Raw File
(for detailed informations about NS2DDV, we refer to the documentation provided along with the sources)

Main Features of NS2DDV
NS2DDV is a Matlab toolbox dedicated to the resolution of 2D Navier-Stokes equations for simulating incompressible fluids. The code embeds the following features:
- Preparation of a test case by modifying a pre-built parameter file,
- Parallelization of the computations (up to the presence of the Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox),
- Simulations on 2D structured meshes, unstructured meshes and external mesh files,
- Use of second order MUSCL finite volume techniques for solving the density equation,
- Use of parallelized P2-P1 or P1b-P1 finite element methods for solving the velocity-pressure equations,
- Several first order and second order time semi-discretizations,
- Convergence and/or stability analysis on manufactured analytical test cases,
- In-situ visualization or data reading visualization,
- Batch mode run (except the test case preparation step),
- Animated results encoding.

The code is structured in order to make it easily enriched by any user. In such case, the user shall read carefully the License Terms and the NS2DDV Developer’s Guide for understanding what (s)he can or must do in order to contribute.

Installation prequisities
As NS2DDV is a simulation code written in Matlab, a Matlab distribution is mandatory to run it. Since it has been developed with Matlab R2007a and newer versions, using these versions may be sufficient to run NS2DDV core code.
In addition of a Matlab distribution, some Matlab toolboxes can be used to improve the NS2DDV performances:
- Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox (optional): this toolbox allows to speed up the execution of many for loops within the code. To check if you are provided with this toolbox, type the following Matlab command:

>> ver distcomp

- Matlab Partial Differential Equations Toolbox (optional): this toolbox provides some unstructured mesh generation solution for NS2DDV. To check if you are provided with this toolbox, type the following Matlab command:

>> ver pde

If Matlab R2011a or newer is used, NS2DDV can write the numerical results under HDF5 format supplemented with Xdmf description files. Such files can be read by visualization softwares like VisIt.

Installation of NS2DDV
To install NS2DDV, you just need to download the archive containing the code and unzip it in the directory you want.
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