environment: # USEMSVC: "1" matrix: - ARCH: "i686" JULIA_TEST_MAXRSS_MB: 500 - ARCH: "x86_64" JULIA_TEST_MAXRSS_MB: 450 # Only build on master and PR's for now, not personal branches # Whether or not PR's get built is determined in the webhook settings branches: only: - master - /^release-.*/ skip_commits: # Add [av skip] to commit messages for docfixes, etc to reduce load on queue message: /\[av skip\]/ notifications: - provider: Email on_build_success: false on_build_failure: false on_build_status_changed: false clone_depth: 50 init: # Carriage returns are bad - git config --global core.autocrlf input cache: # Cache large downloads to avoid network unreliability - C:\cygdownloads - llvm-3.9.1-i686-w64-mingw32-juliadeps-r07.7z - llvm-3.9.1-x86_64-w64-mingw32-juliadeps-r07.7z - usr/bin/busybox.exe build_script: # If there's a newer build queued for the same PR, cancel this one - ps: if ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -and $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER -ne ((Invoke-RestMethod ` https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/$env:APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME/$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG/history?recordsNumber=50).builds | ` Where-Object pullRequestId -eq $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)[0].buildNumber) { ` throw "There are newer queued builds for this pull request, failing early." } # Remove C:\MinGW\bin from the path, the version of MinGW installed on # AppVeyor is not compatible with the cross-compiled Julia Windows binaries - set PATH=%PATH:C:\MinGW\bin;=% # Remove git's msys2 from path, since it conflicts with cygwin1.dll - set PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=% - ps: contrib/windows/install-cygwin.ps1 # - '"%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64' - C:\cygwin-%ARCH%\bin\sh.exe --login /cygdrive/c/projects/julia/contrib/windows/appveyor_build.sh test_script: - usr\bin\julia -e "versioninfo()" - usr\bin\julia --sysimage-native-code=no -e "true" - cd julia-* && .\bin\julia.exe --check-bounds=yes share\julia\test\runtests.jl all && .\bin\julia.exe --check-bounds=yes share\julia\test\runtests.jl LibGit2/online Pkg/pkg Pkg3/pkg download - cd .. - usr\bin\julia usr\share\julia\test\embedding\embedding-test.jl test\embedding\embedding.exe