Raw File
 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

import {Directive, forwardRef, Host, Inject, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Optional, Self, SkipSelf} from '@angular/core';

import {FormArray} from '../../model';
import {NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, NG_VALIDATORS} from '../../validators';
import {AbstractFormGroupDirective} from '../abstract_form_group_directive';
import {ControlContainer} from '../control_container';
import {ReactiveErrors} from '../reactive_errors';
import {composeAsyncValidators, composeValidators, controlPath} from '../shared';
import {AsyncValidatorFn, ValidatorFn} from '../validators';

import {FormGroupDirective} from './form_group_directive';

export const formGroupNameProvider: any = {
  provide: ControlContainer,
  useExisting: forwardRef(() => FormGroupName)

 * @description
 * Syncs a nested `FormGroup` to a DOM element.
 * This directive can only be used with a parent `FormGroupDirective`.
 * It accepts the string name of the nested `FormGroup` to link, and
 * looks for a `FormGroup` registered with that name in the parent
 * `FormGroup` instance you passed into `FormGroupDirective`.
 * Use nested form groups to validate a sub-group of a
 * form separately from the rest or to group the values of certain
 * controls into their own nested object.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Access the group by name
 * The following example uses the {@link AbstractControl#get get} method to access the
 * associated `FormGroup`
 * ```ts
 *   this.form.get('name');
 * ```
 * ### Access individual controls in the group
 * The following example uses the {@link AbstractControl#get get} method to access
 * individual controls within the group using dot syntax.
 * ```ts
 *   this.form.get('name.first');
 * ```
 * ### Register a nested `FormGroup`.
 * The following example registers a nested *name* `FormGroup` within an existing `FormGroup`,
 * and provides methods to retrieve the nested `FormGroup` and individual controls.
 * {@example forms/ts/nestedFormGroup/nested_form_group_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
@Directive({selector: '[formGroupName]', providers: [formGroupNameProvider]})
export class FormGroupName extends AbstractFormGroupDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
   * @description
   * Tracks the name of the `FormGroup` bound to the directive. The name corresponds
   * to a key in the parent `FormGroup` or `FormArray`.
   * Accepts a name as a string or a number.
   * The name in the form of a string is useful for individual forms,
   * while the numerical form allows for form groups to be bound
   * to indices when iterating over groups in a `FormArray`.
  // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
  @Input('formGroupName') name!: string|number|null;

      @Optional() @Host() @SkipSelf() parent: ControlContainer,
      @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_VALIDATORS) validators: any[],
      @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS) asyncValidators: any[]) {
    this._parent = parent;
    this._validators = validators;
    this._asyncValidators = asyncValidators;

  /** @internal */
  _checkParentType(): void {
    if (_hasInvalidParent(this._parent) && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {

export const formArrayNameProvider: any = {
  provide: ControlContainer,
  useExisting: forwardRef(() => FormArrayName)

 * @description
 * Syncs a nested `FormArray` to a DOM element.
 * This directive is designed to be used with a parent `FormGroupDirective` (selector:
 * `[formGroup]`).
 * It accepts the string name of the nested `FormArray` you want to link, and
 * will look for a `FormArray` registered with that name in the parent
 * `FormGroup` instance you passed into `FormGroupDirective`.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see `AbstractControl`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example forms/ts/nestedFormArray/nested_form_array_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
@Directive({selector: '[formArrayName]', providers: [formArrayNameProvider]})
export class FormArrayName extends ControlContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  /** @internal */
  _parent: ControlContainer;

  /** @internal */
  _validators: any[];

  /** @internal */
  _asyncValidators: any[];

   * @description
   * Tracks the name of the `FormArray` bound to the directive. The name corresponds
   * to a key in the parent `FormGroup` or `FormArray`.
   * Accepts a name as a string or a number.
   * The name in the form of a string is useful for individual forms,
   * while the numerical form allows for form arrays to be bound
   * to indices when iterating over arrays in a `FormArray`.
  // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
  @Input('formArrayName') name!: string|number|null;

      @Optional() @Host() @SkipSelf() parent: ControlContainer,
      @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_VALIDATORS) validators: any[],
      @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS) asyncValidators: any[]) {
    this._parent = parent;
    this._validators = validators;
    this._asyncValidators = asyncValidators;

   * A lifecycle method called when the directive's inputs are initialized. For internal use only.
   * @throws If the directive does not have a valid parent.
   * @nodoc
  ngOnInit(): void {

   * A lifecycle method called before the directive's instance is destroyed. For internal use only.
   * @nodoc
  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    if (this.formDirective) {

   * @description
   * The `FormArray` bound to this directive.
  get control(): FormArray {
    return this.formDirective!.getFormArray(this);

   * @description
   * The top-level directive for this group if present, otherwise null.
  get formDirective(): FormGroupDirective|null {
    return this._parent ? <FormGroupDirective>this._parent.formDirective : null;

   * @description
   * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control.
   * Each index is the string name of the control on that level.
  get path(): string[] {
    return controlPath(this.name == null ? this.name : this.name.toString(), this._parent);

   * @description
   * Synchronous validator function composed of all the synchronous validators registered with this
   * directive.
  get validator(): ValidatorFn|null {
    return composeValidators(this._validators);

   * @description
   * Async validator function composed of all the async validators registered with this directive.
  get asyncValidator(): AsyncValidatorFn|null {
    return composeAsyncValidators(this._asyncValidators);

  private _checkParentType(): void {
    if (_hasInvalidParent(this._parent) && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {

function _hasInvalidParent(parent: ControlContainer): boolean {
  return !(parent instanceof FormGroupName) && !(parent instanceof FormGroupDirective) &&
      !(parent instanceof FormArrayName);
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