@echo off setlocal rem BAT script that downloads and installs all Plugins rem Run it through a cmd with the x64 Visual C++ Toolset enabled. set LOCAL_PATH=%~dp0 set "FILE_N= -[%~n0]:" rem Print batch params (debug purpose) echo %FILE_N% [Batch params]: %* rem ============================================================================ rem -- Parse arguments --------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ set RELEASE=false :arg-parse if not "%1"=="" ( if "%1"=="--release" ( set RELEASE=true shift ) shift goto :arg-parse ) rem ============================================================================ rem -- Parse arguments --------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ if not exist "%ROOT_PATH%Plugins" ( if %RELEASE% == true ( echo Cloning for release... call git clone --depth=1 --recursive https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla-plugins.git "%ROOT_PATH%Plugins" ) else ( echo Cloning for build... call git clone --recursive https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla-plugins.git "%ROOT_PATH%Plugins" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error_git ) else ( goto already ) goto success rem ============================================================================ rem -- Messages and Errors ----------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ :success echo. echo %FILE_N% "Plugins" has been successfully installed in "%ROOT_PATH%Plugins!" goto good_exit :already echo. echo %FILE_N% "Plugins" already exists in "%ROOT_PATH%Plugins!" goto good_exit :error_git echo. echo %FILE_N% [GIT ERROR] An error ocurred while executing the git. echo %FILE_N% [GIT ERROR] Possible causes: echo %FILE_N% - Make sure "git" is installed. echo %FILE_N% - Make sure it is available on your Windows "path". goto bad_exit :good_exit echo %FILE_N% Exiting... endlocal exit /b 0 :bad_exit echo %FILE_N% Exiting with error... endlocal exit /b %errorlevel%