/************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved. ** ** Meschach Library ** ** This Meschach Library is provided "as is" without any express ** or implied warranty of any kind with respect to this software. ** In particular the authors shall not be liable for any direct, ** indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising ** in any way from use of the software. ** ** Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this ** Meschach Library, provided: ** 1. All copies contain this copyright notice. ** 2. All modified copies shall carry a notice stating who ** made the last modification and the date of such modification. ** 3. No charge is made for this software or works derived from it. ** This clause shall not be construed as constraining other software ** distributed on the same medium as this software, nor is a ** distribution fee considered a charge. ** ***************************************************************************/ /* pxop.c 1.5 12/03/87 */ #include #include "matrix.h" static char rcsid[] = "$Id: pxop.c,v 2003-06-23 18:31:40 cees Exp $"; /********************************************************************** Note: A permutation is often interpreted as a matrix (i.e. a permutation matrix). A permutation px represents a permutation matrix P where P[i][j] == 1 if and only if px->pe[i] == j **********************************************************************/ /* px_inv -- invert permutation -- in situ -- taken from ACM Collected Algorithms #250 */ PERM *px_inv(px,out) PERM *px, *out; { int i, j, k, n, *p; out = px_copy(px, out); n = out->size; p = (int *)(out->pe); for ( n--; n>=0; n-- ) { i = p[n]; if ( i < 0 ) p[n] = -1 - i; else if ( i != n ) { k = n; while (TRUE) { if ( i < 0 || i >= out->size ) error(E_BOUNDS,"px_inv"); j = p[i]; p[i] = -1 - k; if ( j == n ) { p[n] = i; break; } k = i; i = j; } } } return out; } /* px_mlt -- permutation multiplication (composition) */ PERM *px_mlt(px1,px2,out) PERM *px1,*px2,*out; { u_int i,size; if ( px1==(PERM *)NULL || px2==(PERM *)NULL ) error(E_NULL,"px_mlt"); if ( px1->size != px2->size ) error(E_SIZES,"px_mlt"); if ( px1 == out || px2 == out ) error(E_INSITU,"px_mlt"); if ( out==(PERM *)NULL || out->size < px1->size ) out = px_resize(out,px1->size); size = px1->size; for ( i=0; ipe[i] >= size ) error(E_BOUNDS,"px_mlt"); else out->pe[i] = px1->pe[px2->pe[i]]; return out; } /* px_vec -- permute vector */ VEC *px_vec(px,vector,out) PERM *px; VEC *vector,*out; { u_int old_i, i, size, start; Real tmp; if ( px==(PERM *)NULL || vector==(VEC *)NULL ) error(E_NULL,"px_vec"); if ( px->size > vector->dim ) error(E_SIZES,"px_vec"); if ( out==(VEC *)NULL || out->dim < vector->dim ) out = v_resize(out,vector->dim); size = px->size; if ( size == 0 ) return v_copy(vector,out); if ( out != vector ) { for ( i=0; ipe[i] >= size ) error(E_BOUNDS,"px_vec"); else out->ve[i] = vector->ve[px->pe[i]]; } else { /* in situ algorithm */ start = 0; while ( start < size ) { old_i = start; i = px->pe[old_i]; if ( i >= size ) { start++; continue; } tmp = vector->ve[start]; while ( TRUE ) { vector->ve[old_i] = vector->ve[i]; px->pe[old_i] = i+size; old_i = i; i = px->pe[old_i]; if ( i >= size ) break; if ( i == start ) { vector->ve[old_i] = tmp; px->pe[old_i] = i+size; break; } } start++; } for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) if ( px->pe[i] < size ) error(E_BOUNDS,"px_vec"); else px->pe[i] = px->pe[i]-size; } return out; } /* pxinv_vec -- apply the inverse of px to x, returning the result in out */ VEC *pxinv_vec(px,x,out) PERM *px; VEC *x, *out; { u_int i, size; if ( ! px || ! x ) error(E_NULL,"pxinv_vec"); if ( px->size > x->dim ) error(E_SIZES,"pxinv_vec"); /* if ( x == out ) error(E_INSITU,"pxinv_vec"); */ if ( ! out || out->dim < x->dim ) out = v_resize(out,x->dim); size = px->size; if ( size == 0 ) return v_copy(x,out); if ( out != x ) { for ( i=0; ipe[i] >= size ) error(E_BOUNDS,"pxinv_vec"); else out->ve[px->pe[i]] = x->ve[i]; } else { /* in situ algorithm --- cheat's way out */ px_inv(px,px); px_vec(px,x,out); px_inv(px,px); } return out; } /* px_transp -- transpose elements of permutation -- Really multiplying a permutation by a transposition */ PERM *px_transp(px,i1,i2) PERM *px; /* permutation to transpose */ u_int i1,i2; /* elements to transpose */ { u_int temp; if ( px==(PERM *)NULL ) error(E_NULL,"px_transp"); if ( i1 < px->size && i2 < px->size ) { temp = px->pe[i1]; px->pe[i1] = px->pe[i2]; px->pe[i2] = temp; } return px; } /* myqsort -- a cheap implementation of Quicksort on integers -- returns number of swaps */ static int myqsort(a,num) int *a, num; { int i, j, tmp, v; int numswaps; numswaps = 0; if ( num <= 1 ) return 0; i = 0; j = num; v = a[0]; for ( ; ; ) { while ( a[++i] < v ) ; while ( a[--j] > v ) ; if ( i >= j ) break; tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; numswaps++; } tmp = a[0]; a[0] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; if ( j != 0 ) numswaps++; numswaps += myqsort(&a[0],j); numswaps += myqsort(&a[j+1],num-(j+1)); return numswaps; } /* px_sign -- compute the ``sign'' of a permutation = +/-1 where px is the product of an even/odd # transpositions */ int px_sign(px) PERM *px; { int numtransp; PERM *px2; if ( px==(PERM *)NULL ) error(E_NULL,"px_sign"); px2 = px_copy(px,PNULL); numtransp = myqsort(px2->pe,px2->size); px_free(px2); return ( numtransp % 2 ) ? -1 : 1; } /* px_cols -- permute columns of matrix A; out = A.px' -- May NOT be in situ */ MAT *px_cols(px,A,out) PERM *px; MAT *A, *out; { int i, j, m, n, px_j; Real **A_me, **out_me; #ifdef ANSI_C MAT *m_get(int, int); #else extern MAT *m_get(); #endif if ( ! A || ! px ) error(E_NULL,"px_cols"); if ( px->size != A->n ) error(E_SIZES,"px_cols"); if ( A == out ) error(E_INSITU,"px_cols"); m = A->m; n = A->n; if ( ! out || out->m != m || out->n != n ) out = m_get(m,n); A_me = A->me; out_me = out->me; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { px_j = px->pe[j]; if ( px_j >= n ) error(E_BOUNDS,"px_cols"); for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) out_me[i][px_j] = A_me[i][j]; } return out; } /* px_rows -- permute columns of matrix A; out = px.A -- May NOT be in situ */ MAT *px_rows(px,A,out) PERM *px; MAT *A, *out; { int i, j, m, n, px_i; Real **A_me, **out_me; #ifdef ANSI_C MAT *m_get(int, int); #else extern MAT *m_get(); #endif if ( ! A || ! px ) error(E_NULL,"px_rows"); if ( px->size != A->m ) error(E_SIZES,"px_rows"); if ( A == out ) error(E_INSITU,"px_rows"); m = A->m; n = A->n; if ( ! out || out->m != m || out->n != n ) out = m_get(m,n); A_me = A->me; out_me = out->me; for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { px_i = px->pe[i]; if ( px_i >= m ) error(E_BOUNDS,"px_rows"); for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) out_me[i][j] = A_me[px_i][j]; } return out; }