CURRENT_DIR=$(shell pwd) DIST_DIR=${CURRENT_DIR}/dist CLI_NAME=argocd BIN_NAME=argocd HOST_OS:=$(shell go env GOOS) HOST_ARCH:=$(shell go env GOARCH) VERSION=$(shell cat ${CURRENT_DIR}/VERSION) BUILD_DATE=$(shell date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') GIT_COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD) GIT_TAG=$(shell if [ -z "`git status --porcelain`" ]; then git describe --exact-match --tags HEAD 2>/dev/null; fi) GIT_TREE_STATE=$(shell if [ -z "`git status --porcelain`" ]; then echo "clean" ; else echo "dirty"; fi) VOLUME_MOUNT=$(shell if test "$(go env GOOS)" = "darwin"; then echo ":delegated"; elif test selinuxenabled; then echo ":delegated"; else echo ""; fi) KUBECTL_VERSION=$(shell go list -m all | grep | cut -d ' ' -f5) GOPATH?=$(shell if test -x `which go`; then go env GOPATH; else echo "$(HOME)/go"; fi) GOCACHE?=$(HOME)/.cache/go-build DOCKER_SRCDIR?=$(GOPATH)/src DOCKER_WORKDIR?=/go/src/ ARGOCD_PROCFILE?=Procfile # Strict mode has been disabled in latest versions of mkdocs-material. # Thus pointing to the older image of mkdocs-material matching the version used by argo-cd. MKDOCS_DOCKER_IMAGE?=squidfunk/mkdocs-material:4.1.1 MKDOCS_RUN_ARGS?= # Configuration for building argocd-test-tools image TEST_TOOLS_NAMESPACE?= TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE=argocd-test-tools TEST_TOOLS_TAG?=latest ifdef TEST_TOOLS_NAMESPACE TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX=${TEST_TOOLS_NAMESPACE}/ endif # You can change the ports where ArgoCD components will be listening on by # setting the appropriate environment variables before running make. ARGOCD_E2E_APISERVER_PORT?=8080 ARGOCD_E2E_REPOSERVER_PORT?=8081 ARGOCD_E2E_REDIS_PORT?=6379 ARGOCD_E2E_DEX_PORT?=5556 ARGOCD_E2E_YARN_HOST?=localhost ARGOCD_E2E_DISABLE_AUTH?= ARGOCD_E2E_TEST_TIMEOUT?=20m ARGOCD_IN_CI?=false ARGOCD_TEST_E2E?=true ARGOCD_LINT_GOGC?=20 # Depending on where we are (legacy or non-legacy pwd), we need to use # different Docker volume mounts for our source tree LEGACY_PATH=$(GOPATH)/src/ ifeq ("$(PWD)","$(LEGACY_PATH)") DOCKER_SRC_MOUNT="$(DOCKER_SRCDIR):/go/src$(VOLUME_MOUNT)" else DOCKER_SRC_MOUNT="$(PWD):/go/src/$(VOLUME_MOUNT)" endif # Runs any command in the argocd-test-utils container in server mode # Server mode container will start with uid 0 and drop privileges during runtime define run-in-test-server docker run --rm -it \ --name argocd-test-server \ -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \ -e USER_ID=$(shell id -u) \ -e HOME=/home/user \ -e GOPATH=/go \ -e GOCACHE=/tmp/go-build-cache \ -e ARGOCD_IN_CI=$(ARGOCD_IN_CI) \ -e ARGOCD_E2E_TEST=$(ARGOCD_E2E_TEST) \ -e ARGOCD_E2E_YARN_HOST=$(ARGOCD_E2E_YARN_HOST) \ -e ARGOCD_E2E_DISABLE_AUTH=$(ARGOCD_E2E_DISABLE_AUTH) \ -e ARGOCD_TLS_DATA_PATH=${ARGOCD_TLS_DATA_PATH:-/tmp/argocd-local/tls} \ -e ARGOCD_SSH_DATA_PATH=${ARGOCD_SSH_DATA_PATH:-/tmp/argocd-local/ssh} \ -e ARGOCD_GPG_DATA_PATH=${ARGOCD_GPG_DATA_PATH:-/tmp/argocd-local/gpg/source} \ -v ${DOCKER_SRC_MOUNT} \ -v ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod:/go/pkg/mod${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -v ${GOCACHE}:/tmp/go-build-cache${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -v ${HOME}/.kube:/home/user/.kube${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -v /tmp:/tmp${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -w ${DOCKER_WORKDIR} \ -p ${ARGOCD_E2E_APISERVER_PORT}:8080 \ -p 4000:4000 \ -p 5000:5000 \ $(TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX)$(TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE):$(TEST_TOOLS_TAG) \ bash -c "$(1)" endef # Runs any command in the argocd-test-utils container in client mode define run-in-test-client docker run --rm -it \ --name argocd-test-client \ -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \ -e HOME=/home/user \ -e GOPATH=/go \ -e ARGOCD_E2E_K3S=$(ARGOCD_E2E_K3S) \ -e GOCACHE=/tmp/go-build-cache \ -e ARGOCD_LINT_GOGC=$(ARGOCD_LINT_GOGC) \ -v ${DOCKER_SRC_MOUNT} \ -v ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod:/go/pkg/mod${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -v ${GOCACHE}:/tmp/go-build-cache${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -v ${HOME}/.kube:/home/user/.kube${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -v /tmp:/tmp${VOLUME_MOUNT} \ -w ${DOCKER_WORKDIR} \ $(TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX)$(TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE):$(TEST_TOOLS_TAG) \ bash -c "$(1)" endef # define exec-in-test-server docker exec -it -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) -e ARGOCD_E2E_K3S=$(ARGOCD_E2E_K3S) argocd-test-server $(1) endef PATH:=$(PATH):$(PWD)/hack # docker image publishing options DOCKER_PUSH?=false IMAGE_NAMESPACE?= # perform static compilation STATIC_BUILD?=true # build development images DEV_IMAGE?=false ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED?=true ARGOCD_E2E_APISERVER_PORT?=8080 override LDFLAGS += \ -X ${PACKAGE}.version=${VERSION} \ -X ${PACKAGE}.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE} \ -X ${PACKAGE}.gitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT} \ -X ${PACKAGE}.gitTreeState=${GIT_TREE_STATE}\ -X ${PACKAGE}.gitTreeState=${GIT_TREE_STATE}\ -X ${PACKAGE}.kubectlVersion=${KUBECTL_VERSION} ifeq (${STATIC_BUILD}, true) override LDFLAGS += -extldflags "-static" endif ifneq (${GIT_TAG},) IMAGE_TAG=${GIT_TAG} LDFLAGS += -X ${PACKAGE}.gitTag=${GIT_TAG} else IMAGE_TAG?=latest endif ifeq (${DOCKER_PUSH},true) ifndef IMAGE_NAMESPACE $(error IMAGE_NAMESPACE must be set to push images (e.g. IMAGE_NAMESPACE=argoproj)) endif endif ifdef IMAGE_NAMESPACE IMAGE_PREFIX=${IMAGE_NAMESPACE}/ endif .PHONY: all all: cli image # We have some legacy requirements for being checked out within $GOPATH. # The ensure-gopath target can be used as dependency to ensure we are running # within these boundaries. .PHONY: ensure-gopath ensure-gopath: ifneq ("$(PWD)","$(LEGACY_PATH)") @echo "Due to legacy requirements for codegen, repository needs to be checked out within \$$GOPATH" @echo "Location of this repo should be '$(LEGACY_PATH)' but is '$(PWD)'" @exit 1 endif .PHONY: gogen gogen: ensure-gopath export GO111MODULE=off go generate ./util/argo/... .PHONY: protogen protogen: ensure-gopath export GO111MODULE=off ./hack/ .PHONY: openapigen openapigen: ensure-gopath export GO111MODULE=off ./hack/ .PHONY: clientgen clientgen: ensure-gopath export GO111MODULE=off ./hack/ .PHONY: clidocsgen clidocsgen: ensure-gopath go run tools/cmd-docs/main.go .PHONY: codegen-local codegen-local: ensure-gopath mod-vendor-local gogen protogen clientgen openapigen clidocsgen manifests-local rm -rf vendor/ .PHONY: codegen codegen: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,make codegen-local) .PHONY: cli cli: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client, GOOS=${HOST_OS} GOARCH=${HOST_ARCH} make cli-local) .PHONY: cli-local cli-local: clean-debug CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/${CLI_NAME} ./cmd .PHONY: release-cli release-cli: clean-debug image docker create --name tmp-argocd-linux $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argocd:$(IMAGE_TAG) docker cp tmp-argocd-linux:/usr/local/bin/argocd ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-linux-amd64 docker cp tmp-argocd-linux:/usr/local/bin/argocd-darwin-amd64 ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-darwin-amd64 docker cp tmp-argocd-linux:/usr/local/bin/argocd-windows-amd64.exe ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-windows-amd64.exe docker rm tmp-argocd-linux .PHONY: test-tools-image test-tools-image: docker build --build-arg UID=$(shell id -u) -t $(TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX)$(TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE) -f test/container/Dockerfile . docker tag $(TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX)$(TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE) $(TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX)$(TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE):$(TEST_TOOLS_TAG) .PHONY: manifests-local manifests-local: ./hack/ .PHONY: manifests manifests: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,make manifests-local IMAGE_NAMESPACE='${IMAGE_NAMESPACE}' IMAGE_TAG='${IMAGE_TAG}') # consolidated binary for cli, util, server, repo-server, controller .PHONY: argocd-all argocd-all: clean-debug CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/${BIN_NAME} ./cmd .PHONY: server server: clean-debug CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-server ./cmd .PHONY: repo-server repo-server: CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-repo-server ./cmd .PHONY: controller controller: CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-application-controller ./cmd .PHONY: image ifeq ($(DEV_IMAGE), true) # The "dev" image builds the binaries from the users desktop environment (instead of in Docker) # which speeds up builds. needs to be copied into dist to perform the build, since # the dist directory is under .dockerignore. IMAGE_TAG="dev-$(shell git describe --always --dirty)" image: docker build -t argocd-base --target argocd-base . docker build -t argocd-ui --target argocd-ui . find ./ui/dist -type f -not -name gitkeep -delete docker run -v ${CURRENT_DIR}/ui/dist/app:/tmp/app --rm -t argocd-ui sh -c 'cp -r ./dist/app/* /tmp/app/' CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/argocd ./cmd CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-darwin-amd64 ./cmd CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -ldflags '${LDFLAGS}' -o ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-windows-amd64.exe ./cmd ln -sfn ${DIST_DIR}/argocd ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-server ln -sfn ${DIST_DIR}/argocd ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-application-controller ln -sfn ${DIST_DIR}/argocd ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-repo-server ln -sfn ${DIST_DIR}/argocd ${DIST_DIR}/argocd-dex cp dist docker build -t $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argocd:$(IMAGE_TAG) -f dist/ dist else image: docker build -t $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argocd:$(IMAGE_TAG) . endif @if [ "$(DOCKER_PUSH)" = "true" ] ; then docker push $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argocd:$(IMAGE_TAG) ; fi .PHONY: armimage # The "BUILD_ALL_CLIS" argument is to skip building the CLIs for darwin and windows # which would take a really long time. armimage: docker build -t $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argocd:$(IMAGE_TAG)-arm . --build-arg BUILD_ALL_CLIS="false" .PHONY: builder-image builder-image: docker build -t $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argo-cd-ci-builder:$(IMAGE_TAG) --target builder . @if [ "$(DOCKER_PUSH)" = "true" ] ; then docker push $(IMAGE_PREFIX)argo-cd-ci-builder:$(IMAGE_TAG) ; fi .PHONY: mod-download mod-download: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,go mod download) .PHONY: mod-download-local mod-download-local: go mod download && go mod tidy # go mod download changes go.sum .PHONY: mod-vendor mod-vendor: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,go mod vendor) .PHONY: mod-vendor-local mod-vendor-local: mod-download-local go mod vendor # Deprecated - replace by install-local-tools .PHONY: install-lint-tools install-lint-tools: ./hack/ lint-tools # Run linter on the code .PHONY: lint lint: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,make lint-local) # Run linter on the code (local version) .PHONY: lint-local lint-local: golangci-lint --version # NOTE: If you get a "Killed" OOM message, try reducing the value of GOGC # See GOGC=$(ARGOCD_LINT_GOGC) GOMAXPROCS=2 golangci-lint run --fix --verbose --timeout 300s .PHONY: lint-ui lint-ui: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,make lint-ui-local) .PHONY: lint-ui-local lint-ui-local: cd ui && yarn lint # Build all Go code .PHONY: build build: test-tools-image mkdir -p $(GOCACHE) $(call run-in-test-client, make build-local) # Build all Go code (local version) .PHONY: build-local build-local: go build -v `go list ./... | grep -v 'resource_customizations\|test/e2e'` # Run all unit tests # # If TEST_MODULE is set (to fully qualified module name), only this specific # module will be tested. .PHONY: test test: test-tools-image mkdir -p $(GOCACHE) $(call run-in-test-client,make TEST_MODULE=$(TEST_MODULE) test-local) # Run all unit tests (local version) .PHONY: test-local test-local: if test "$(TEST_MODULE)" = ""; then \ ./hack/ -coverprofile=coverage.out `go list ./... | grep -v 'test/e2e'`; \ else \ ./hack/ -coverprofile=coverage.out "$(TEST_MODULE)"; \ fi .PHONY: test-race test-race: test-tools-image mkdir -p $(GOCACHE) $(call run-in-test-client,make TEST_MODULE=$(TEST_MODULE) test-race-local) # Run all unit tests, with data race detection, skipping known failures (local version) .PHONY: test-race-local test-race-local: if test "$(TEST_MODULE)" = ""; then \ ./hack/ -race -coverprofile=coverage.out `go list ./... | grep -v 'test/e2e'`; \ else \ ./hack/ -race -coverprofile=coverage.out "$(TEST_MODULE)"; \ fi # Run the E2E test suite. E2E test servers (see start-e2e target) must be # started before. .PHONY: test-e2e test-e2e: $(call exec-in-test-server,make test-e2e-local) # Run the E2E test suite (local version) .PHONY: test-e2e-local test-e2e-local: cli-local # NO_PROXY ensures all tests don't go out through a proxy if one is configured on the test system export GO111MODULE=off ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED=true NO_PROXY=* ./hack/ -timeout $(ARGOCD_E2E_TEST_TIMEOUT) -v ./test/e2e # Spawns a shell in the test server container for debugging purposes debug-test-server: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-server,/bin/bash) # Spawns a shell in the test client container for debugging purposes debug-test-client: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,/bin/bash) # Starts e2e server in a container .PHONY: start-e2e start-e2e: test-tools-image docker version mkdir -p ${GOCACHE} $(call run-in-test-server,make ARGOCD_PROCFILE=test/container/Procfile start-e2e-local) # Starts e2e server locally (or within a container) .PHONY: start-e2e-local start-e2e-local: kubectl create ns argocd-e2e || true kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argocd-e2e kustomize build test/manifests/base | kubectl apply -f - # Create GPG keys and source directories if test -d /tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg; then rm -rf /tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/*; fi mkdir -p /tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/keys && chmod 0700 /tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/keys mkdir -p /tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/source && chmod 0700 /tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/source # set paths for locally managed ssh known hosts and tls certs data ARGOCD_SSH_DATA_PATH=/tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/ssh \ ARGOCD_TLS_DATA_PATH=/tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/tls \ ARGOCD_GPG_DATA_PATH=/tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/source \ ARGOCD_GNUPGHOME=/tmp/argo-e2e/app/config/gpg/keys \ ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED=$(ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED) \ ARGOCD_E2E_DISABLE_AUTH=false \ ARGOCD_ZJWT_FEATURE_FLAG=always \ ARGOCD_IN_CI=$(ARGOCD_IN_CI) \ ARGOCD_E2E_TEST=true \ goreman -f $(ARGOCD_PROCFILE) start ${ARGOCD_START} # Cleans VSCode debug.test files from sub-dirs to prevent them from being included in by golang embed .PHONY: clean-debug clean-debug: -find ${CURRENT_DIR} -name debug.test | xargs rm -f .PHONY: clean clean: clean-debug -rm -rf ${CURRENT_DIR}/dist .PHONY: start start: test-tools-image docker version $(call run-in-test-server,make ARGOCD_PROCFILE=test/container/Procfile start-local ARGOCD_START=${ARGOCD_START}) # Starts a local instance of ArgoCD .PHONY: start-local start-local: mod-vendor-local dep-ui-local # check we can connect to Docker to start Redis killall goreman || true kubectl create ns argocd || true rm -rf /tmp/argocd-local mkdir -p /tmp/argocd-local mkdir -p /tmp/argocd-local/gpg/keys && chmod 0700 /tmp/argocd-local/gpg/keys mkdir -p /tmp/argocd-local/gpg/source ARGOCD_ZJWT_FEATURE_FLAG=always \ ARGOCD_IN_CI=false \ ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED=$(ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED) \ ARGOCD_E2E_TEST=false \ goreman -f $(ARGOCD_PROCFILE) start ${ARGOCD_START} # Runs pre-commit validation with the virtualized toolchain .PHONY: pre-commit pre-commit: codegen build lint test # Runs pre-commit validation with the local toolchain .PHONY: pre-commit-local pre-commit-local: codegen-local build-local lint-local test-local .PHONY: release-precheck release-precheck: manifests @if [ "$(GIT_TREE_STATE)" != "clean" ]; then echo 'git tree state is $(GIT_TREE_STATE)' ; exit 1; fi @if [ -z "$(GIT_TAG)" ]; then echo 'commit must be tagged to perform release' ; exit 1; fi @if [ "$(GIT_TAG)" != "v`cat VERSION`" ]; then echo 'VERSION does not match git tag'; exit 1; fi .PHONY: release release: pre-commit release-precheck image release-cli .PHONY: build-docs-local build-docs-local: mkdocs build .PHONY: build-docs build-docs: docker run ${MKDOCS_RUN_ARGS} --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/docs ${MKDOCS_DOCKER_IMAGE} build .PHONY: serve-docs-local serve-docs-local: mkdocs serve .PHONY: serve-docs serve-docs: docker run ${MKDOCS_RUN_ARGS} --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/docs ${MKDOCS_DOCKER_IMAGE} serve -a .PHONY: lint-docs lint-docs: # find docs -name '*.md' -exec grep -l http {} + | xargs docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/mnt:ro dkhamsing/awesome_bot -t 3 --allow-dupe --allow-redirect --white-list `cat white-list | grep -v "#" | tr "\n" ','` --skip-save-results -- # Verify that kubectl can connect to your K8s cluster from Docker .PHONY: verify-kube-connect verify-kube-connect: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,kubectl version) # Show the Go version of local and virtualized environments .PHONY: show-go-version show-go-version: test-tools-image @echo -n "Local Go version: " @go version @echo -n "Docker Go version: " $(call run-in-test-client,go version) # Installs all tools required to build and test ArgoCD locally .PHONY: install-tools-local install-tools-local: install-test-tools-local install-codegen-tools-local install-go-tools-local # Installs all tools required for running unit & end-to-end tests (Linux packages) .PHONY: install-test-tools-local install-test-tools-local: ./hack/ kustomize-linux ./hack/ ksonnet-linux ./hack/ helm2-linux ./hack/ helm-linux # Installs all tools required for running codegen (Linux packages) .PHONY: install-codegen-tools-local install-codegen-tools-local: ./hack/ codegen-tools # Installs all tools required for running codegen (Go packages) .PHONY: install-go-tools-local install-go-tools-local: ./hack/ codegen-go-tools .PHONY: dep-ui dep-ui: test-tools-image $(call run-in-test-client,make dep-ui-local) dep-ui-local: cd ui && yarn install start-test-k8s: go run ./hack/k8s