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(*CGF example from Aho & Ulhmann p 81 and its mutations
as described in Nitpick's manual p 28
S := . | bA | aB
A := aS | bAA
B := bS | aBB

Property: word W is in S iff it contains equal numbers of a and b

would be nicer to allow some computations inside the Inductive
and in the property


From elpi Require Import elpi.
Require Import Arith List. Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import pbt.
Require Import dep_pbt.

Inductive append  {A : Set} :list A -> list A -> list A -> Prop :=
anl : forall xs, append [] xs xs
|acn : forall xs ys zs x, 
     append xs ys zs -> append (x :: xs) ys (x :: zs).

Inductive alphabet := a | b.
Inductive ss : list alphabet -> Prop :=
| sn : ss []
| sb w : ss w -> ss (b :: w) (*bug ss w should be aa w*)
| sa w : bb w -> ss (a :: w)

with aa   : list alphabet -> Prop :=

|aas w: ss w -> aa (a ::w)  
|aab v w vw : aa v -> aa w -> append v w vw -> aa (b :: vw)

with bb   : list alphabet -> Prop :=
|bbs w: ss w -> bb (b ::w)  
|bba v w vw : bb v -> bb w -> append v w vw -> bb (a :: vw)

Inductive count : alphabet -> list alphabet -> nat -> Prop :=
       | c1 X:  count X [] O
       | c2 X XS N: count X XS N -> count X (cons X XS) ( N + 1)
       | c3 X Y XS N:  X <> Y -> count X XS N -> count X (cons Y XS) N .

Definition sounds (SS : list alphabet -> Prop): Prop :=
    forall W N1 N2, ( SS W -> count a W N1 -> count b W N2 -> N1 = N2).

 (* similar properties for aa bb
Define soundA : prop by
        soundA := forall W N, word W -> aa W -> count a W N -> count b W (s N).

Define soundB : prop by
        soundB := forall W N, word W -> bb W -> count a W (s N) -> count b W N.

(*cex [b] in ss*)

Goal ss [b].
constructor. constructor. Qed.

 Goal sounds ss.
 unfold sounds.
 elpi dep_pbt 3 (H /\ H0 /\ H1) (W).

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