Raw File
				<title>Custom Link Sample</title>
				<geoform>vector digital data</geoform>
					<pubplace>380 New York St., Redlands, CA, USA</pubplace>
                <othercit>Other information required to complete the citation.</othercit>
			<abstract>This is a test metadata record for use in the Add a custom link to a search result web help
topic. Note, the ftp URL here is just a sample and does not open an actual ftp site.</abstract>
			<supplinf>This does not represent an actual dataset</supplinf>
			<current>ground condition</current>
			<update>None planned</update>
				<themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>
					<cntper>SDI Solutions Team</cntper>
					<addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>
					<address>380 New York St.</address>
					<country>UNITED STATES</country>
            <browsen>Name of a related graphic file that provides an illustration of the data set.</browsen>
            <browsed>A text description of the illustration.</browsed>
        <datacred>Recognition of those who contributed to the data set.</datacred>
        <native>Software and version (operating system and version), platform</native>
                <enttypl>The name of the entity type.</enttypl>
                <enttypd>The description of the entity type.</enttypd>
                <enttypds>Entity Type Definition Source -- the authority of the definition.</enttypds>
                <attrlabl>The name of the attribute.</attrlabl>
                <attrdef>The description of the attribute.</attrdef>
                <attrdefs>Attribute Definition Source -- the authority of the definition.</attrdefs>
                        <attrunit>The standard of measurement for an attribute value.</attrunit>
                    <attrvae>The definition of the Attribute Value Accuracy measure and units, and a description of how the estimate was 
                <attrmfrq>None planned</attrmfrq>
            <eaover>Detailed summary of the information contained in a data set.</eaover>
            <eadetcit>Reference to the complete description of the entity types, attributes, and attribute values for the data set.</eadetcit>
        <indspref>Name of types of geographic features, addressing schemes, or other means through which locations are referenced in 
the data set.</indspref>
                <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>
				<cntpos>Customer Service</cntpos>
					<addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>
					<address>380 New York St.</address>
		<resdesc>Downloadable Data</resdesc>
                    <formvern>Version number of the format.</formvern>
                    <formcont>Description of the content of the data encoded in a format.</formcont>
						<oncomp>Standard Internet browser, PC, Mac, UNIX, Linux
            <attraccr>An explanation of the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments of values in the data set and a 
description of the tests used.</attraccr>
       <logic>An explanation of the fidelity of the relationships in the data set and the tests used.</logic>
       <complete>Information about omissions, selection criteria, generalization, definitions used, and other rules used to derive the data 
                <horizpar>An explanation of the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements and a description of the tests 
                <vertaccr>An explanation of the accuracy of the vertical coordinate measurements and a description of the tests 
				        <title>Custom Link Sample</title>
                    <srccurr>The basis on which the source time period of content information of the source data set is determined.</srccurr>
                <srccitea>Short-form alias for the source citation.</srccitea>
<srccontr>Brief statement identifying the information contributed by the source to the data set.</srccontr>
                <procdesc>An explanation of the event and related parameters or tolerances.</procdesc>
				<cntpos>SDI Solutions</cntpos>
					<addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>
					<address>380 New York St.</address>
		<metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>
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