Raw File

:ref:`Ppx_expect<ppx_expect_section>` is a framework for writing tests for OCaml
code printing textual output.

There is pretty comprehensive documentation about ``Inline expectation tests`` and the ``ppx_expect`` tool for writing them:
 - `Dune documentation about inline expectation tests <https://dune.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tests.html#inline-expectation-tests>`_.
 - `Ppx_expect README <https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_expect>`_.

Here, we will just cover enough to get started using them inside the Tezos codebase.

How to run tests

If you want to run tests and see whether they succeed, build the standard ``runtest`` alias::

    dune runtest src/lib_stdlib
    # or dune build @@src/lib_stdlib/runtest

The result would look like this::

    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 97, characters 0-817: random_read_writes (0.006 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 123, characters 0-1339: peek and poke work with bits = [1 .. Sys.int_size - 7] (0.012 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 163, characters 0-739: sequential_read_writes (0.021 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 182, characters 0-705: read_over_write (0.001 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 282, characters 0-835: consistent_add_mem_countdown (0.275 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 309, characters 0-1531: consistent_add_countdown_count (2.079 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 456, characters 4-137 (11.966 sec)
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 461, characters 4-1695: <<match Sys.getenv_opt "BLOOMER_TEST_GNUPLOT_PA[...]>> (0.000 sec)

A test can fail because it generates an output different from what is expected or because it raises an exception.
Failures are reported as a diff in both cases.

Different output::

    File "src/proto_alpha/lib_client/limit.ml", line 1, characters 0-0:
    ------ src/proto_alpha/lib_client/limit.ml
    ++++++ src/proto_alpha/lib_client/limit.ml.corrected
    File "src/proto_alpha/lib_client/limit.ml", line 57, characters 0-1:
     |      if eq x y then Result.return_some x
     |      else error_with "Limit.join: error (%s)" where
     |let%expect_test "join" =
     |  let pp_print_err fmt = function
     |    | Result.Error _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "error"
     |    | Ok x ->
     |        Format.(
     |          pp_print_option
     |            ~none:(fun fmt () -> pp_print_string fmt "None")
     |            pp_print_bool)
     |          fmt
     |          x
     |  in
     |  let print x = Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "%a" pp_print_err x in
     |  print (join ~where:__LOC__ Bool.equal (Some true) (Some true)) ;
    -|  [%expect {| false |}] ;
    +|  [%expect {| true |}] ;
     |  print (join ~where:__LOC__ Bool.equal None None) ;
     |  [%expect {| None |}] ;
     |  print (join ~where:__LOC__ Bool.equal None (Some true)) ;
     |  [%expect {| true |}] ;
     |  print (join ~where:__LOC__ Bool.equal (Some true) None) ;
     |  [%expect {| true |}] ;
     |  print (join ~where:__LOC__ Bool.equal (Some true) (Some false)) ;
     |  [%expect {| error |}]
     |let get ~when_unknown = function
     |  | None -> error_with "Limit.get: %s" when_unknown
     |  | Some x -> ok x
     |let%expect_test "get" =
     |  let pp_print_err fmt = function
     |    | Result.Error _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "error"

Exception raised::

    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 1, characters 0-0:
    ------ src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml
    ++++++ src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml.corrected
    File "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 309, characters 0-1:
     |    let bloomer = create ~hash ~index_bits ~hashes ~countdown_bits in
     |    let rec init n acc =
     |      if n = 0 then acc
     |      else
     |        let x = Random.int (1 lsl 29) in
     |        add bloomer x ;
     |        assert (mem bloomer x) ;
     |        init (n - 1) (x :: acc)
     |    in
     |    let all = init 1000 [] in
     |    for _ = 0 to (1 lsl countdown_bits) - 2 do
     |      List.iter (fun x -> assert (mem bloomer x)) all ;
     |      countdown bloomer
     |    done ;
     |    List.iter (fun x -> assert (not (mem bloomer x))) all
     |  done
    +|[@@expect.uncaught_exn {|
    +|  (* CR expect_test_collector: This test expectation appears to contain a backtrace.
    +|     This is strongly discouraged as backtraces are fragile.
    +|     Please change this test to not include a backtrace. *)
    +|  "Assert_failure src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml:287:4"
    +|  Raised at Tezos_stdlib__Bloomer.(fun) in file "src/lib_stdlib/bloomer.ml", line 287, characters 4-18
    +|  Called from Expect_test_collector.Make.Instance_io.exec in file "collector/expect_test_collector.ml", line 262, characters 12-19 |}]

How to add tests

Ppx_expect is based on ``ppx_inline_test`` machinery. That is, it
collects tests automatically for you.

To add a new test, make sure you have the following in your library stanza in the dune file::

    (preprocess (pps ppx_expect))

In the manifest, just add the following argument to the library containing expect tests::


Adding new tests is then just a matter of adding ``let%expect_test`` at top level::

    let%expect_test "optional name" =
      print_endline "hello world";
      [%expect {||}]

Running test with the example above will fail and show you a diff between your source and the corrected one::

     |let%expect_test "optional name" =
     |  print_endline "hello world";
    -|  [%expect {||}]
    +|  [%expect {| hello world |}]

If you agree with the diff, just ask dune to promote the source and you're done::

    dune runtest --auto-promote

Where to put the tests

Expect tests can live next to the implementation or in a different library dedicated to tests
(e.g. if you don't want to polute your source/binary or if your want to only test the exposed API).

Integration with Lwt

Ppx_expect can be used in combination with Lwt, see the
`README <https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_expect/blob/master/README.org#lwt>`_.
This integration has not been tested on the Tezos codebase yet, hence some work will be
needed to a have specific support for the codebase.
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