#ifndef INCLUDE_WXTERM #define INCLUDE_WXTERM #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface #endif #include #include #define CURSOR_BLINK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 300 #define CURSOR_BLINK_MAX_TIMEOUT 2000 #define wxEVT_COMMAND_TERM_RESIZE wxEVT_USER_FIRST + 1000 #define wxEVT_COMMAND_TERM_NEXT wxEVT_USER_FIRST + 1001 #define EVT_TERM_RESIZE(id, fn) { wxEVT_COMMAND_TERM_RESIZE, id, -1, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) (wxCommandEventFunction) &fn, (wxObject *)NULL }, class TurtleWindowPrintout: public wxPrintout { public: TurtleWindowPrintout(wxChar *title = _T("Turtle Graphics")):wxPrintout(title) {} bool OnPrintPage(int page); bool HasPage(int page); bool OnBeginDocument(int startPage, int endPage); void TurtlePrintPreview(); void GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *selPageFrom, int *selPageTo); }; // Structures for maintaining characters and lines #define WXTERM_CB_SIZE 8000 #define WXTERM_LB_SIZE 1000 struct wxterm_char_buffer { unsigned char cbuf[WXTERM_CB_SIZE]; //characters unsigned char mbuf[WXTERM_CB_SIZE]; //mode flags wxterm_char_buffer *next; //next part of buffer } ; struct wxterm_charpos { wxterm_char_buffer *buf; //which char buffer int offset; //offset into buffer int line_length; //length of line } ; #define inc_charpos(cp) cp.offset++; \ if(cp.offset == WXTERM_CB_SIZE) { \ if(!cp.buf->next) { \ cp.buf->next = (wxterm_char_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(wxterm_char_buffer)); \ memset(cp.buf->next, '\0', sizeof(wxterm_char_buffer)); \ } \ cp.buf = cp.buf->next; \ cp.offset = 0; \ } // adjust offset >= WXTERM_CB_SIZE issues #define adjust_charpos(cp) while(cp.offset >= WXTERM_CB_SIZE) { \ if(!cp.buf->next) { \ cp.buf->next = (wxterm_char_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(wxterm_char_buffer)); \ memset(cp.buf->next, '\0', sizeof(wxterm_char_buffer)); \ } \ cp.buf = cp.buf->next; \ cp.offset -= WXTERM_CB_SIZE; \ } //lineposition consists of just a buffer and an offset. #define inc_linepos(lp) lp.offset++; \ if(lp.offset == WXTERM_LB_SIZE) { \ if(!lp.buf->next) { \ lp.buf->next = (wxterm_line_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(wxterm_line_buffer)); \ memset(lp.buf->next, 0, sizeof(wxterm_line_buffer)); \ } \ lp.buf = lp.buf->next; \ lp.offset = 0; \ } //adjust offset >= WXTERM_LB_SIZE issue #define adjust_linepos(lp) while(lp.offset >= WXTERM_LB_SIZE) { \ if(!lp.buf->next) { \ lp.buf->next = (wxterm_line_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(wxterm_line_buffer)); \ memset(lp.buf->next, 0, sizeof(wxterm_line_buffer)); \ } \ lp.buf = lp.buf->next; \ lp.offset -= WXTERM_LB_SIZE; \ } struct wxterm_line_buffer { wxterm_charpos lbuf[WXTERM_LB_SIZE]; //lines wxterm_line_buffer *next; //next part of buffer }; struct wxterm_linepos { wxterm_line_buffer *buf; //which line buffer int offset; //offset into line buffer }; #define line_of(lpos) lpos.buf->lbuf[lpos.offset] #define char_of(cpos) cpos.buf->cbuf[cpos.offset] #define mode_of(cpos) cpos.buf->mbuf[cpos.offset] // enter/exit standout mode character #define TOGGLE_STANDOUT 17 class wxTerminal : public wxScrolledWindow { public: int m_charWidth; int m_charHeight; int m_width; int m_height; private: int m_selx1, m_sely1, m_selx2, m_sely2, m_seloldx1, m_seloldy1, m_seloldx2, m_seloldy2, m_curX, m_curY, m_curFG, m_curBG, m_curFlags; //used in enableScrolling int m_vscroll_pos; //number of input lines ready int m_inputLines; bool m_inputReady; //whether ENTER was hit. unsigned char m_curChar; bool m_selecting; // m_marking; wxColour // m_vt_colors[16], // m_pc_colors[16], m_colors[16]; wxPen // m_vt_colorPens[16], // m_pc_colorPens[16], m_colorPens[16]; wxFont m_normalFont, m_underlinedFont, m_boldFont, m_boldUnderlinedFont; wxMemoryDC m_memDC; FILE *m_printerFN; char *m_printerName; // character buffer wxterm_char_buffer *term_chars; wxterm_line_buffer *term_lines; wxterm_charpos curr_char_pos; wxterm_linepos curr_line_pos; public: int cursor_x, cursor_y; public: // mode flags enum MODES { BOLD=0x1, BLINK=0x2, UNDERLINE=0x4, INVERSE=0x8, DEFERUPDATE=0x10, // DESTRUCTBS=0x800, CURSORINVISIBLE=0x20, //SELECTED=0x40 // flag to indicate a char is selected }; char m_currMode; #if 0 enum BOLDSTYLE { DEFAULT = -1, COLOR = 0, OVERSTRIKE = 1, FONT = 2 }; #endif private: // BOLDSTYLE m_boldStyle; typedef struct { wxKeyCode keyCode; int VTKeyCode; } TermKeyMap; public: wxTerminal(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, int width = 81, int height = 25, const wxString& name = _T("wxTerminal")); virtual ~wxTerminal(); // For printing the text wxHtmlEasyPrinting *htmlPrinter; int x_coord, y_coord, x_max, y_max, isEditFile; static wxTerminal *terminal; void GetCharSize(int *cw, int *ch); bool SetFont(const wxFont& font); void GetColors(wxColor colors[16]/*, wxTerminal::BOLDSTYLE boldStyle = wxTerminal::DEFAULT*/); void deferUpdate(int); void set_mode_flag(int flag); void clear_mode_flag(int flag); void ClearSelection(); bool HasSelection(); wxString GetChars(int x1,int y1,int x2, int y2); wxString GetSelection(); void SelectAll(); wxterm_linepos GetLinePosition(int y); wxterm_charpos GetCharPosition(int x, int y); void DoCopy(); void DoPaste(); void ProcessInput(); void Flush (); void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event); void terminalEvent (wxCommandEvent & event); void PassInputToInterp(); void setCursor (int x, int y, bool fromLogo = FALSE); //scrolling void EnableScrolling(bool want_scrolling); virtual void DrawText(wxDC& dc, int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, int len, unsigned char *string); // virtual void MoveChars(int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h); // virtual void ClearChars(int bg_color, int x, int y, int w, int h); // virtual void ModeChange(int state); virtual void Bell(); void RenumberLines(int new_width); virtual void ResizeTerminal(int w, int h); // virtual void RequestSizeChange(int w, int h); void DebugOutputBuffer(); void InsertChar(char c); void NextLine(); virtual void PassInputToTerminal(int len, unsigned char *data); wxString *get_text(); void ClearScreen(); virtual void SelectPrinter(char *PrinterName); virtual void PrintChars(int len, unsigned char *data); //TurtleCanvas passes char to here. void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event); private: int MapKeyCode(int keyCode); void InvertArea(wxDC &dc, int tx1, int tx2, int w, int h, bool scrolled_coord = FALSE); void MarkSelection(wxDC &dc, bool scrolled_coord = FALSE); int CheckPlatformKeys(wxKeyEvent& event); void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event); void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); void OnDraw(wxDC& dc); void GetClickCoords(wxMouseEvent& event, int *x, int *y); void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event); void LoseFocus (wxFocusEvent & event); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; enum terminalEvents { CLEARTEXT = 0, SETCURSOR }; void init_Logo_Interpreter (int argc, char ** argv); #endif /* INCLUDE_WXTERM */