Raw File
function display(wobject)
% WALKSW2/DISPLAY Command window display of a walksw2

% This function is designed so that it should work with inherited objects
% simply by copying it to the new object's directory.  The function
% displayfields will need to be modified.
linelength = 70;

for i = 1:length(wobject(:))
  w = wobject(i); 
  disp(' ');
  fprintf(1,[inputname(1),' = ' class(wobject) '\n']) % display object's class
  % then display the fixed point  
  fprintf(1,'  xstar = [ '); fprintf(1, '%g ', get(w, 'xstar')); fprintf(1, ']\n');

  % then display all the parameters in formatted lines
  parms = get(wobject, 'parms');
  parmnames = fieldnames(parms);
  longline = [];
  for j = 1:length(parmnames)
    longline = [longline sprintf('  %s = %g', parmnames{j}, getfield(parms, parmnames{j}))];
  % put in linefeeds to keep lines under specified linelength
  rem = longline;
  while length(rem) > linelength
    spaces = strfind( rem(1:linelength), '  ');
    cutoff = spaces(end)-1;
    fprintf('%s\n', rem(1:cutoff));
    rem = rem(cutoff+1:end);
  fprintf('%s\n\n', rem);
  %  displayfields(w); % if you want full control over the format of the parameters,
  %                      use displayfields instead of all the formatting
  %                      above, but you'll have to provide displayfields
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