Raw File
#' Trim-and-fill method to adjust for bias in meta-analysis
#' @description
#' Trim-and-fill method for estimating and adjusting for the number
#' and outcomes of missing studies in a meta-analysis.
#' @aliases trimfill trimfill.meta trimfill.default
#' @param x An object of class \code{meta}, or estimated treatment
#'   effect in individual studies.
#' @param seTE Standard error of estimated treatment effect.
#' @param left A logical indicating whether studies are supposed to be
#'   missing on the left or right side of the funnel plot. If NULL,
#'   the linear regression test for funnel plot symmetry (i.e.,
#'   function \code{metabias(..., method="Egger")}) is used to
#'   determine whether studies are missing on the left or right side.
#' @param ma.fixed A logical indicating whether a fixed effect or
#'   random effects model is used to estimate the number of missing
#'   studies.
#' @param type A character indicating which method is used to estimate
#'   the number of missing studies. Either \code{"L"} or \code{"R"}.
#' @param n.iter.max Maximum number of iterations to estimate number
#'   of missing studies.
#' @param sm An optional character string indicating underlying
#'   summary measure, e.g., \code{"RD"}, \code{"RR"}, \code{"OR"},
#'   \code{"ASD"}, \code{"HR"}, \code{"MD"}, \code{"SMD"}, or
#'   \code{"ROM"}; ignored if \code{x} is of class \code{meta}.
#' @param studlab An optional vector with study labels; ignored if
#'   \code{x} is of class \code{meta}.
#' @param level The level used to calculate confidence intervals for
#'   individual studies. If existing, \code{x$level} is used as value
#'   for \code{level}; otherwise 0.95 is used.
#' @param level.ma The level used to calculate confidence interval
#'   for the pooled estimate. If existing, \code{x$level.ma} is used
#'   as value for \code{level.ma}; otherwise 0.95 is used.
#' @param fixed A logical indicating whether a fixed effect
#'   meta-analysis should be conducted.
#' @param random A logical indicating whether a random effects
#'   meta-analysis should be conducted.
#' @param hakn A logical indicating whether the method by Hartung and
#'   Knapp should be used to adjust test statistics and confidence
#'   intervals.
#' @param method.tau A character string indicating which method is
#'   used to estimate the between-study variance \eqn{\tau^2} and its
#'   square root \eqn{\tau}. Either \code{"DL"}, \code{"PM"},
#'   \code{"REML"}, \code{"ML"}, \code{"HS"}, \code{"SJ"},
#'   \code{"HE"}, or \code{"EB"}, can be abbreviated.
#' @param method.tau.ci A character string indicating which method is
#'   used to estimate the confidence interval of \eqn{\tau^2} and
#'   \eqn{\tau}. Either \code{"QP"}, \code{"BJ"}, or \code{"J"}, or
#'   \code{""}, can be abbreviated.
#' @param prediction A logical indicating whether a prediction
#'   interval should be printed.
#' @param level.predict The level used to calculate prediction
#'   interval for a new study.
#' @param backtransf A logical indicating whether results should be
#'   back transformed in printouts and plots. If
#'   \code{backtransf=TRUE}, results for \code{sm="OR"} are printed as
#'   odds ratios rather than log odds ratios and results for
#'   \code{sm="ZCOR"} are printed as correlations rather than Fisher's
#'   z transformed correlations, for example.
#' @param pscale A numeric giving scaling factor for printing of
#'   single event probabilities or risk differences, i.e. if argument
#'   \code{sm} is equal to \code{"PLOGIT"}, \code{"PLN"},
#'   \code{"PRAW"}, \code{"PAS"}, \code{"PFT"}, or \code{"RD"}.
#' @param irscale A numeric defining a scaling factor for printing of
#'   single incidence rates or incidence rate differences, i.e. if
#'   argument \code{sm} is equal to \code{"IR"}, \code{"IRLN"},
#'   \code{"IRS"}, \code{"IRFT"}, or \code{"IRD"}.
#' @param irunit A character specifying the time unit used to
#'   calculate rates, e.g. person-years.
#' @param silent A logical indicating whether basic information on
#'   iterations shown.
#' @param \dots other arguments
#' @details
#' The trim-and-fill method (Duval, Tweedie 2000a, 2000b) can be used
#' for estimating and adjusting for the number and outcomes of missing
#' studies in a meta-analysis. The method relies on scrutiny of one
#' side of a funnel plot for asymmetry assumed due to publication
#' bias.
#' Three different methods have been proposed originally to estimate
#' the number of missing studies. Two of these methods (L- and
#' R-estimator) have been shown to perform better in simulations, and
#' are available in this R function (argument \code{type}).
#' A fixed effect or random effects model can be used to estimate the
#' number of missing studies (argument \code{ma.fixed}). Furthermore,
#' a fixed effect and/or random effects model can be used to summaries
#' study results (arguments \code{fixed} and
#' \code{random}). Simulation results (Peters et al. 2007)
#' indicate that the fixed-random model, i.e. using a fixed effect
#' model to estimate the number of missing studies and a random
#' effects model to summaries results, (i) performs better than the
#' fixed-fixed model, and (ii) performs no worse than and marginally
#' better in certain situations than the random-random
#' model. Accordingly, the fixed-random model is the default.
#' An empirical comparison of the trim-and-fill method and the Copas
#' selection model (Schwarzer et al. 2010) indicates that the
#' trim-and-fill method leads to excessively conservative inference in
#' practice. The Copas selection model is available in R package
#' \bold{metasens}.
#' The function \code{\link{metagen}} is called internally.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{c("metagen", "meta", "trimfill")}. The
#' object is a list containing the following components:
#' \item{studlab, sm, left, ma.fixed, type, n.iter.max}{As defined
#'   above.}
#' \item{level, level.ma, level.predict}{As defined above.}
#' \item{fixed, random, prediction}{As defined above.}
#' \item{hakn, method.tau, method.tau.ci,}{As defined above.}
#' \item{TE, seTE}{Estimated treatment effect and standard error of
#'   individual studies.}
#' \item{lower, upper}{Lower and upper confidence interval limits for
#'   individual studies.}
#' \item{statistic, pval}{Statistic and p-value for test of treatment
#'   effect for individual studies.}
#' \item{w.fixed, w.random}{Weight of individual studies (in fixed and
#'   random effects model).} 
#' \item{TE.fixed, seTE.fixed}{Estimated overall treatment effect and
#'   standard error (fixed effect model).}
#' \item{TE.random, seTE.random}{Estimated overall treatment effect
#'   and standard error (random effects model).}
#' \item{seTE.predict}{Standard error utilised for prediction
#'   interval.}
#' \item{lower.predict, upper.predict}{Lower and upper limits of
#'   prediction interval.}
#' \item{k}{Number of studies combined in meta-analysis.}
#' \item{Q}{Heterogeneity statistic Q.}
#' \item{tau}{Square-root of between-study variance.}
#' \item{method}{Pooling method: \code{"Inverse"}.} 
#' \item{call}{Function call.}
#' \item{n.iter}{Actual number of iterations to estimate number of
#'   missing studies.}
#' \item{trimfill}{A logical vector indicating studies that have been
#'   added by trim-and-fill method.}
#' \item{df.hakn}{Degrees of freedom for test of treatment effect for
#'   Hartung-Knapp method (only if \code{hakn=TRUE}).}
#' \item{title}{Title of meta-analysis / systematic review.}
#' \item{complab}{Comparison label.} 
#' \item{outclab}{Outcome label.}
#' \item{label.e}{Label for experimental group.}
#' \item{label.c}{Label for control group.}
#' \item{label.left}{Graph label on left side of forest plot.}
#' \item{label.right}{Graph label on right side of forest plot.}
#' \item{k0}{Number of studies added by trim-and-fill.}
#' \item{n.e}{Number of observations in experimental group (only for
#'   object \code{x} of class \code{metabin} or \code{metacont}).}
#' \item{n.c}{Number of observations in control group (only for object
#'   \code{x} of class \code{metabin} or \code{metacont}).}
#' \item{event.e}{Number of events in experimental group (only for
#'   object \code{x} of class \code{metabin}).}
#' \item{event.c}{Number of events in control group (only for object
#'   \code{x} of class \code{metabin}).} 
#' \item{mean.e}{Estimated mean in experimental group (only for object
#'   \code{x} of class \code{metacont}).}
#' \item{sd.e}{Standard deviation in experimental group (only for
#'   object \code{x} of class \code{metacont}).}
#' \item{mean.c}{Estimated mean in control group (only for object
#'   \code{x} of class \code{metacont}).} 
#' \item{sd.c}{Standard deviation in control group (only for object
#'   \code{x} of class \code{metacont}).}
#' \item{n}{Number of observations (only for object \code{x} of class
#'   \code{metaprop}).}
#' \item{event}{Number of events (only for object \code{x} of class
#'   \code{metaprop}).}
#' \item{cor}{Corelation (only for object \code{x} of class
#'   \code{metacor}).} 
#' \item{class.x}{Main class of object \code{x} (e.g. 'metabin' or
#'   'metacont').}
#' \item{version}{Version of R package \bold{meta} used to create
#'   object.}
#' @author Guido Schwarzer \email{sc@@imbi.uni-freiburg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{metagen}}, \code{\link{metabias}},
#'   \code{\link{funnel}}
#' @references
#' Duval S & Tweedie R (2000a):
#' A nonparametric "Trim and Fill" method of accounting for
#' publication bias in meta-analysis.
#' \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association},
#' \bold{95}, 89--98
#' Duval S & Tweedie R (2000b):
#' Trim and Fill: A simple funnel-plot-based method of testing and
#' adjusting for publication bias in meta-analysis.
#' \emph{Biometrics},
#' \bold{56}, 455--63
#' Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Rushton L (2007):
#' Performance of the trim and fill method in the presence of
#' publication bias and between-study heterogeneity.
#' \emph{Statisics in Medicine},
#' \bold{10}, 4544--62
#' Schwarzer G, Carpenter J, Rücker G (2010):
#' Empirical evaluation suggests Copas selection model preferable to
#' trim-and-fill method for selection bias in meta-analysis
#' \emph{Journal of Clinical Epidemiology},
#' \bold{63}, 282--8
#' @examples
#' data(Fleiss1993bin)
#' m1 <- metabin(d.asp, n.asp, d.plac, n.plac, data = Fleiss1993bin, sm = "OR")
#' tf1 <- trimfill(m1)
#' tf1
#' funnel(tf1)
#' funnel(tf1, pch = ifelse(tf1$trimfill, 1, 16),
#'        level = 0.9, random = FALSE)
#' #
#' # Use log odds ratios on x-axis
#' #
#' funnel(tf1, backtransf = FALSE)
#' funnel(tf1, pch = ifelse(tf1$trimfill, 1, 16),
#'        level = 0.9, random = FALSE, backtransf = FALSE)
#' trimfill(m1$TE, m1$seTE, sm = m1$sm)
#' @rdname trimfill
#' @method trimfill meta
#' @export

trimfill.meta <- function(x, left = NULL, ma.fixed = TRUE,
                          type = "L", n.iter.max = 50,
                          level = x$level, level.ma = x$level.ma,
                          fixed = FALSE, random = TRUE,
                          hakn = x$hakn,
                          method.tau = x$method.tau,
                          method.tau.ci = x$method.tau.ci,
                          prediction = x$prediction,
                          level.predict = x$level.predict,
                          backtransf = x$backtransf, pscale = x$pscale,
                          irscale = x$irscale, irunit = x$irunit,
                          silent = TRUE, ...) {
  ## (1) Check for meta object
  chkclass(x, "meta")
  if (inherits(x, "metacum"))
    stop("This function is not usable for an object of class \"metacum\"")
  if (inherits(x, "metainf"))
    stop("This function is not usable for an object of class \"metainf\"")
  x <- updateversion(x)
  ## Check arguments
  type <- setchar(type, c("L", "R"))
  sm <- x$sm
  if (!is.prop(sm))
    pscale <- 1
  chknumeric(pscale, length = 1)
  if (!backtransf & pscale != 1) {
    warning("Argument 'pscale' set to 1 as argument 'backtransf' is FALSE.")
    pscale <- 1
  if (!is.rate(sm))
    irscale <- 1
  chknumeric(irscale, length = 1)
  if (!backtransf & irscale != 1) {
    warning("Argument 'irscale' set to 1 as argument 'backtransf' is FALSE.")
    irscale <- 1
  TE <- x$TE
  seTE <- x$seTE
  studlab <- x$studlab
  n.e <- x$n.e
  n.c <- x$n.c
  n <- x$n
  event.e <- x$event.e
  event.c <- x$event.c
  event <- x$event
  time.e <- x$time.e
  time.c <- x$time.c
  time <- x$time
  cor <- x$cor
  mean.e <- x$mean.e
  mean.c <- x$mean.c
  sd.e <- x$sd.e
  sd.c <- x$sd.c
  transf.null.effect <- null.effect <- x$null.effect
  if (sm %in% c("PFT", "PAS"))
    transf.null.effect <- asin(sqrt(null.effect))
  else if (is.log.effect(sm))
    transf.null.effect <- log(null.effect)
  else if (sm == c("PLOGIT"))
    transf.null.effect <- log(null.effect / (1 - null.effect))
  else if (sm %in% c("IRS", "IRFT"))
    transf.null.effect <- sqrt(null.effect)
  else if (sm == "ZCOR")
    transf.null.effect <- 0.5 * log((1 + null.effect) / (1 - null.effect))
  if(length(TE) != length(seTE))
    stop("length of argument TE and seTE must be equal")
  if(length(TE) != length(studlab))
    stop("length of argument TE and studlab must be equal")
  ## Exclude studies from meta-analysis
  if (!is.null(x$exclude)) {
    exclude <- x$exclude
    nomiss <- !is.na(TE) & !is.na(seTE)
    miss <- !nomiss & !exclude
    sel <- nomiss & !exclude
  else {
    exclude <- exclude.na <- NULL
    nomiss <- !is.na(TE) & !is.na(seTE)
    miss <- !nomiss
    sel <- nomiss
  if (any(miss))
                  "observation(s) dropped due to missing values"))
  TE <- TE[sel]
  seTE <- seTE[sel]
  studlab <- studlab[sel]
  if (!is.null(n.e))
    n.e <- n.e[sel]
  if (!is.null(n.c))
    n.c <- n.c[sel]
  if (!is.null(n))
    n <- n[sel]
  if (!is.null(event.e))
    event.e <- event.e[sel]
  if (!is.null(event.c))
    event.c <- event.c[sel]
  if (!is.null(event))
    event <- event[sel]
  if (!is.null(time.e))
    time.e <- time.e[sel]
  if (!is.null(time.c))
    time.c <- time.c[sel]
  if (!is.null(time))
    time <- time[sel]
  if (!is.null(cor))
    cor <- cor[sel]
  if (!is.null(mean.e))
    mean.e <- mean.e[sel]
  if (!is.null(mean.c))
    mean.c <- mean.c[sel]
  if (!is.null(sd.e))
    sd.e <- sd.e[sel]
  if (!is.null(sd.c))
    sd.c <- sd.c[sel]
  k <- length(TE)
  if (k <= 2) {
    warning("Minimal number of three studies for trim-and-fill method")
  if (is.null(left))
    left <- as.logical(sign(metabias(TE, seTE, method = "Egger",
                                     k.min = 3)$estimate[1]) == 1)
  if (!left) TE <- -TE
  ord <- order(TE)
  TE <- TE[ord]
  seTE <- seTE[ord]
  studlab <- studlab[ord]
  if (!is.null(n.e))
    n.e <- n.e[ord]
  if (!is.null(n.c))
    n.c <- n.c[ord]
  if (!is.null(n))
    n <- n[ord]
  if (!is.null(event.e))
    event.e <- event.e[ord]
  if (!is.null(event.c))
    event.c <- event.c[ord]
  if (!is.null(event))
    event <- event[ord]
  if (!is.null(time.e))
    time.e <- time.e[ord]
  if (!is.null(time.c))
    time.c <- time.c[ord]
  if (!is.null(time))
    time <- time[ord]
  if (!is.null(cor))
    cor <- cor[ord]
  if (!is.null(mean.e))
    mean.e <- mean.e[ord]
  if (!is.null(mean.c))
    mean.c <- mean.c[ord]
  if (!is.null(sd.e))
    sd.e <- sd.e[ord]
  if (!is.null(sd.c))
    sd.c <- sd.c[ord]
  if (ma.fixed)
    TE.sum <- metagen(TE, seTE)$TE.fixed
    TE.sum <- metagen(TE, seTE, method.tau = method.tau)$TE.random
  if (k == 1) {
    n.iter <- 0
    k0 <- -9
  else {
    n.iter  <-  0
    k0.last <- -1
    k0      <-  0
    while (k0.last != k0 & k0 <= (k - 1) & n.iter < n.iter.max) {
      n.iter <- n.iter + 1
      k0.last <- k0
      sel <- 1:(k - k0)
      if (ma.fixed)
        TE.sum <- metagen(TE[sel], seTE[sel])$TE.fixed
        TE.sum <- metagen(TE[sel], seTE[sel],
                          method.tau = method.tau)$TE.random
      trim1 <- estimate.missing(TE, TE.sum, type)
      if (!silent) {
        cat(paste0("n.iter = ", n.iter, "\n"))
        if (type == "L")
          cat(paste0("L0 = ", round(trim1$res0, 2), "\n\n"))
        if (type == "R")
          cat(paste0("R0 = ", round(trim1$res0 + 0.5, 2), "\n\n"))
      k0 <- trim1$res0.plus
  if (k0 > (k - 1)) k0 <- k - 1
  if (k0 > 0) {
    TE.star   <- 2 * TE.sum - TE[(k - k0 + 1):k]
    seTE.star <- seTE[(k - k0 + 1):k]
    trimfill  <- c(rep(FALSE, length(TE)),
                   rep(TRUE, length(TE.star)))
    TE      <- c(TE[order(ord)], TE.star)
    seTE    <- c(seTE[order(ord)], seTE.star)
    studlab <- c(studlab[order(ord)],
                 paste("Filled:", studlab[(k - k0 + 1):k]))
    if (!is.null(n.e))
      n.e <- c(n.e[order(ord)], n.e[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(n.c))
      n.c <- c(n.c[order(ord)], n.c[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(n))
      n <- c(n[order(ord)], n[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(event.e))
      event.e <- c(event.e[order(ord)], event.e[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(event.c))
      event.c <- c(event.c[order(ord)], event.c[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(event))
      event <- c(event[order(ord)], event[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(time.e))
      time.e <- c(time.e[order(ord)], time.e[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(time.c))
      time.c <- c(time.c[order(ord)], time.c[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(time))
      time <- c(time[order(ord)], time[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(cor))
      cor <- c(cor[order(ord)], cor[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(mean.e))
      mean.e <- c(mean.e[order(ord)], mean.e[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(mean.c))
      mean.c <- c(mean.c[order(ord)], mean.c[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(sd.e))
      sd.e <- c(sd.e[order(ord)], sd.e[(k - k0 + 1):k])
    if (!is.null(sd.c))
      sd.c <- c(sd.c[order(ord)], sd.c[(k - k0 + 1):k])
  else {
    TE.star   <- NA
    seTE.star <- NA
    trimfill  <- rep(FALSE, length(TE))
    TE        <- TE[order(ord)]
    seTE      <- seTE[order(ord)]
    studlab   <- studlab[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(n.e))
      n.e <- n.e[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(n.c))
      n.c <- n.c[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(n))
      n <- n[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(event.e))
      event.e <- event.e[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(event.c))
      event.c <- event.c[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(event))
      event <- event[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(time.e))
      time.e <- time.e[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(time.c))
      time.c <- time.c[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(time))
      time <- time[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(cor))
      cor <- cor[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(mean.e))
      mean.e <- mean.e[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(mean.c))
      mean.c <- mean.c[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(sd.e))
      sd.e <- sd.e[order(ord)]
    if (!is.null(sd.c))
      sd.c <- sd.c[order(ord)]
  if (!left)
    m <- metagen(-TE, seTE, studlab = studlab,
                 level = level, level.ma = level.ma,
                 hakn = hakn,
                 method.tau = method.tau, method.tau.ci = method.tau.ci,
                 prediction = prediction, level.predict = level.predict,
                 null.effect = transf.null.effect)
    m <- metagen(TE, seTE, studlab = studlab,
                 level = level, level.ma = level.ma,
                 hakn = hakn,
                 method.tau = method.tau, method.tau.ci = method.tau.ci,
                 prediction = prediction, level.predict = level.predict,
                 null.effect = transf.null.effect)
  ## Calculate H, I-Squared, and Rb
  Hres  <- calcH(m$Q, m$df.Q, level.ma)
  I2res <- isquared(m$Q, m$df.Q, level.ma)
  Rbres <- with(m,
                Rb(seTE[!is.na(seTE)], seTE.random, tau^2, Q, df.Q, level.ma))
  ## Number of filled studies
  k0 <- sum(trimfill)
  if (!is.null(exclude) && any(exclude)) {
    exclude.na <- c(exclude, rep(NA, k0))
    exclude <- c(exclude, rep(FALSE, k0))
    TE.all <- seTE.all <- studlab.all <- rep(NA, length(exclude))
    TE.all[exclude] <- x$TE[exclude]
    TE.all[!exclude] <- TE
    seTE.all[exclude] <- x$seTE[exclude]
    seTE.all[!exclude] <- seTE
    studlab.all[exclude] <- x$studlab[exclude]
    studlab.all[!exclude] <- studlab
    if (!left)
      m.all <- metagen(-TE.all, seTE.all, studlab = studlab.all,
                       exclude = exclude, level = level,
                       null.effect = transf.null.effect)
      m.all <- metagen(TE.all, seTE.all, studlab = studlab.all,
                       exclude = exclude, level = level,
                       null.effect = transf.null.effect)
    m.all <- m
  res <- list(studlab = m.all$studlab,
              TE = m.all$TE, seTE = m.all$seTE,
              lower = m.all$lower, upper = m.all$upper,
              statistic = m.all$statistic, pval = m.all$pval,
              w.fixed = m.all$w.fixed, w.random = m.all$w.random,
              exclude = exclude.na,
              TE.fixed = m$TE.fixed, seTE.fixed = m$seTE.fixed,
              lower.fixed = m$lower.fixed, upper.fixed = m$upper.fixed,
              statistic.fixed = m$statistic.fixed, pval.fixed = m$pval.fixed,
              TE.random = m$TE.random, seTE.random = m$seTE.random,
              lower.random = m$lower.random, upper.random = m$upper.random,
              statistic.random = m$statistic.random, pval.random = m$pval.random,
              seTE.predict = m$seTE.predict,
              lower.predict = m$lower.predict,
              upper.predict = m$upper.predict,
              level.predict = level.predict,
              k = m$k, Q = m$Q, df.Q = m$df.Q, pval.Q = m$pval.Q,
              tau2 = m$tau2,
              lower.tau2 = m$lower.tau2, upper.tau2 = m$upper.tau2,
              se.tau2 = m$se.tau2,
              tau = m$tau, lower.tau = m$lower.tau, upper.tau = m$upper.tau,
              method.tau.ci = m$method.tau.ci,
              sign.lower.tau = m$sign.lower.tau,
              sign.upper.tau = m$sign.upper.tau,
              H = Hres$TE,
              lower.H = Hres$lower,
              upper.H = Hres$upper,
              I2 = I2res$TE,
              lower.I2 = I2res$lower,
              upper.I2 = I2res$upper,
              Rb = Rbres$TE,
              lower.Rb = Rbres$lower,
              upper.Rb = Rbres$upper,
              sm = sm,
              method = m$method,
              call = match.call(),
              left = left,
              ma.fixed = ma.fixed,
              type = type,
              n.iter.max = n.iter.max,
              n.iter = n.iter,
              trimfill = trimfill,
              hakn = m$hakn,
              df.hakn = m$df.hakn,
              method.tau = m$method.tau,
              prediction = prediction,
              text.fixed = x$text.fixed, text.random = x$text.random,
              text.predict = x$text.predict,
              text.w.fixed = x$text.w.fixed, text.w.random = x$text.w.random,
              title = x$title,
              complab = x$complab,
              outclab = x$outclab,
              label.e = x$label.e,
              label.c = x$label.c,
              label.left = x$label.left,
              label.right = x$label.right,
              k0 = k0,
              level = level, level.ma = level.ma,
              fixed = fixed,
              random = random,
              n.e = n.e,
              n.c = n.c,
              n = n,
              event.e = event.e,
              event.c = event.c,
              event = event,
              time.e = time.e,
              time.c = time.c,
              time = time,
              cor = cor,
              mean.e = mean.e,
              mean.c = mean.c,
              sd.e = sd.e,
              sd.c = sd.c,
              null.effect = x$null.effect,
              class.x = class(x)[1]
  res$backtransf <- backtransf
  res$pscale <- pscale
  res$irscale <- irscale
  res$irunit <- irunit
  res$version <- packageDescription("meta")$Version
  class(res) <- c("metagen", "meta", "trimfill")

#' @rdname trimfill
#' @method trimfill default
#' @export

trimfill.default <- function(x, seTE, left = NULL, ma.fixed = TRUE,
                             type = "L", n.iter.max = 50,
                             sm = "", studlab = NULL,
                             level = 0.95, level.ma = level,
                             fixed = FALSE, random = TRUE,
                             hakn = FALSE,
                             method.tau = "DL",
                             method.tau.ci = if (method.tau == "DL") "J" else "QP",
                             prediction = FALSE, level.predict = level,
                             backtransf = TRUE, pscale = 1,
                             irscale = 1, irunit = "person-years",
                             silent = TRUE, ...) {
  ## (1) Check essential arguments
  k.All <- length(x)
  fun <- "trimfill"
  chklength(seTE, k.All, fun)
  if (!is.null(studlab))
    chklength(studlab, k.All, fun)
    studlab <- seq(along = x)
  if (is.null(sm)) sm <- ""
  ## (2) Do meta-analysis
  m <- metagen(x, seTE, studlab = studlab, sm = sm, method.tau.ci = "")
  ## (3) Run trim-and-fill method
  res <- trimfill(m, left = left, ma.fixed = ma.fixed,
                  type = type, n.iter.max = n.iter.max,
                  level = level, level.ma = level.ma,
                  fixed = fixed, random = TRUE,
                  hakn = hakn,
                  method.tau = method.tau, method.tau.ci = method.tau.ci,
                  prediction = prediction, level.predict = level.predict,
                  backtransf = backtransf, pscale = pscale,
                  irscale = irscale, irunit = irunit,
                  silent = silent, ...)
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