h5input_params(E); phase_change_input(E); lith_age_input(E); tic_input(E); tracer_input(E); viscosity_input(E); /* moved the viscosity input behind the tracer input */ (E->problem_settings)(E); #ifdef USE_PETSC /* PETSc related flags */ input_boolean("use_petsc",&E->control.use_petsc,"off",m); input_boolean("petsc_linear",&E->control.petsc_linear,"on",m); input_boolean("petsc_nonlinear",&E->control.petsc_nonlinear,"off",m); input_boolean("petsc_schur",&E->control.petsc_schur,"off",m); input_float("petsc_uzawa_tol", &E->control.petsc_uzawa_tol, "1e-6", m); #endif check_settings_consistency(E); return; } /* Checking the consistency of input parameters */ void check_settings_consistency(struct All_variables *E) { if (E->control.CONJ_GRAD) { /* conjugate gradient has only one level */ if(E->mesh.levels != 1) myerror(E, "Conjugate gradient solver is used. 'levels' must be 1.\n"); } else { /* multigrid solver needs two or more levels */ if(E->mesh.levels < 2) myerror(E, "number of multigrid levels < 2\n"); if(E->mesh.levels > MAX_LEVELS) myerror(E, "number of multigrid levels out of bound\n"); } /* remove angular momentum/rigid rotation should only be done in free convection of global models. */ if(E->sphere.caps == 12 && (E->control.remove_angular_momentum || E->control.remove_rigid_rotation) && (E->mesh.topvbc || E->mesh.botvbc || E->control.side_sbcs)) { if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"\nWARNING: The input parameters impose boundary velocity, but also remove angular momentum/rigid rotation!\n\n"); } /* no z_layer input found */ if((fabs(E->viscosity.zbase_layer[0]+999) < 1e-5) && (fabs(E->viscosity.zbase_layer[1]+999) < 1e-5)) { if(E->viscosity.num_mat != 4) myerror(E,"error: either use z_layer for non dim layer depths, or set num_mat to four"); E->viscosity.zbase_layer[0] = E->viscosity.zlith; E->viscosity.zbase_layer[1] = E->viscosity.z410; E->viscosity.zbase_layer[2] = E->viscosity.zlm; E->viscosity.zbase_layer[3] = E->viscosity.zcmb; /* the lowest layers is never checked, really if x3 < zlm, then the last layers gets assigned i left this in for backward compatibility */ } if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) { #ifndef USE_GZDIR /* zlib is required for vtk binary output */ if(E->parallel.me == 0) { fputs("VTK binary output requires zlib, but couldn't find it at 'configure' time. Please either use VTK ascii output or re-run 'configure' with suitable flags.\n", stderr); } parallel_process_termination(); #endif } return; } /* Setup global mesh parameters */ void global_derived_values(struct All_variables *E) { int d,i,nox,noz,noy; E->mesh.levmax = E->mesh.levels-1; E->mesh.gridmax = E->mesh.levmax; E->mesh.elx = E->mesh.nox-1; E->mesh.ely = E->mesh.noy-1; E->mesh.elz = E->mesh.noz-1; if(E->sphere.caps == 1) { /* number of nodes, excluding overlaping nodes between processors */ E->mesh.nno = E->sphere.caps * E->mesh.nox * E->mesh.noy * E->mesh.noz; } else { /* number of nodes, excluding overlaping nodes between processors */ /* each cap has one row of nox and one row of noy overlapped, exclude these nodes. * nodes at north/south poles are exclued by all caps, include them by 2*noz*/ E->mesh.nno = E->sphere.caps * (E->mesh.nox-1) * (E->mesh.noy-1) * E->mesh.noz + 2*E->mesh.noz; } E->mesh.nel = E->sphere.caps*E->mesh.elx*E->mesh.elz*E->mesh.ely; E->mesh.nnov = E->mesh.nno; /* this is a rough estimate for global neq, a more accurate neq will be computed later. */ E->mesh.neq = E->mesh.nnov*E->mesh.nsd; E->mesh.npno = E->mesh.nel; E->mesh.nsf = E->mesh.nox*E->mesh.noy; for(i=E->mesh.levmax;i>=E->mesh.levmin;i--) { nox = E->mesh.mgunitx * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i)*E->parallel.nprocx + 1; noy = E->mesh.mgunity * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i)*E->parallel.nprocy + 1; noz = E->mesh.mgunitz * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i)*E->parallel.nprocz + 1; E->mesh.ELX[i] = nox-1; E->mesh.ELY[i] = noy-1; E->mesh.ELZ[i] = noz-1; if(E->sphere.caps == 1) { E->mesh.NNO[i] = nox * noz * noy; } else { E->mesh.NNO[i] = E->sphere.caps * (nox-1) * (noy-1) * noz + 2 * noz; } E->mesh.NEL[i] = E->sphere.caps * (nox-1) * (noz-1) * (noy-1); E->mesh.NPNO[i] = E->mesh.NEL[i] ; E->mesh.NOX[i] = nox; E->mesh.NOZ[i] = noz; E->mesh.NOY[i] = noy; E->mesh.NNOV[i] = E->mesh.NNO[i]; E->mesh.NEQ[i] = E->mesh.nsd * E->mesh.NNOV[i] ; } /* Scaling from dimensionless units to Millions of years for input velocity and time, timdir is the direction of time for advection. CPC 6/25/00 */ /* Myr */ E->data.scalet = (E->data.radius_km*1e3*E->data.radius_km*1e3/E->data.therm_diff)/(1.e6*365.25*24*3600); /* cm/yr */ E->data.scalev = (E->data.radius_km*1e3/E->data.therm_diff)/(100*365.25*24*3600); E->data.timedir = E->control.Atemp / fabs(E->control.Atemp); if(E->control.print_convergence && E->parallel.me==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Problem has %i x %i x %i nodes per cap, %i nodes and %i elements in total\n", E->mesh.nox, E->mesh.noz, E->mesh.noy, E->mesh.nno, E->mesh.nel); fprintf(E->fp,"Problem has %i x %i x %i nodes per cap, %i nodes and %i elements in total\n", E->mesh.nox, E->mesh.noz, E->mesh.noy, E->mesh.nno, E->mesh.nel); } return; } /* =================================== Functions which set up details common to all problems follow ... =================================== */ void allocate_common_vars(E) struct All_variables *E; { void set_up_nonmg_aliases(); int m,n,snel,nsf,elx,ely,nox,noy,noz,nno,nel,npno,lim; int k,i,j,d,l,nno_l,npno_l,nozl,nnov_l,nxyz; m=0; n=1; npno = E->lmesh.npno; nel = E->lmesh.nel; nno = E->lmesh.nno; nsf = E->lmesh.nsf; noz = E->lmesh.noz; nox = E->lmesh.nox; noy = E->lmesh.noy; elx = E->lmesh.elx; ely = E->lmesh.ely; E->P = (double *) malloc(npno*sizeof(double)); E->T = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); E->NP = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->buoyancy[CPPR] = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); E->gstress = (float *) malloc((6*nno+1)*sizeof(float)); // TWB do we need this anymore XXX //E->stress[j] = (float *) malloc((12*nsf+1)*sizeof(float)); for(i=1;i<=E->mesh.nsd;i++) E->sphere.cap[CPPR].TB[i] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->slice.tpg = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); E->slice.tpgb = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); E->slice.divg = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); E->slice.vort = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); E->slice.shflux = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); E->slice.bhflux = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); /* if(E->mesh.topvbc==2 && E->control.pseudo_free_surf) */ E->slice.freesurf = (float *)malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(float)); E->mat = (int *) malloc((nel+2)*sizeof(int)); E->VIP = (float *) malloc((nel+2)*sizeof(float)); E->heating_adi = (double *) malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(double)); E->heating_visc = (double *) malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(double)); E->heating_latent = (double *) malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(double)); /* lump mass matrix for the energy eqn */ E->TMass = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); /* nodal mass */ E->NMass = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); nxyz = max(nox*noz,nox*noy); nxyz = 2*max(nxyz,noz*noy); E->sien = (struct SIEN *) malloc((nxyz+2)*sizeof(struct SIEN)); E->surf_element = (int *) malloc((nxyz+2)*sizeof(int)); E->surf_node = (int *) malloc((nsf+2)*sizeof(int)); /* density field */ E->rho = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); /* horizontal average */ E->Have.T = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.noz+2)*sizeof(float)); E->Have.V[1] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.noz+2)*sizeof(float)); E->Have.V[2] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.noz+2)*sizeof(float)); E->sphere.gr = (double *)malloc((E->mesh.noz+1)*sizeof(double)); for(i=E->mesh.levmin;i<=E->mesh.levmax;i++) { E->sphere.R[i] = (double *) malloc((E->lmesh.NOZ[i]+1)*sizeof(double)); nno = E->lmesh.NNO[i]; npno = E->lmesh.NPNO[i]; nel = E->lmesh.NEL[i]; nox = E->lmesh.NOX[i]; noz = E->lmesh.NOZ[i]; noy = E->lmesh.NOY[i]; elx = E->lmesh.ELX[i]; ely = E->lmesh.ELY[i]; snel=E->lmesh.SNEL[i]; for(d=1;d<=E->mesh.nsd;d++) { E->X[i][d] = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); E->SX[i][d] = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); } for(d=0;d<=3;d++) E->SinCos[i][d] = (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); E->IEN[i] = (struct IEN *) malloc((nel+2)*sizeof(struct IEN)); E->EL[i] = (struct SUBEL *) malloc((nel+2)*sizeof(struct SUBEL)); E->sphere.area1[i][CPPR] = (double *) malloc((snel+1)*sizeof(double)); for (k=1;k<=4;k++) E->sphere.angle1[i][CPPR][k] = (double *) malloc((snel+1)*sizeof(double)); E->GNX[i] = (struct Shape_function_dx *)malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(struct Shape_function_dx)); E->GDA[i] = (struct Shape_function_dA *)malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(struct Shape_function_dA)); E->MASS[i]= (double *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(double)); E->ECO[i] = (struct COORD *) malloc((nno+2)*sizeof(struct COORD)); E->TWW[i] = (struct FNODE *) malloc((nel+2)*sizeof(struct FNODE)); for(d=1;d<=E->mesh.nsd;d++) for(l=1;l<=E->lmesh.NNO[i];l++) { E->SX[i][d][l] = 0.0; E->X[i][d][l] = 0.0; } } for(i=0;i<=E->output.llmax;i++) E->sphere.hindex[i] = (int *) malloc((E->output.llmax+3) *sizeof(int)); for(i=E->mesh.gridmin;i<=E->mesh.gridmax;i++) { nno = E->lmesh.NNO[i]; npno = E->lmesh.NPNO[i]; nel = E->lmesh.NEL[i]; nox = E->lmesh.NOX[i]; noz = E->lmesh.NOZ[i]; noy = E->lmesh.NOY[i]; elx = E->lmesh.ELX[i]; ely = E->lmesh.ELY[i]; nxyz = elx*ely; E->CC[i] =(struct CC *) malloc((1)*sizeof(struct CC)); E->CCX[i]=(struct CCX *) malloc((1)*sizeof(struct CCX)); E->elt_del[i] = (struct EG *) malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(struct EG)); if(E->control.inv_gruneisen != 0) E->elt_c[i] = (struct EC *) malloc((nel+1)*sizeof(struct EC)); E->EVI[i] = (float *) malloc((nel+1)*vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]*sizeof(float)); E->BPI[i] = (double *) malloc((npno+1)*sizeof(double)); E->ID[i] = (struct ID *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(struct ID)); E->VI[i] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->NODE[i] = (unsigned int *)malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(unsigned int)); nxyz = max(nox*noz,nox*noy); nxyz = 2*max(nxyz,noz*noy); nozl = max(noy,nox*2); E->parallel.EXCHANGE_sNODE[i] = (struct PASS *) malloc((nozl+2)*sizeof(struct PASS)); E->parallel.NODE[i] = (struct BOUND *) malloc((nxyz+2)*sizeof(struct BOUND)); E->parallel.EXCHANGE_NODE[i]= (struct PASS *) malloc((nxyz+2)*sizeof(struct PASS)); E->parallel.EXCHANGE_ID[i] = (struct PASS *) malloc((nxyz*E->mesh.nsd+3)*sizeof(struct PASS)); for(l=1;l<=E->lmesh.NNO[i];l++) { E->NODE[i][l] = (INTX | INTY | INTZ); /* and any others ... */ E->VI[i][l] = 1.0; } } /* end for cap and i & j */ #ifdef CITCOM_ALLOW_ANISOTROPIC_VISC if(E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity){ /* any anisotropic viscosity */ for(i=E->mesh.gridmin;i<=E->mesh.gridmax;i++) { nel = E->lmesh.NEL[i]; nno = E->lmesh.NNO[i]; E->EVI2[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nel+1)*vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]*sizeof(float)); E->avmode[i][CPPR] = (unsigned char *) malloc((nel+1)*vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]*sizeof(unsigned char)); E->EVIn1[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nel+1)*vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]*sizeof(float)); E->EVIn2[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nel+1)*vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]*sizeof(float)); E->EVIn3[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nel+1)*vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]*sizeof(float)); E->VI2[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->VIn1[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->VIn2[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->VIn3[i][CPPR] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); if((!(E->EVI2[i][CPPR]))||(!(E->VI2[i][CPPR]))|| (!(E->EVIn1[i][CPPR]))||(!(E->EVIn2[i][CPPR]))||(!(E->EVIn3[i][CPPR]))|| (!(E->VIn1[i][CPPR]))||(!(E->VIn2[i][CPPR]))||(!(E->VIn3[i][CPPR]))){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot allocate anisotropic visc memory, rank=%i\n", E->parallel.me); parallel_process_termination(); } } E->viscosity.anisotropic_viscosity_init = FALSE; } #endif for(k=1;k<=E->mesh.nsd;k++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) E->sphere.cap[CPPR].TB[k][i] = 0.0; for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) E->T[i] = 0.0; for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nel;i++) { E->mat[i]=1; E->VIP[i]=1.0; E->heating_adi[i] = 0; E->heating_visc[i] = 0; E->heating_latent[i] = 1.0; } for(i=0;ilmesh.npno;i++) E->P[i] = 0.0; mat_prop_allocate(E); phase_change_allocate(E); set_up_nonmg_aliases(E); if (strcmp(E->output.format, "hdf5") == 0) h5output_allocate_memory(E); } /* ========================================================= */ void allocate_velocity_vars(E) struct All_variables *E; { int m,n,i,j,k,l; E->monitor.incompressibility = 0; E->monitor.fdotf = 0; E->monitor.vdotv = 0; E->monitor.pdotp = 0; m=0; n=1; E->lmesh.nnov = E->lmesh.nno; E->lmesh.neq = E->lmesh.nnov * E->mesh.nsd; E->temp = (double *) malloc((E->lmesh.neq+1)*sizeof(double)); E->temp1 = (double *) malloc(E->lmesh.neq*sizeof(double)); E->F = (double *) malloc(E->lmesh.neq*sizeof(double)); E->U = (double *) malloc(E->lmesh.neq*sizeof(double)); E->u1 = (double *) malloc(E->lmesh.neq*sizeof(double)); for(i=1;i<=E->mesh.nsd;i++) { E->sphere.cap[CPPR].V[i] = (float *) malloc((E->lmesh.nnov+1)*sizeof(float)); E->sphere.cap[CPPR].VB[i] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nnov+1)*sizeof(float)); E->sphere.cap[CPPR].Vprev[i] = (float *) malloc((E->lmesh.nnov+1)*sizeof(float)); } for(i=0;ilmesh.neq;i++) E->U[i] = E->temp[i] = E->temp1[i] = 0.0; for(k=1;k<=E->mesh.nsd;k++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nnov;i++) E->sphere.cap[CPPR].VB[k][i] = 0.0; for(l=E->mesh.gridmin;l<=E->mesh.gridmax;l++) { E->lmesh.NEQ[l] = E->lmesh.NNOV[l] * E->mesh.nsd; E->BI[l] = (double *) malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[l])*sizeof(double)); k = (E->lmesh.NOX[l]*E->lmesh.NOZ[l]+E->lmesh.NOX[l]*E->lmesh.NOY[l]+ E->lmesh.NOY[l]*E->lmesh.NOZ[l])*6; E->zero_resid[l] = (int *) malloc((k+2)*sizeof(int)); E->parallel.Skip_id[l] = (int *) malloc((k+2)*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;ilmesh.NEQ[l];i++) { E->BI[l][i]=0.0; } } /* end for j & l */ } /* ========================================================= */ void global_default_values(E) struct All_variables *E; { /* FIRST: values which are not changed routinely by the user */ E->control.v_steps_low = 10; E->control.v_steps_upper = 1; E->control.accuracy = 1.0e-4; E->control.verbose=0; /* debugging/profiles */ /* SECOND: values for which an obvious default setting is useful */ E->control.stokes=0; E->control.restart=0; E->control.CONVECTION = 0; E->control.CART2D = 0; E->control.CART3D = 0; E->control.CART2pt5D = 0; E->control.AXI = 0; E->control.CONJ_GRAD = 0; E->control.NMULTIGRID = 0; E->control.augmented_Lagr = 0; E->control.augmented = 0.0; E->trace.fpt = NULL; E->control.tracer = 0; E->composition.on = 0; E->parallel.nprocx=1; E->parallel.nprocz=1; E->parallel.nprocy=1; E->mesh.levmax=0; E->mesh.levmin=0; E->mesh.gridmax=0; E->mesh.gridmin=0; E->mesh.noz = 1; E->mesh.nzs = 1; E->lmesh.noz = 1; E->lmesh.nzs = 1; E->mesh.noy = 1; E->mesh.nys = 1; E->lmesh.noy = 1; E->lmesh.nys = 1; E->mesh.nox = 1; E->mesh.nxs = 1; E->lmesh.nox = 1; E->lmesh.nxs = 1; E->sphere.ro = 1.0; E->sphere.ri = 0.5; E->control.precondition = 0; /* for larger visc contrasts turn this back on */ E->mesh.toptbc = 1; /* fixed t */ E->mesh.bottbc = 1; E->mesh.topvbc = 0; /* stress */ E->mesh.botvbc = 0; E->control.VBXtopval=0.0; E->control.VBYtopval=0.0; E->control.VBXbotval=0.0; E->control.VBYbotval=0.0; E->data.radius_km = 6370.0; /* Earth, whole mantle defaults */ E->data.grav_acc = 9.81; E->data.therm_diff = 1.0e-6; E->data.therm_exp = 3.e-5; E->data.density = 3300.0; E->data.ref_viscosity=1.e21; E->data.density_above = 1000.0; /* sea water */ E->data.density_below = 6600.0; /* sea water */ E->data.Cp = 1200.0; E->data.therm_cond = 3.168; E->data.res_density = 3300.0; /* density when X = ... */ E->data.res_density_X = 0.3; E->data.melt_density = 2800.0; E->data.permeability = 3.0e-10; E->data.gas_const = 8.3; E->data.surf_heat_flux = 4.4e-2; E->data.grav_const = 6.6742e-11; E->data.youngs_mod = 1.0e11; E->data.Te = 0.0; E->data.T_sol0 = 1373.0; /* Dave's values 1991 (for the earth) */ E->data.Tsurf = 273.0; E->data.dTsol_dz = 3.4e-3 ; E->data.dTsol_dF = 440.0; E->data.dT_dz = 0.48e-3; E->data.delta_S = 250.0; E->data.ref_temperature = 2 * 1350.0; /* fixed temperature ... delta T */ /* THIRD: you forgot and then went home, let's see if we can help out */ sprintf(E->control.data_prefix,"citcom.tmp.%d",getpid()); E->control.NASSEMBLE = 0; E->monitor.elapsed_time=0.0; E->control.record_all_until = 10000000; return; } /* ============================================================= ============================================================= */ void check_bc_consistency(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,j,lev; for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) { if ((E->node[i] & VBX) && (E->node[i] & SBX)) printf("Inconsistent x velocity bc at %d\n",i); if ((E->node[i] & VBZ) && (E->node[i] & SBZ)) printf("Inconsistent z velocity bc at %d\n",i); if ((E->node[i] & VBY) && (E->node[i] & SBY)) printf("Inconsistent y velocity bc at %d\n",i); if ((E->node[i] & TBX) && (E->node[i] & FBX)) printf("Inconsistent x temperature bc at %d\n",i); if ((E->node[i] & TBZ) && (E->node[i] & FBZ)) printf("Inconsistent z temperature bc at %d\n",i); if ((E->node[i] & TBY) && (E->node[i] & FBY)) printf("Inconsistent y temperature bc at %d\n",i); } for(lev=E->mesh.gridmin;lev<=E->mesh.gridmax;lev++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];i++) { if ((E->NODE[lev][i] & VBX) && (E->NODE[lev][i] & SBX)) printf("Inconsistent x velocity bc at %d,%d\n",lev,i); if ((E->NODE[lev][i] & VBZ) && (E->NODE[lev][i] & SBZ)) printf("Inconsistent z velocity bc at %d,%d\n",lev,i); if ((E->NODE[lev][i] & VBY) && (E->NODE[lev][i] & SBY)) printf("Inconsistent y velocity bc at %d,%d\n",lev,i); /* Tbc's not applicable below top level */ } } /* end for j and lev */ } void set_up_nonmg_aliases(struct All_variables *E) { /* Aliases for functions only interested in the highest mg level */ int i; E->eco = E->ECO[E->mesh.levmax]; E->ien = E->IEN[E->mesh.levmax]; E->id = E->ID[E->mesh.levmax]; E->Vi = E->VI[E->mesh.levmax]; E->EVi = E->EVI[E->mesh.levmax]; E->node = E->NODE[E->mesh.levmax]; E->cc = E->CC[E->mesh.levmax]; E->ccx = E->CCX[E->mesh.levmax]; E->Mass = E->MASS[E->mesh.levmax]; E->gDA = E->GDA[E->mesh.levmax]; E->gNX = E->GNX[E->mesh.levmax]; for (i=1;i<=E->mesh.nsd;i++) { E->x[i] = E->X[E->mesh.levmax][i]; E->sx[i] = E->SX[E->mesh.levmax][i]; } } void report(E,string) struct All_variables *E; char * string; { if(E->control.verbose && E->parallel.me==0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",string); fflush(stderr); } } void record(E,string) struct All_variables *E; char * string; { if(E->control.verbose && E->fp) { fprintf(E->fp,"%s\n",string); fflush(E->fp); } return; } /* ============================================================= Initialize values which are not problem dependent. NOTE: viscosity may be a function of all previous input fields (temperature, pressure, velocity, chemistry) and so is always to be done last. ============================================================= */ /* This function is replaced by CitcomS.Components.IC.launch()*/ void common_initial_fields(E) struct All_variables *E; { void initial_pressure(); void initial_velocity(); void initial_viscosity(); initial_pressure(E); initial_velocity(E); initial_viscosity(E); return; } /* ========================================== */ void initial_pressure(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,m; report(E,"Initialize pressure field"); for(i=0;ilmesh.npno;i++) E->P[i]=0.0; } void initial_velocity(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,m; report(E,"Initialize velocity field"); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nnov;i++) { E->sphere.cap[CPPR].V[1][i]=0.0; E->sphere.cap[CPPR].V[2][i]=0.0; E->sphere.cap[CPPR].V[3][i]=0.0; } } static void open_log(struct All_variables *E) { char logfile[255]; E->fp = NULL; if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0) sprintf(logfile,"%s/log", E->control.data_dir); else sprintf(logfile,"%s.log", E->control.data_file); if (E->control.restart || E->control.post_p) /* append the log file if restart */ E->fp = output_open(logfile, "a"); else E->fp = output_open(logfile, "w"); return; } static void open_time(struct All_variables *E) { char timeoutput[255]; E->fptime = NULL; if (E->parallel.me == 0) { if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0) sprintf(timeoutput,"%s/time", E->control.data_dir); else sprintf(timeoutput,"%s.time", E->control.data_file); if (E->control.restart || E->control.post_p) /* append the time file if restart */ E->fptime = output_open(timeoutput, "a"); else E->fptime = output_open(timeoutput, "w"); } return; } static void open_info(struct All_variables *E) { char output_file[255]; E->fp_out = NULL; if (E->control.verbose) { if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0) sprintf(output_file,"%s/info.%d", E->control.data_dir, E->parallel.me); else sprintf(output_file,"%s.info.%d", E->control.data_file, E->parallel.me); E->fp_out = output_open(output_file, "w"); } return; } void open_qfiles(struct All_variables *E) /* additional heat flux output */ { char output_file[255]; /* only one CPU will write to those */ if((E->parallel.me_loc[3] == E->parallel.nprocz-1) && (E->parallel.me==E->parallel.nprocz-1)){ /* top heat flux and other stat quantities */ if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0) sprintf(output_file,"%s/qt.dat", E->control.data_dir); else sprintf(output_file,"%s.qt.dat", E->control.data_file); if(E->control.restart) E->output.fpqt = output_open(output_file, "a"); /* append for restart */ else E->output.fpqt = output_open(output_file, "w"); }else{ E->output.fpqt = NULL; } if (E->parallel.me_loc[3] == 0) { /* bottom heat flux and other stat quantities */ if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0) sprintf(output_file,"%s/qb.dat", E->control.data_dir); else sprintf(output_file,"%s.qb.dat", E->control.data_file); if(E->control.restart) E->output.fpqb = output_open(output_file, "a"); /* append */ else E->output.fpqb = output_open(output_file, "w"); }else{ E->output.fpqb = NULL; } return; } static void output_parse_optional(struct All_variables *E) { char* strip(char*); int pos, len; char *prev, *next; len = strlen(E->output.optional); /* fprintf(stderr, "### length of optional is %d\n", len); */ pos = 0; next = E->output.optional; E->output.connectivity = 0; E->output.stress = 0; E->output.pressure = 0; E->output.surf = 0; E->output.botm = 0; E->output.geoid = 0; E->output.horiz_avg = 0; E->output.seismic = 0; E->output.coord_bin = 0; E->output.tracer = 0; E->output.comp_el = 0; E->output.comp_nd = 0; E->output.heating = 0; while(1) { /* get next field */ prev = strsep(&next, ","); /* break if no more field */ if(prev == NULL) break; /* skip if empty */ if(prev[0] == '\0') continue; /* strip off leading and trailing whitespaces */ prev = strip(prev); /* skip empty field */ if (strlen(prev) == 0) continue; /* fprintf(stderr, "### %s: %s\n", prev, next); */ if(strcmp(prev, "connectivity")==0) E->output.connectivity = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "stress")==0) E->output.stress = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "pressure")==0) E->output.pressure = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "surf")==0) E->output.surf = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "botm")==0) E->output.botm = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "geoid")==0) if (E->parallel.nprocxy != 12) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: geoid calculation only works in full version. Disabled\n"); } else { /* geoid calculation requires surface and CMB topo */ /* make sure the topos are available! */ E->output.geoid = 1; } else if(strcmp(prev, "horiz_avg")==0) E->output.horiz_avg = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "seismic")==0) { E->output.seismic = E->output.coord_bin = 1; /* Total temperature contrast is important when computing seismic velocity, * but it is derived from several parameters. Output it clearly. */ if(E->parallel.me==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Total temperature contrast = %f K\n", E->data.ref_temperature); fprintf(E->fp, "Total temperature contrast = %f K\n", E->data.ref_temperature); } } else if(strcmp(prev, "tracer")==0) E->output.tracer = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "comp_el")==0) E->output.comp_el = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "comp_nd")==0) E->output.comp_nd = 1; else if(strcmp(prev, "heating")==0) E->output.heating = 1; else if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown field for output_optional: %s\n", prev); } return; } /* check whether E->control.data_file contains a path seperator */ static void chk_prefix(struct All_variables *E) { char *found; found = strchr(E->control.data_prefix, '/'); if (found) { fprintf(stderr, "error in input parameter: datafile='%s' contains '/'\n", E->control.data_file); parallel_process_termination(); } if (E->control.restart || E->control.post_p || (E->convection.tic_method == -1) || (E->control.tracer && (E->trace.ic_method == 2))) { found = strchr(E->control.data_prefix_old, '/'); if (found) { fprintf(stderr, "error in input parameter: datafile_old='%s' contains '/'\n", E->control.data_file); parallel_process_termination(); } } } /* search src and substitue the 1st occurance of target by value */ static void expand_str(char *src, size_t max_size, const char *target, const char *value) { char *pos, *end, *new_end; size_t end_len, value_len; /* is target a substring of src? */ pos = strstr(src, target); if (pos != NULL) { value_len = strlen(value); /* the end part of the original string... */ end = pos + strlen(target); /* ...and where it is going */ new_end = pos + value_len; end_len = strlen(end); if (new_end + end_len >= src + max_size) { /* too long */ return; } /* move the end part of the original string */ memmove(new_end, end, end_len + 1); /* incl. null byte */ /* insert the value */ memcpy(pos, value, value_len); } } static void expand_datadir(struct All_variables *E, char *datadir) { char *found, *err; char tmp[150]; int diff; FILE *pipe; const char str1[] = "%HOSTNAME"; const char str2[] = "%RANK"; const char str3[] = "%DATADIR"; const char str3_prog[] = "citcoms_datadir"; /* expand str1 by machine's hostname */ found = strstr(datadir, str1); if (found) { gethostname(tmp, 100); expand_str(datadir, 150, str1, tmp); } /* expand str2 by MPI rank */ found = strstr(datadir, str2); if (found) { sprintf(tmp, "%d", E->parallel.me); expand_str(datadir, 150, str2, tmp); } /* expand str3 by the result of the external program */ diff = strcmp(datadir, str3); if (!diff) { pipe = popen(str3_prog, "r"); err = fgets(tmp, 150, pipe); pclose(stdout); if (err != NULL) sscanf(tmp, " %s", datadir); else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get datadir from command '%s'\n", str3_prog); parallel_process_termination(); } } } void mkdatadir(const char *dir) { int err; err = mkdir(dir, 0755); if (err && errno != EEXIST) { /* if error occured and the directory is not exisitng */ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot make new directory '%s'\n", dir); parallel_process_termination(); } } void output_init(struct All_variables *E) { chk_prefix(E); expand_datadir(E, E->control.data_dir); mkdatadir(E->control.data_dir); snprintf(E->control.data_file, 200, "%s/%s", E->control.data_dir, E->control.data_prefix); if (E->control.restart || E->control.post_p || (E->convection.tic_method == -1) || (E->control.tracer && (E->trace.ic_method == 2))) { expand_datadir(E, E->control.data_dir_old); snprintf(E->control.old_P_file, 200, "%s/%s", E->control.data_dir_old, E->control.data_prefix_old); } open_log(E); open_time(E); open_info(E); if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii") == 0) { E->problem_output = output; } else if (strcmp(E->output.format, "hdf5") == 0) E->problem_output = h5output; else if (strcmp(E->output.format, "vtk") == 0) E->problem_output = vtk_output; #ifdef USE_GZDIR else if (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0) E->problem_output = gzdir_output; else { /* indicate error here */ if (E->parallel.me == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "wrong output_format, must be 'ascii', 'hdf5', 'ascii-gz' or 'vtk'\n"); fprintf(E->fp, "wrong output_format, must be 'ascii', 'hdf5' 'ascii-gz', or 'vtk'\n"); } parallel_process_termination(); } #else else { /* indicate error here */ if (E->parallel.me == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "wrong output_format, must be 'ascii', 'hdf5', or 'vtk' (USE_GZDIR undefined)\n"); fprintf(E->fp, "wrong output_format, must be 'ascii', 'hdf5', or 'vtk' (USE_GZDIR undefined)\n"); } parallel_process_termination(); } #endif output_parse_optional(E); } void output_finalize(struct All_variables *E) { char message[255],files[255]; if (E->fp) fclose(E->fp); if (E->fptime) fclose(E->fptime); if (E->fp_out) fclose(E->fp_out); if (E->trace.fpt) fclose(E->trace.fpt); if(E->output.fpqt) fclose(E->output.fpqt); if(E->output.fpqb) fclose(E->output.fpqb); #ifdef USE_GZDIR /* remove VTK geo file in case we used that for IO */ if((E->output.gzdir.vtk_io != 0) && (strcmp(E->output.format, "ascii-gz") == 0)){ if((E->output.gzdir.vtk_io == 3)||(E->parallel.me == 0)){ /* delete the geo files */ get_vtk_filename(files,1,E,0); remove(files); if(E->parallel.me == 0){ /* close the log */ if(E->output.gzdir.vtk_fp) fclose(E->output.gzdir.vtk_fp); } } } #endif } char* strip(char *input) { int end; char *str; end = strlen(input) - 1; str = input; /* trim trailing whitespace */ while (isspace(str[end])) end--; str[++end] = 0; /* trim leading whitespace */ while(isspace(*str)) str++; return str; }