Raw File
  Kimboto trees at Paracou, French Guiana
  This dataset is a point pattern of adult and juvenile Kimboto trees
  (\emph{Pradosia cochlearia} or \emph{P. ptychandra})
  recorded at Paracou in French Guiana.
  See Flores (2005).

  The dataset \code{paracou} is a point pattern
  (object of class \code{"ppp"}) containing the spatial coordinates
  of each tree, marked by age (a factor with levels \code{adult} and
  \code{juvenile}. The survey region is a rectangle
  approximately 400 by 525 metres. Coordinates are given in metres.
plot(paracou, cols=2:3, chars=c(16,3))
  Data kindly contributed by Olivier Flores.
  All data belong to CIRAD \url{http://www.cirad.fr}
  and UMR EcoFoG \url{http://www.ecofog.gf} and
  are included in \pkg{spatstat} with permission.
  Original data sources:
  juvenile and some adult trees collected by Flores (2005);
  adult tree data sourced from CIRAD Paracou experimental plots dataset
  (2003 campaign).
  Flores, O. (2005)
  \emph{D{\'e}terminisme de la r{\'e}g{\'e}n{\'e}ration chez quinze esp{\`e}ces 
  d'arbres tropicaux en for{\^e}t guyanaise: les effets de l'environnement 
  et de la limitation par la dispersion.}
  PhD Thesis, University of Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France.

  Picard, N, Bar-Hen, A., Mortier, F. and Chadoeuf, J. (2009)
  The multi-scale marked area-interaction point process: a model for
  the spatial pattern of trees.
  \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Statistics} \bold{36} 23--41
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