Raw File
Tip revision: 630d4e32f343e86a4921d0773f1f5c5adf90553f authored by Eric Denovellis on 18 September 2021, 19:04:35 UTC
Add readme about data
Tip revision: 630d4e3
%% This is file `zHenriquesLab-StyleBioRxiv.cls',
%% Class files for pre-print servers such as BioRXiv
%% Copyright (C) Ricardo Henriques <>
\typeout{Document Class `HenriquesLab' <18-April-2018>.}
  [2018/04/18 revision by RH]

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%% Henriques lab dependencies - Start %%
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%% Henriques lab dependencies - End %%

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%% Henriques lab parts adapted from PNAS %%

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%% Henriques lab parts adapted from PNAS - END %%

%% Henriques lab parts to count words - Start %%


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%% Henriques lab parts to count words - End %%

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%% Title
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%% Abstract and keywords


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\Affilfont\bfseries AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS\par\mdseries}

\Affilfont\bfseries COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS\par\mdseries}

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