## Copyright (C) 2010 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
#### List of supported Archimedean copulas
## FIXME: Not "nice" that the names of the copula objects must be be used
## inside some of their components.
## Possible solution:
## use *same* environment for (tau, tauInv, paraConstr, nestConstr)
## NOTA BENE: Write psi(), tau(), ... functions such that they *vectorize*
## --------- *and* do work even for (non-numeric) NULL argument
## {now checked in "acopula" validityMethod -- see ./AllClass.R }
### ==== Ali-Mikhail-Haq, see Nelsen (2007) p. 116, # 3 ========================
copAMH <-
new("acopula", name = "AMH",
## generator
psi = function(t,theta) { (1-theta)/(exp(t+0)-theta) },
psiInv = function(t,theta) { log((1-theta*(1-t))/t) },
## parameter interval
paraInterval = interval("[0,1)"),
## nesting constraint
nestConstr = function(theta0,theta1) {
copAMH@paraConstr(theta0) &&
copAMH@paraConstr(theta1) && theta1 >= theta0
## V0 and V01
V0 = function(n,theta) rgeom(n, 1-theta) + 1,
V01 = function(V0,theta0,theta1) {
## Kendall's tau
tau = tauAMH, ##-> ./aux-acopula.R
## function(th) 1 - 2*((1-th)*(1-th)*log(1-th)+th)/(3*th*th)
## but numerically stable, including, theta -> 0
tauInv = function(tau, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ...) {
if(any(tau > 1/3))
stop("Impossible for AMH copula to attain a Kendall's tau larger than 1/3")
sapply(tau,function(tau) {
r <- safeUroot(function(th) tauAMH(th) - tau,
interval = c(1e-12, 1-1e-12), Sig = +1,
tol = tol, check.conv=TRUE, ...)
## lower tail dependence coefficient lambda_l
lambdaL = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaLInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for an Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula gives lambdaL = 0")
NA * lambda
## upper tail dependence coefficient lambda_u
lambdaU = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaUInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for an Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula gives lambdaU = 0")
NA * lambda
### ==== Clayton, see Nelsen (2007) p. 116, #1 (slightly simpler form here) ====
copClayton <-
new("acopula", name = "Clayton",
## generator
psi = function(t,theta) { (1+t)^(-1/theta) },
psiInv = function(t,theta) { t^(-theta) - 1 },
## parameter interval
paraInterval = interval("(0,Inf)"),
## nesting constraint
nestConstr = function(theta0,theta1) {
copClayton@paraConstr(theta0) &&
copClayton@paraConstr(theta1) && theta1 >= theta0
## V0 and V01
V0 = function(n,theta) { rgamma(n, shape = 1/theta) },
V01 = function(V0,theta0,theta1) { retstable(alpha=theta0/theta1, V0) },
## Kendall's tau
tau = function(theta) { theta/(theta+2) },
tauInv = function(tau) { 2*tau/(1-tau) },
## lower tail dependence coefficient lambda_l
lambdaL = function(theta) { 2^(-1/theta) },
lambdaLInv = function(lambda) { -1/log2(lambda) },
## upper tail dependence coefficient lambda_u
lambdaU = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaUInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for a CLayton copula gives lambdaU = 0")
NA * lambda
### ==== Frank, see Nelsen (2007) p. 116, # 5 ==================================
##' Frank object
copFrank <-
new("acopula", name = "Frank",
## generator
psi = function(t,theta) {
## == -log(1-(1-exp(-theta))*exp(-t))/theta
psiInv = function(t,theta) {
## == -log((exp(-theta*t)-1)/(exp(-theta)-1))
## parameter interval
paraInterval = interval("(0,Inf)"),
## nesting constraint
nestConstr = function(theta0,theta1) {
copFrank@paraConstr(theta0) &&
copFrank@paraConstr(theta1) && theta1 >= theta0
## V0 (algorithm of Kemp (1981)) and V01
V0 = function(n,theta) { rlog(n,1-exp(-theta)) },
V01 = function(V0,theta0,theta1) {
## FIXME: how to approximate when V0 large? not yet solved
## theoretically
sapply(lapply(V0, rFFrank, theta0=theta0,theta1=theta1), sum)
## Kendall's tau; debye_1() is from package 'gsl' :
tau = function(theta) 1 + 4*(debye_1(theta) - 1)/theta,
tauInv = function(tau, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ...) {
sapply(tau, function(tau) {
r <- safeUroot(function(th) copFrank@tau(th) - tau,
interval = c(0.001,100), Sig = +1, tol=tol,
check.conv=TRUE, ...)
## lower tail dependence coefficient lambda_l
lambdaL = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaLInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for a Frank copula gives lambdaL = 0")
NA * lambda
## upper tail dependence coefficient lambda_u
lambdaU = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaUInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for a Frank copula gives lambdaU = 0")
NA * lambda
### ==== Gumbel, see Nelsen (2007) p. 116, # 4 =================================
copGumbel <-
new("acopula", name = "Gumbel",
## generator
psi = function(t,theta) { exp(-t^(1/theta)) },
psiInv = function(t,theta) { (-log(t+0))^theta },
## parameter interval
paraInterval = interval("[1,Inf)"),
## nesting constraint
nestConstr = function(theta0,theta1) {
copGumbel@paraConstr(theta0) &&
copGumbel@paraConstr(theta1) && theta1 >= theta0
## V0 and V01
V0 = function(n,theta) {
if(theta == 1) {
## Sample from S(1,1,0,1;1)
## with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-t), n)
} else {
alpha <- 1/theta
## Sample from S(alpha,1,(cos(alpha*pi/2))^(1/alpha),0;1)
## with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-t^alpha)
rstable1(n, alpha, beta=1,
gamma = cos(alpha*pi/2)^(1/alpha))
V01 = function(V0,theta0,theta1) {
alpha <- theta0/theta1
if(alpha == 1) {
## Sample from S(1,1,0,V0;1)
## with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V0*t)
} else {
rstable1(length(V0), alpha, beta=1,
gamma = (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V0)^(1/alpha))
## Sample from S(alpha,1,(cos(alpha*pi/2)V0)^(1/alpha),0;1)
## with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V0*t^alpha)
## Kendall's tau
tau = function(theta) { (theta-1)/theta },
tauInv = function(tau) { 1/(1-tau) },
## lower tail dependence coefficient lambda_l
lambdaL = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaLInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for a Gumbel copula gives lambdaL = 0")
NA * lambda
## upper tail dependence coefficient lambda_u
lambdaU = function(theta) { 2 - 2^(1/theta) },
lambdaUInv = function(lambda) { 1/log2(2-lambda) }
) # {copGumbel}
### ==== Joe, see Nelsen (2007) p. 116, # 6 ====================================
##' Joe object
copJoe <-
new("acopula", name = "Joe",
## generator
psi = function(t,theta) {
1 - (-expm1(0-t))^(1/theta)
## == 1 - (1-exp(-t))^(1/theta)
psiInv = function(t,theta) { -log1p(-(1-t)^theta) },
## parameter interval
paraInterval = interval("[1,Inf)"),
## nesting constraint
nestConstr = function(theta0,theta1) {
copJoe@paraConstr(theta0) &&
copJoe@paraConstr(theta1) && theta1 >= theta0
## V0 and V01
V0 = function(n,theta) rFJoe(n, 1/theta),
V01 = function(V0,theta0,theta1, approx=100000) {
alpha <- theta0/theta1
ia <- (V0 > approx)
ie <- !ia
V01 <- V0 # numeric(length(V0))
V01[ia] <- V0[ia]^(1/alpha) *
rstable1(sum(ia),alpha, beta=1,
gamma = cos(alpha*pi/2)^(1/alpha),
delta = as.integer(alpha==1))
V01[ie] <- sapply(lapply(V0[ie], rFJoe, alpha=alpha),sum)
## Kendall's tau
## noTerms: even for theta==0, the approximation error is < 10^(-5)
tau = function(theta, noTerms=446) {
k <- noTerms:1
function(th) {
tk2 <- th*k + 2
1 - 4*sum(1/(k*tk2*(tk2 - th)))
## ==... (1/(k*(th*k+2)*(th*(k-1)+2)))
tauInv = function(tau, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ...) {
sapply(tau,function(tau) {
r <- safeUroot(function(th) copJoe@tau(th) - tau,
interval = c(1.001, 100), Sig = +1, tol=tol,
check.conv=TRUE, ...)
## lower tail dependence coefficient lambda_l
lambdaL = function(theta) { 0*theta },
lambdaLInv = function(lambda) {
if(any(lambda != 0))
stop("Any parameter for a Joe copula gives lambdaL = 0")
NA * lambda
## upper tail dependence coefficient lambda_u
lambdaU = function(theta) { 2-2^(1/theta) },
lambdaUInv = function(lambda) { log(2)/log(2-lambda) }
) ## {copJoe}
### ==== naming stuff ==========================================================
cNms <- c("copAMH", "copClayton", "copFrank", "copGumbel", "copJoe")
## == dput(ls("package:nacopula",pat="^cop"))
nmsC <- unlist(lapply(cNms, function(.)get(.)@name))
sNms <- abbreviate(nmsC, 1)
## keep these {hidden, for now}:
c_shortNames <- structure(sNms, names = nmsC)
c_longNames <- structure(nmsC, names = sNms)
c_objNames <- structure(cNms, names = nmsC)
rm(cNms, nmsC, sNms)