language: python dist: xenial env: global: - PIP_WHEEL_DIR=$HOME/.cache/pip/wheels - PIP_FIND_LINKS=file://$HOME/.cache/pip/wheels - GDALINST=$HOME/gdalinstall - GDALBUILD=$HOME/gdalbuild - PROJINST=$HOME/gdalinstall - PROJBUILD=$HOME/projbuild # nci version is GDALVERSION="3.0.2" and python3.7 jobs: include: - python: "3.6" env: GDALVERSION="3.0.2" PROJVERSION="6.1.1" - python: "3.7" env: GDALVERSION="3.0.2" PROJVERSION="6.2.1" - python: "3.7" env: GDALVERSION="3.0.4" PROJVERSION="6.1.1" - python: "3.8" env: GDALVERSION="3.0.4" PROJVERSION="6.1.1" addons: apt: packages: - libhdf5-serial-dev - libgdal-dev - libatlas-dev - libatlas-base-dev - gfortran - openmpi-bin - libopenmpi-dev before_install: - python -m pip install -U pip - python -m pip install wheel - export PATH=$GDALINST/gdal-$GDALVERSION/bin:$PATH - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GDALINST/gdal-$GDALVERSION/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH - . ./scripts/ - travis_wait 20 . ./scripts/ - export GDAL_DATA=$GDALINST/gdal-$GDALVERSION/share/gdal - export PROJ_LIB=$GDALINST/gdal-$GDALVERSION/share/proj install: - sed -i '/^GDAL/d' requirements.txt - pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements-test.txt - pip install GDAL==$(gdal-config --version) - python install - rm -rf Py_Rate.egg-info # remove the local egg - export PYTHONPATH=$PYRATEPATH:$PYTHONPATH - chmod 444 tests/test_data/small_test/tif/geo_070709-070813_unw.tif # makes the file readonly, used in a test script: - pytest tests/ -m "slow" - pytest --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=pyrate tests/ -m "not slow" after_success: - codecov before_deploy: - cd docs && make html deploy: provider: pages skip_cleanup: true keep_history: true verbose: true on: branch: master python: 3.8 github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN2 local_dir: docs/_build/html project_name: PyRate email: name: InSAR Team cache: directories: - $GDALINST - ~/.cache/pip