# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license struct BitPerm_19352 p::NTuple{8,UInt8} function BitPerm(p::NTuple{8,UInt8}) sort(collect(p)) != 0:7 && error("$p is not a permutation of 0:7") new(p) end BitPerm_19352(xs::Vararg{Any,8}) = BitPerm(map(UInt8, xs)) end @testset "conversion and construction" begin @test convert(Tuple, ()) === () @test convert(Tuple, (1, 2)) === (1, 2) @test convert(Tuple, (1.0, 2)) === (1.0, 2) @test convert(NTuple, ()) === () @test convert(Tuple{}, ()) === () @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, ()) === () @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{T}} where T<:Integer, ()) === () @test convert(NTuple{3, Int}, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(NTuple, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int}}, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{T}} where T<:Integer, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{T, Vararg{T}} where T<:Integer, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{Int, Int, Float64}, (1, 2, 3)) === (1, 2, 3.0) @test convert(Tuple{Float64, Int, UInt8}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1.0, 2, 0x3) @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{Real}}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1.0, 2, 0x3) @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1, 2, 0x3) @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int}}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(NTuple{3, Int}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1, 2, 3) @test convert(Tuple{Int, Int, Float64}, (1.0, 2, 0x3)) === (1, 2, 3.0) @test convert(Tuple{Vararg{AbstractFloat}}, (2,)) == (2.0,) @test convert(Tuple{Int, Vararg{AbstractFloat}}, (-9.0+0im, 2,)) == (-9, 2.0,) let x = @inferred(convert(Tuple{Integer, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, Int, Vararg{Real}}, (2.0, 3, 5, 6.0, 42, 3.0+0im))) @test x == (2, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x00000006, 42, 3.0) end @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int}, ()) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Any}, ()) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int}}, ()) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{}, (1, 2, 3)) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{}, (1.0, 2, 3)) @test_throws MethodError convert(NTuple{3, Int}, ()) @test_throws MethodError convert(NTuple{3, Int}, (1, 2)) @test_throws MethodError convert(NTuple{3, Int}, (1, 2, 3, 4)) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int, Int, Float64}, ()) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int, Int, Float64}, (1, 2)) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int, Int, Float64}, (1, 2, 3, 4)) # #17198 @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int}, (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) # #21238 @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple{Int, Int, Int}, (1, 2)) # issue #26589 @test_throws MethodError convert(NTuple{4}, (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0)) # issue #31824 @test convert(NTuple, (1, 1.0)) === (1, 1.0) let T = Tuple{Vararg{T}} where T<:Integer, v = (1.0, 2, 0x3) @test convert(T, v) === (1, 2, 0x3) end let T = Tuple{T, Vararg{T}} where T<:Integer, v = (1.0, 2, 0x3) @test convert(T, v) === (1, 2, 0x3) end function f31824(input...) b::NTuple = input return b end @test f31824(1, 2, 3) === (1, 2, 3) # PR #15516 @test Tuple{Char,Char}("za") === ('z','a') @test_throws ArgumentError Tuple{Char,Char}("z") @test NTuple{20,Int}(Iterators.countfrom(2)) === (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) @test NTuple{20,Float64}(Iterators.countfrom(2)) === (2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,12.,13.,14.,15.,16.,17.,18.,19.,20.,21.) @test_throws ArgumentError NTuple{20,Int}([1,2]) @test Tuple{Vararg{Float32}}(Float64[1,2,3]) === (1.0f0, 2.0f0, 3.0f0) @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Float32}}(Float64[1,2,3]) === (1, 2.0f0, 3.0f0) @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Any}}(Float64[1,2,3]) === (1, 2.0, 3.0) @test Tuple(fill(1.,5)) === (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) @test_throws MethodError convert(Tuple, fill(1.,5)) @testset "ambiguity between tuple constructors #20990" begin Tuple16Int = Tuple{Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int} tuple16int = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) @test Tuple16Int(tuple16int) isa Tuple16Int end @testset "side effect in tuple constructor #19352" begin @test BitPerm_19352(0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7).p[2] == 0x02 end @testset "ninitialized" begin @test Tuple{Int,Any}.ninitialized == 2 @test Tuple.ninitialized == 0 @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Any}}.ninitialized == 1 @test Tuple{Any,Any,Vararg{Any}}.ninitialized == 2 end @test empty((1, 2.0, "c")) === () # issue #28915 @test convert(Union{Tuple{}, Tuple{Int}}, (1,)) === (1,) @testset "one-element containers" begin r = Ref(3) @test (3,) === @inferred Tuple(r) z = Array{Float64,0}(undef); z[] = 3.0 @test (3.0,) === @inferred Tuple(z) end end @testset "size" begin @test length(()) == 0 @test length((1,)) === 1 @test length((1,2)) === 2 @test_throws ArgumentError Base.front(()) @test_throws ArgumentError Base.tail(()) @test_throws ArgumentError first(()) @test lastindex(()) === 0 @test lastindex((1,)) === 1 @test lastindex((1,2)) === 2 @test size((), 1) === 0 @test size((1,), 1) === 1 @test size((1,2), 1) === 2 # @test_throws ArgumentError size((), 2) # @test_throws ArgumentError size((1,), 2) # @test_throws ArgumentError size((1,2), 2) end @testset "indexing" begin @test getindex((1,), 1) === 1 @test getindex((1,2), 2) === 2 @test_throws BoundsError getindex((), 1) @test_throws BoundsError getindex((1,2), 0) @test_throws BoundsError getindex((1,2), -1) @test getindex((1,), 1.0) === 1 @test getindex((1,2), 2.0) === 2 @test_throws BoundsError getindex((), 1.0) @test_throws BoundsError getindex((1,2), 0.0) @test_throws BoundsError getindex((1,2), -1.0) @test getindex((5,6,7,8), [1,2,3]) === (5,6,7) @test_throws BoundsError getindex((1,2), [3,4]) @test getindex((5,6,7,8), [true, false, false, true]) === (5,8) @test_throws BoundsError getindex((5,6,7,8), [true, false, false, true, true]) @test getindex((5,6,7,8), []) === () @test getindex((1,9,9,3),:) === (1,9,9,3) @test getindex((),:) === () @test getindex((1,),:) === (1,) @testset "boolean arrays" begin # issue #19719 @test_throws BoundsError (1,2,3)[falses(4)] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2,3)[[false,false,true,true]] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2,3)[trues(2)] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2,3)[falses(2)] @test_throws BoundsError ()[[false]] @test_throws BoundsError ()[[true]] end @testset "Multidimensional indexing (issue #20453)" begin @test_throws MethodError (1,)[] @test_throws MethodError (1,1,1)[1,1] end end @testset "fill to length" begin ## filling to specified length @test @inferred(Base.fill_to_length((1,2,3), -1, Val(5))) == (1,2,3,-1,-1) @test_throws ArgumentError Base.fill_to_length((1,2,3), -1, Val(2)) end @testset "iterating" begin @test iterate(()) === nothing t = (1,2,3) y1 = iterate(t) y2 = iterate(t, y1[2]) y3 = iterate(t, y2[2]) @test y3 !== nothing @test iterate(t, y3[2]) === nothing @test eachindex((2,5,"foo")) === Base.OneTo(3) @test eachindex((2,5,"foo"), (1,2,5,7)) === Base.OneTo(4) end @testset "element type" begin @test eltype((1,2,3)) === Int @test eltype((1.0,2.0,3.0)) <: AbstractFloat @test eltype((true, false)) === Bool @test eltype((1, 2.0, false)) === typejoin(Int, Float64, Bool) @test eltype(()) === Union{} @test eltype(Tuple{Int, Float64, Vararg{Bool}}) === typejoin(Int, Float64, Bool) @test eltype(Tuple{Int, T, Vararg{Bool}} where T <: AbstractFloat) === typejoin(Int, AbstractFloat, Bool) @test eltype(Tuple{Int, Bool, Vararg{T}} where T <: AbstractFloat) === typejoin(Int, AbstractFloat, Bool) @test eltype(Union{Tuple{Int, Float64}, Tuple{Vararg{Bool}}}) === typejoin(Int, Float64, Bool) @test eltype(Tuple{Int, Missing}) === Union{Missing, Int} @test eltype(Tuple{Int, Nothing}) === Union{Nothing, Int} end @testset "map with Nothing and Missing" begin for T in (Nothing, Missing) x = [(1, T()), (1, 2)] y = map(v -> (v[1], v[2]), [(1, T()), (1, 2)]) @test y isa Vector{Tuple{Int, Any}} @test isequal(x, y) end y = map(v -> (v[1], v[1] + v[2]), [(1, missing), (1, 2)]) @test y isa Vector{Tuple{Int, Any}} @test isequal(y, [(1, missing), (1, 3)]) end @testset "mapping" begin foo() = 2 foo(x) = 2x foo(x, y) = x + y foo(x, y, z) = x + y + z longtuple = ntuple(identity, 20) @testset "1 argument" begin @test map(foo, ()) === () @test map(foo, (1,)) === (2,) @test map(foo, (1,2)) === (2,4) @test map(foo, (1,2,3,4)) === (2,4,6,8) @test map(foo, longtuple) === ntuple(i->2i,20) end @testset "2 arguments" begin @test map(foo, (), ()) === () @test map(foo, (1,), (1,)) === (2,) @test map(foo, (1,2), (1,2)) === (2,4) @test map(foo, (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)) === (2,4,6,8) @test map(foo, longtuple, longtuple) === ntuple(i->2i,20) @test_throws BoundsError map(foo, (), (1,)) @test_throws BoundsError map(foo, (1,), ()) end @testset "n arguments" begin @test map(foo, (), (), ()) === () @test map(foo, (1,), (1,), (1,)) === (3,) @test map(foo, (1,2), (1,2), (1,2)) === (3,6) @test map(foo, (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)) === (3,6,9,12) @test map(foo, longtuple, longtuple, longtuple) === ntuple(i->3i,20) @test_throws BoundsError map(foo, (), (1,), (1,)) @test_throws BoundsError map(foo, (1,), (1,), ()) end end @testset "mapfoldl" begin @test (((1=>2)=>3)=>4) == foldl(=>, (1,2,3,4)) == mapfoldl(identity, =>, (1,2,3,4)) == mapfoldl(abs, =>, (-1,-2,-3,-4)) @test mapfoldl(abs, =>, (-1,-2,-3,-4), init=-10) == ((((-10=>1)=>2)=>3)=>4) @test mapfoldl(abs, =>, (), init=-10) == -10 @test mapfoldl(abs, Pair{Any,Any}, (-30:-1...,)) == mapfoldl(abs, Pair{Any,Any}, [-30:-1...,]) @test_throws ArgumentError mapfoldl(abs, =>, ()) end @testset "filter" begin @test filter(isodd, (1,2,3)) == (1, 3) @test filter(isequal(2), (true, 2.0, 3)) === (2.0,) @test filter(i -> true, ()) == () @test filter(identity, (true,)) === (true,) longtuple = ntuple(identity, 20) @test filter(iseven, longtuple) == ntuple(i->2i, 10) @test filter(x -> x<2, (longtuple..., 1.5)) === (1, 1.5) end @testset "comparison and hash" begin @test isequal((), ()) @test isequal((1,2,3), (1,2,3)) @test !isequal((1,2,3), (1,2,4)) @test !isequal((1,2,3), (1,2)) @test ==((), ()) @test ==((1,2,3), (1,2,3)) @test !==((1,2,3), (1,2,4)) @test !==((1,2,3), (1,2)) @test (1,2) < (1,3) @test (1,) < (1,2) @test !((1,2) < (1,2)) @test (2,1) > (1,2) @test isless((1,2), (1,3)) @test isless((1,), (1,2)) @test !isless((1,2), (1,2)) @test !isless((2,1), (1,2)) @test hash(()) === Base.tuplehash_seed @test hash((1,)) === hash(1, Base.tuplehash_seed) @test hash((1,2)) === hash(1, hash(2, Base.tuplehash_seed)) # Test Any16 methods t = ntuple(identity, 16) @test isequal((t...,1,2,3), (t...,1,2,3)) @test !isequal((t...,1,2,3), (t...,1,2,4)) @test !isequal((t...,1,2,3), (t...,1,2)) @test ==((t...,1,2,3), (t...,1,2,3)) @test !==((t...,1,2,3), (t...,1,2,4)) @test !==((t...,1,2,3), (t...,1,2)) @test (t...,1,2) < (t...,1,3) @test (t...,1,) < (t...,1,2) @test !((t...,1,2) < (t...,1,2)) @test (t...,2,1) > (t...,1,2) @test isless((t...,1,2), (t...,1,3)) @test isless((t...,1,), (t...,1,2)) @test !isless((t...,1,2), (t...,1,2)) @test !isless((t...,2,1), (t...,1,2)) @test hash(t) === foldr(hash, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,(),UInt(0)]) end @testset "functions" begin @test isempty(()) @test !isempty((1,)) @test reverse(()) === () @test reverse((1,2,3)) === (3,2,1) end # issue #21697 @test_throws ArgumentError ntuple(identity, -1) @testset "specialized reduction" begin @test sum((1,2,3)) === 6 @test prod(()) === 1 @test prod((1,2,3)) === 6 @testset "all" begin @test all(()) === true @test all((false,)) === false @test all((true,)) === true @test all((true, true)) === true @test all((true, false)) === false @test all((false, false)) === false end @testset "any" begin @test any(()) === false @test any((true,)) === true @test any((false,)) === false @test any((true, true)) === true @test any((true, false)) === true @test any((false, false)) === false @test any((false,false,false)) === false @test any((true,false,false)) === true @test any((false,true,false)) === true @test any((false,false,true)) === true @test any((true,true,false)) === true @test any((true,false,true)) === true @test any((true,true,false)) === true @test any((true,true,true)) === true end end @testset "accumulate" begin @test @inferred(cumsum(())) == () @test @inferred(cumsum((1, 2, 3))) == (1, 3, 6) @test @inferred(cumprod((1, 2, 3))) == (1, 2, 6) @test @inferred(accumulate(+, (1, 2, 3); init=10)) == (11, 13, 16) op(::Nothing, ::Any) = missing op(::Missing, ::Any) = nothing @test @inferred(accumulate(op, (1, 2, 3, 4); init = nothing)) === (missing, nothing, missing, nothing) end @testset "ntuple" begin nttest1(x::NTuple{n, Int}) where {n} = n @test nttest1(()) == 0 @test nttest1((1, 2)) == 2 @test NTuple <: Tuple @test (NTuple{T, Int32} where T) <: Tuple{Vararg{Int32}} @test !((NTuple{T, Int32} where T) <: Tuple{Int32, Vararg{Int32}}) @test Tuple{Vararg{Int32}} <: (NTuple{T, Int32} where T) @test Tuple{Int32, Vararg{Int32}} <: (NTuple{T, Int32} where T) @test @inferred(ntuple(abs2, Val(0))) == () @test @inferred(ntuple(abs2, Val(2))) == (1, 4) @test @inferred(ntuple(abs2, Val(3))) == (1, 4, 9) @test @inferred(ntuple(abs2, Val(4))) == (1, 4, 9, 16) @test @inferred(ntuple(abs2, Val(5))) == (1, 4, 9, 16, 25) @test @inferred(ntuple(abs2, Val(6))) == (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36) # issue #21697 @test_throws ArgumentError ntuple(abs2, Val(-1)) # issue #12854 @test_throws TypeError ntuple(identity, Val(1:2)) for n = 0:20 t = ntuple(identity, n) @test length(t) == n for i = 1:n @test t[i] == i end end # issue #21697 @test_throws ArgumentError ntuple(identity, -1) # PR #21446 for n = 0:15 @test ntuple(identity, Val(n)) == ntuple(identity, n) end end struct A_15703{N} keys::NTuple{N, Int} end struct B_15703 x::A_15703 end @testset "issue #15703" begin function bug_15703(xs...) [x for x in xs] end function test_15703() s = (1,) a = A_15703(s) ss = B_15703(a).x.keys @test ss === s bug_15703(ss...) end test_15703() end @testset "#21026" begin # https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/21026#issuecomment-317113307 VecTuple21026{T} = Tuple{VecElement{T}} @test convert(VecTuple21026, (1,)) === (VecElement(1),) @test convert(Tuple{Complex{T}, Complex{T}} where T<:Real, (1, 2)) === (Complex(1), Complex(2)) @test convert(Tuple{Complex{T}, Complex{T}} where T<:Real, (1, 2.0)) === (Complex(1), Complex(2.0)) @test convert(Tuple{Complex, Complex}, (1, 2)) === (Complex(1), Complex(2)) @test convert(Tuple{Complex, Complex}, (1, 2.0)) === (Complex(1), Complex(2.0)) end @testset "issue 24707" begin @test eltype(Tuple{Vararg{T}} where T<:Integer) >: Integer end @testset "find" begin @test findall(isequal(1), (1, 2)) == [1] @test findall(isequal(1), (1, 1)) == [1, 2] @test isempty(findall(isequal(1), ())) @test isempty(findall(isequal(1), (2, 3))) @test findfirst(isequal(1), (1, 2)) == 1 @test findlast(isequal(1), (1, 2)) == 1 @test findfirst(isequal(1), (1, 1)) == 1 @test findlast(isequal(1), (1, 1)) == 2 @test findfirst(isequal(1), ()) === nothing @test findlast(isequal(1), ()) === nothing @test findfirst(isequal(1), (2, 3)) === nothing @test findlast(isequal(1), (2, 3)) === nothing @test findnext(isequal(1), (1, 2), 1) == 1 @test findprev(isequal(1), (1, 2), 2) == 1 @test findnext(isequal(1), (1, 1), 2) == 2 @test findprev(isequal(1), (1, 1), 1) == 1 @test findnext(isequal(1), (2, 3), 1) === nothing @test findprev(isequal(1), (2, 3), 2) === nothing @testset "issue 32568" begin @test findnext(isequal(1), (1, 2), big(1)) isa Int @test findprev(isequal(1), (1, 2), big(2)) isa Int @test findnext(isequal(1), (1, 1), UInt(2)) isa Int @test findprev(isequal(1), (1, 1), UInt(1)) isa Int end end @testset "properties" begin ttest = (:a, :b, :c) @test propertynames(ttest) == (1, 2, 3) @test getproperty(ttest, 2) == :b @test map(p->getproperty(ttest, p), propertynames(ttest)) == ttest @test_throws ErrorException setproperty!(ttest, 1, :d) end # tuple_type_tail on non-normalized vararg tuple @test Base.tuple_type_tail(Tuple{Vararg{T, 3}} where T<:Real) == Tuple{Vararg{T, 2}} where T<:Real @testset "setindex" begin @test Base.setindex((1, ), 2, 1) === (2, ) @test Base.setindex((1, 2), 3, 1) === (3, 2) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((), 1, 1) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((1, ), 2, 2) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((1, 2), 2, 0) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((1, 2, 3), 2, -1) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((1, 2), 2, 3) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((1, 2), 2, 4) @test Base.setindex((1, 2, 4), 4, true) === (4, 2, 4) @test_throws BoundsError Base.setindex((1, 2), 2, false) end @testset "inferrable range indexing with constant values" begin whole(t) = t[1:end] tail(t) = t[2:end] ttail(t) = t[3:end] front(t) = t[1:end-1] ffront(t) = t[1:end-2] @test @inferred( whole(())) == () @test @inferred( tail(())) == () @test @inferred( ttail(())) == () @test @inferred( front(())) == () @test @inferred(ffront(())) == () @test @inferred( whole((1,))) == (1,) @test @inferred( tail((1,))) == () @test @inferred( ttail((1,))) == () @test @inferred( front((1,))) == () @test @inferred(ffront((1,))) == () @test @inferred( whole((1,2.0))) == (1,2.0) @test @inferred( tail((1,2.0))) == (2.0,) @test @inferred( ttail((1,2.0))) == () @test @inferred( front((1,2.0))) == (1.0,) @test @inferred(ffront((1,2.0))) == () @test @inferred( whole((1,2.0,3//1))) == (1,2.0,3//1) @test @inferred( tail((1,2.0,3//1))) == (2.0,3//1) @test @inferred( ttail((1,2.0,3//1))) == (3//1,) @test @inferred( front((1,2.0,3//1))) == (1,2.0) @test @inferred(ffront((1,2.0,3//1))) == (1,) @test @inferred( whole((1,2.0,3//1,0x04))) == (1,2.0,3//1,0x04) @test @inferred( tail((1,2.0,3//1,0x04))) == (2.0,3//1,0x04) @test @inferred( ttail((1,2.0,3//1,0x04))) == (3//1,0x04) @test @inferred( front((1,2.0,3//1,0x04))) == (1,2.0,3//1) @test @inferred(ffront((1,2.0,3//1,0x04))) == (1,2.0) @test (1,)[0:-1] == () @test (1,)[1:0] == () @test (1,)[2:1] == () @test (1,2.0)[0:-1] == () @test (1,2.0)[1:0] == () @test (1,2.0)[2:1] == () @test (1,2.0)[3:2] == () @test_throws BoundsError (1,)[2:2] @test_throws BoundsError (1,)[1:2] @test_throws BoundsError (1,)[0:1] @test_throws BoundsError (1,)[0:0] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[3:3] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[1:3] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[0:2] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[0:1] @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[0:0] end @testset "Base.rest" begin t = (1, 2.0, 0x03, 4f0) @test Base.rest(t) === t @test Base.rest(t, 2) === (2.0, 0x03, 4f0) a = [1 2; 3 4] @test Base.rest(a) == a[:] @test pointer(Base.rest(a)) != pointer(a) @test Base.rest(a, 3) == [2, 4] itr = (-i for i in a) @test Base.rest(itr) == itr _, st = iterate(itr) r = Base.rest(itr, st) @test r isa Iterators.Rest @test collect(r) == -[3, 2, 4] end # issue #38837 f38837(xs) = map((F,x)->F(x), (Float32, Float64), xs) @test @inferred(f38837((1,2))) === (1.0f0, 2.0)