\name{oneR} \alias{oneR} \title{ OneR algorithm } \description{ The algorithms find weights of discrete attributes basing on very simple association rules involving only one attribute in condition part. } \usage{ oneR(formula, data) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{ a symbolic description of a model } \item{data}{ data to process } } \details{ The algorithm uses OneR classifier to find out the attributes' weights. For each attribute it creates a simple rule based only on that attribute and then calculates its error rate. } \value{ a data.frame containing the worth of attributes in the first column and their names as row names } \author{ Piotr Romanski } \examples{ library(mlbench) data(HouseVotes84) weights <- oneR(Class~., HouseVotes84) print(weights) subset <- cutoff.k(weights, 5) f <- as.simple.formula(subset, "Class") print(f) }