Raw File
\title{Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns}
  Extract or replace some of the sub-patterns in a split point pattern.
  \method{[}{splitppp}(x, ...)
  \method{[}{splitppp}(x, ...) <- value
    An object of class \code{"splitppp"}, representing a point pattern
    separated into a list of sub-patterns.
    Subset index. Any valid subset index in the usual \R sense.
    Replacement value for the subset. A list of point patterns.
  Another object of class \code{"splitppp"}.
  These are subset methods for the class \code{"splitppp"}.

  The argument \code{x} should be an object of class \code{"splitppp"},
  representing a point pattern that has been separated into a
  list of sub-patterns. It is created by \code{\link{split.ppp}}.
  The methods extract or replace a designated
  subset of the list \code{x}, and return an object of class \code{"splitppp"}.
  data(amacrine)  # multitype point pattern
  y <- split(amacrine)
  y[1] <- list(runifpoint(42, Window(amacrine)))
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