#include #include #include #include // for NULL #include /* FIXME: Check these declarations against the C/Fortran source code. */ /* .Call calls */ extern SEXP model_output(SEXP); extern SEXP test_cox_tvc2(SEXP); extern SEXP test_cox_tvc2_grad(SEXP); extern SEXP fitCureModel(SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP); extern SEXP aft_model_output(SEXP); extern SEXP vunirootRcpp(SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP); extern SEXP multistate_ddt(SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP); /* .Fortran calls -- thanks to Gordon Smyth */ extern void F77_NAME(gausq2)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = { {"model_output", (DL_FUNC) &model_output, 1}, {"test_cox_tvc2", (DL_FUNC) &test_cox_tvc2, 1}, {"test_cox_tvc2_grad", (DL_FUNC) &test_cox_tvc2_grad, 1}, {"fitCureModel", (DL_FUNC) &fitCureModel, 6}, {"aft_model_output", (DL_FUNC) &aft_model_output, 1}, {"vunirootRcpp", (DL_FUNC) &vunirootRcpp, 7}, {"multistate_ddt", (DL_FUNC) &multistate_ddt, 4}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; static const R_FortranMethodDef FortranEntries[] = { {"gausq2", (DL_FUNC) &F77_NAME(gausq2), 5}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; void R_init_rstpm2(DllInfo *dll) { R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL); R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, NULL, FortranEntries, NULL); R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE); }