Tip revision: d22accebbfe21470e7b4f488e46c4aa6ae643b4a authored by Alexey Sergushichev on 07 July 2018, 16:43:01 UTC
timeout of 240 seconds
timeout of 240 seconds
Tip revision: d22acce
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This project contains several tools for gene expression analysis with help of R/Bioconductor`
## Installation
The package requires installing `devtools` package and Bioconductor library set up.
A warning could appear that the repository contain submodules. This warning
can be safely ignored.
To install `phantasus` on R 3.4, use r-3.4 branch:
devtools::install_github("ctlab/phantasus", ref="r-3.4")
## Running
In R:
servePhantasus('', 8000, cacheDir='cache')
Open `http://localhost:8000` in your browser.
## System dependencies
There are several system packages that have to be installed on the system. The names of these packages will be displayed during installation. On Ubuntu can install them beforehand and alltogether using command:
sudo apt-get install libapparmor-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev
## Installation example (CentOS 7)
Update packages and install `R` and dependencies:
yum update
yum install openssl-devel protobuf-compiler R R-Rcpp R-Rcpp-devel libcurl-devel libxml2-devel protobuf-devel git screen
Install `devtools` and `bioclite`:
R -e 'install.packages("devtools", repos="")'
R -e 'source(""); biocLite()'
Install `phantasus`:
R -e 'devtools::install_github("ctlab/phantasus", ref="r-3.4")'
Run `phantasus` at 80 port in screen:
screen -S phantasus-server
R -e 'library(phantasus); servePhantasus("", 80, cacheDir="/var/phantasus/cache")'
Check ``