CASCADE endtest template startvalue (library procedure) (CASCADE endtest tmp1 sv1 tmp2 sv2 ...) (CASCADE endtest tmp1 sv1 tmp2 sv2 ... finaltemplate) outputs the result of applying a template (or several templates, as explained below) repeatedly, with a given value filling the slot the first time, and the result of each application filling the slot for the following application. In the simplest case, CASCADE has three inputs. The second input is a one-slot expression template. That template is evaluated some number of times (perhaps zero). On the first evaluation, the slot is filled with the third input; on subsequent evaluations, the slot is filled with the result of the previous evaluation. The number of evaluations is determined by the first input. This can be either a nonnegative integer, in which case the template is evaluated that many times, or a predicate expression template, in which case it is evaluated (with the same slot filler that will be used for the evaluation of the second input) repeatedly, and the CASCADE evaluation continues as long as the predicate value is FALSE. (In other words, the predicate template indicates the condition for stopping.) If the template is evaluated zero times, the output from CASCADE is the third (startvalue) input. Otherwise, the output is the value produced by the last template evaluation. CASCADE templates may include the symbol # to represent the number of times the template has been evaluated. This slot is filled with 1 for the first evaluation, 2 for the second, and so on. ? show cascade 5 [lput # ?] [] [1 2 3 4 5] ? show cascade [vowelp first ?] [bf ?] "spring ing ? show cascade 5 [# * ?] 1 120 ? Several cascaded results can be computed in parallel by providing additional template-startvalue pairs as inputs to CASCADE. In this case, all templates (including the endtest template, if used) are multi-slot, with the number of slots equal to the number of pairs of inputs. In each round of evaluations, ?2, for example, represents the result of evaluating the second template in the previous round. If the total number of inputs (including the first endtest input) is odd, then the output from CASCADE is the final value of the first template. If the total number of inputs is even, then the last input is a template that is evaluated once, after the end test is satisfied, to determine the output from CASCADE. to fibonacci :n output (cascade :n [?1 + ?2] 1 [?1] 0) end to piglatin :word output (cascade [vowelp first ?] ~ [word bf ? first ?] ~ :word ~ [word ? "ay]) end