# Copyright 2016 James Hensman, alexggmatthews # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import itertools from . import settings from .misc import vec_to_tri from .core.base import ITransform class Transform(ITransform): # pylint: disable=W0223 def __call__(self, other_transform): """ Calling a Transform with another Transform results in a Chain of both. The following are equivalent: >>> Chain(t1, t2) >>> t1(t2) """ if not isinstance(other_transform, Transform): raise TypeError("transforms can only be chained with other transforms: " "perhaps you want t.forward(x)") return Chain(self, other_transform) class Identity(Transform): """ The identity transform: y = x """ def forward_tensor(self, x): return tf.identity(x) def backward_tensor(self, y): return tf.identity(y) def forward(self, x): return x def backward(self, y): return y def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): return tf.zeros((1,), settings.float_type) def __str__(self): return '(none)' class Chain(Transform): """ Chain two transformations together: .. math:: y = t_1(t_2(x)) where y is the natural parameter and x is the free state """ def __init__(self, t1, t2): self.t1 = t1 self.t2 = t2 def forward_tensor(self, x): return self.t1.forward_tensor(self.t2.forward_tensor(x)) def backward_tensor(self, y): return self.t2.backward_tensor(self.t1.backward_tensor(y)) def forward(self, x): return self.t1.forward(self.t2.forward(x)) def backward(self, y): return self.t2.backward(self.t1.backward(y)) def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): return self.t1.log_jacobian_tensor(self.t2.forward_tensor(x)) +\ self.t2.log_jacobian_tensor(x) def __str__(self): return "{} {}".format(self.t1.__str__(), self.t2.__str__()) class Exp(Transform): """ The exponential transform: y = \exp(x) + \epsilon x is a free variable, y is always positive. The epsilon value (self.lower) prevents the optimizer reaching numerical zero. """ def __init__(self, lower=1e-6): self._lower = lower def forward_tensor(self, x): return tf.exp(x) + self._lower def backward_tensor(self, y): return tf.log(y - self._lower) def forward(self, x): return np.exp(x) + self._lower def backward(self, y): return np.log(y - self._lower) def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): return tf.reduce_sum(x) def __str__(self): return 'Exp' class Log1pe(Transform): """ A transform of the form .. math:: y = \log(1 + \exp(x)) x is a free variable, y is always positive. This function is known as 'softplus' in tensorflow. """ def __init__(self, lower=1e-6): """ lower is a float that defines the minimum value that this transform can take, default 1e-6. This helps stability during optimization, because aggressive optimizers can take overly-long steps which lead to zero in the transformed variable, causing an error. """ self._lower = lower def forward(self, x): """ Implementation of softplus. Overflow avoided by use of the logaddexp function. self._lower is added before returning. """ return np.logaddexp(0, x) + self._lower def forward_tensor(self, x): return tf.nn.softplus(x) + self._lower def backward_tensor(self, y): ys = tf.maximum(y - self._lower, tf.as_dtype(settings.float_type).min) return ys + tf.log(-tf.expm1(-ys)) def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): return tf.negative(tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softplus(tf.negative(x)))) def backward(self, y): """ Inverse of the softplus transform: .. math:: x = \log( \exp(y) - 1) The bound for the input y is [self._lower. inf[, self._lower is subtracted prior to any calculations. The implementation avoids overflow explicitly by applying the log sum exp trick: .. math:: \log ( \exp(y) - \exp(0)) &= ys + \log( \exp(y-ys) - \exp(-ys)) \\ &= ys + \log( 1 - \exp(-ys) ys = \max(0, y) As y can not be negative, ys could be replaced with y itself. However, in case :math:`y=0` this results in np.log(0). Hence the zero is replaced by a machine epsilon. .. math:: ys = \max( \epsilon, y) """ ys = np.maximum(y - self._lower, np.finfo(settings.float_type).eps) return ys + np.log(-np.expm1(-ys)) def __str__(self): return '+ve' class Logistic(Transform): """ The logistic transform, useful for keeping variables constrained between the limits a and b: .. math:: y = a + (b-a) s(x) s(x) = 1 / (1 + \exp(-x)) """ def __init__(self, a=0., b=1.): if a >= b: raise ValueError("a must be smaller than b") self.a, self.b = float(a), float(b) def forward_tensor(self, x): ex = tf.exp(-x) return self.a + (self.b - self.a) / (1. + ex) def forward(self, x): ex = np.exp(-x) return self.a + (self.b - self.a) / (1. + ex) def backward_tensor(self, y): return -tf.log((self.b - self.a) / (y - self.a) - 1.) def backward(self, y): return -np.log((self.b - self.a) / (y - self.a) - 1.) def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): return tf.reduce_sum(x - 2. * tf.log(tf.exp(x) + 1.) + np.log(self.b - self.a)) def __str__(self): return "[{}, {}]".format(self.a, self.b) class Rescale(Transform): """ A transform that can linearly rescale parameters: .. math:: y = factor * x Use `Chain` to combine this with another transform such as Log1pe: `Chain(Rescale(), otherTransform())` results in y = factor * t(x) `Chain(otherTransform(), Rescale())` results in y = t(factor * x) This is useful for avoiding overly large or small scales in optimization/MCMC. If you want a transform for a positive quantity of a given scale, you want >>> Rescale(scale)(positive) """ def __init__(self, factor=1.0): self.factor = float(factor) def forward_tensor(self, x): return x * self.factor def forward(self, x): return x * self.factor def backward_tensor(self, y): return y / self.factor def backward(self, y): return y / self.factor def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): N = tf.cast(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(x)), dtype=settings.float_type) factor = tf.cast(self.factor, dtype=settings.float_type) log_factor = tf.log(factor) return N * log_factor def __str__(self): return "{}*".format(self.factor) class DiagMatrix(Transform): """ A transform to represent diagonal matrices. The output of this transform is a N x dim x dim array of diagonal matrices. The constructor argument `dim` specifies the size of the matrices. To make a constraint over positive-definite diagonal matrices, chain this transform with a positive transform. For example, to get posdef matrices of size 2x2: t = DiagMatrix(2)(positive) """ def __init__(self, dim=1): self.dim = dim def forward(self, x): # create diagonal matrices m = np.zeros((x.size * self.dim)).reshape(-1, self.dim, self.dim) x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) m[(np.s_[:],) + np.diag_indices(x.shape[1])] = x return m def backward(self, y): # Return diagonals of matrices if len(y.shape) not in (2, 3) or not (y.shape[-1] == y.shape[-2] == self.dim): raise ValueError("shape of input does not match this transform") return y.reshape((-1, self.dim, self.dim)).diagonal(offset=0, axis1=1, axis2=2).flatten() def backward_tensor(self, y): reshaped = tf.reshape(y, shape=(-1, self.dim, self.dim)) return tf.reshape(tf.matrix_diag_part(reshaped), shape=[-1]) def forward_tensor(self, x): # create diagonal matrices return tf.matrix_diag(tf.reshape(x, (-1, self.dim))) def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): return tf.zeros((1,), settings.float_type) def __str__(self): return 'DiagMatrix' class LowerTriangular(Transform): """ A transform of the form y = vec_to_tri(x) x is the 'packed' version of shape num_matrices x (N**2 + N)/2 y is the 'unpacked' version of shape num_matrices x N x N. :param N: the size of the final lower triangular matrices. :param num_matrices: Number of matrices to be stored. :param squeeze: If num_matrices == 1, drop the redundant axis. :raises ValueError: squeezing is impossible when num_matrices > 1. """ def __init__(self, N, num_matrices=1, squeeze=False): """ Create an instance of LowerTriangular transform. """ self.N = N self.num_matrices = num_matrices # We need to store this for reconstruction. self.squeeze = squeeze if self.squeeze and (num_matrices != 1): raise ValueError("cannot squeeze matrices unless num_matrices is 1.") def forward(self, x): """ Transforms from the packed to unpacked representations (numpy) :param x: packed numpy array. Must have shape `self.num_matrices x triangular_number :return: Reconstructed numpy array y of shape self.num_matrices x N x N """ fwd = np.zeros((self.num_matrices, self.N, self.N), settings.float_type) indices = np.tril_indices(self.N, 0) z = np.zeros(len(indices[0])).astype(int) for i in range(self.num_matrices): fwd[(z + i,) + indices] = x[i, :] return fwd.squeeze(axis=0) if self.squeeze else fwd def backward(self, y): """ Transforms a series of triangular matrices y to the packed representation x (numpy) :param y: unpacked numpy array y, shape self.num_matrices x N x N :return: packed numpy array, x, shape self.num_matrices x triangular number """ if self.squeeze: y = y[None, :, :] ind = np.tril_indices(self.N) return np.vstack([y_i[ind] for y_i in y]) def forward_tensor(self, x): """ Transforms from the packed to unpacked representations (tf.tensors) :param x: packed tensor. Must have shape `self.num_matrices x triangular_number :return: Reconstructed tensor y of shape self.num_matrices x N x N """ fwd = vec_to_tri(x, self.N) return tf.squeeze(fwd, axis=0) if self.squeeze else fwd def backward_tensor(self, y): """ Transforms a series of triangular matrices y to the packed representation x (tf.tensors) :param y: unpacked tensor with shape self.num_matrices, self.N, self.N :return: packed tensor with shape self.num_matrices, (self.N**2 + self.N) / 2 """ if self.squeeze: y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=0) indices = np.vstack(np.tril_indices(self.N)).T indices = itertools.product(np.arange(self.num_matrices), indices) indices = np.array([np.hstack(x) for x in indices]) triangular = tf.gather_nd(y, indices) return tf.reshape(triangular, [self.num_matrices, (self.N**2 + self.N) // 2]) def log_jacobian_tensor(self, x): """ This function has a jacobian of one, since it is simply an identity mapping (with some packing/unpacking) """ return tf.zeros((1,), settings.float_type) def __str__(self): return "LoTri->vec" positive = Log1pe() def positiveRescale(scale): """ The appropriate joint transform for positive parameters of a given `scale` This is a convenient shorthand for constrained = scale * log(1 + exp(unconstrained)) """ return Rescale(scale)(positive)