Raw File
from pycbc.scheme import *
from pycbc.types import *
from pycbc.fft import *
import pycbc
from optparse import OptionParser
import gc
parser = OptionParser()

parser.add_option('--scheme','-s',  type = 'choice',
                    choices = ('cpu','cuda','opencl'),
                    default = 'cpu', dest = 'scheme',
                    help = 'specifies processing scheme, can be cpu [default], cuda, or opencl')

parser.add_option('--device-num','-d', action='store', type = 'int',
                    dest = 'devicenum', default=0,
                    help = 'specifies a GPU device to use for CUDA or OpenCL, 0 by default')

parser.add_option('--size',type=int, help='FFT size')
parser.add_option('--iterations', type=int, help='Number of iterations to perform')
parser.add_option('--measure-level', type=int, help='Set the measure level (only applies to FFTW- cpu scheme)', default=1)
parser.add_option('--backend', type=str, help='set the backend type for this scheme')
parser.add_option('--num-threads', type=int, help='set the number of threads to use', default=1)
parser.add_option('--import-float-wisdom', type=str, help='import an FFTW float wisdom file')
parser.add_option('--export-float-wisdom', type=str, help='export an FFTW float wisdom file')

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

#Changing the optvalues to a dict makes them easier to read
_options = vars(options)

if _options['scheme'] == 'cpu':
    ctx = CPUScheme(num_threads=options.num_threads)
    if options.backend == 'fftw':
        from pycbc.fft.fftw import set_measure_level, set_threads_backend
        with ctx:
            if options.num_threads != 1:

if _options['scheme'] == 'cuda':
    ctx = CUDAScheme(device_num=_options['devicenum'])
if _options['scheme'] == 'opencl':
    ctx = OpenCLScheme(device_num=_options['devicenum'])

niter = options.iterations

if type(ctx) is CUDAScheme:
    print("RUNNING ON ", ctx.device.name())
    print("RUNNING ON CPU")

N = 2**options.size

vecin = zeros(N, dtype=complex64)
vecout = zeros(N, dtype=complex64)
print("ALIGNMENT:", check_aligned(vecin.data))

if options.import_float_wisdom:
    print("Loading a wisdom file")

print("Making the plan")
with ctx:
    ifft(vecin, vecout, backend=options.backend)
print("Planning done")

if options.export_float_wisdom:
    assert(_options['scheme'] == 'cpu' and options.backend == 'fftw')

def tifft():
    with ctx:
	    for i in range(0, niter):
	        ifft(vecin, vecout, backend=options.backend)
	    sync = vecout[0]

import timeit
gt = timeit.Timer(tifft)
t = (1000 * gt.timeit(number=1)/niter)
print("C2C iFFT %.2f msec" % t, " %5.1f /min " % (1000 *60 /t))
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