Raw File
\title{Extract Subset of Pixel Image on Linear Network}
  Extract a subset of a pixel image on a linear network.
  \method{[}{linim}(x, i, ...)
    A pixel image on a linear network (object of class \code{"linim"}).
    Spatial window defining the subregion.
    Either a spatial window (an object of class \code{"owin"}), or a
    logical-valued pixel image, 
    or a point pattern (an object of class \code{"ppp"}),
    or any type of index that applies to a
    matrix, or something that can be converted to a point pattern
    by \code{\link{as.ppp}} (using the window of \code{x}).
  Another pixel image on a linear network (object of class \code{"linim"})
  or a vector of pixel values.
  This function is a method for the subset operator \code{"["} for
  pixel images on linear networks (objects of class \code{"linim"}). 

  The pixel image \code{x} will be restricted to the 
  domain specified by \code{i}.

  If \code{i} is a window (or a logical-valued pixel image)
  then \code{x[i]} is another pixel image of class \code{"linim"},
  representing the restriction of \code{x} to the spatial domain
  specified by \code{i}.

  If \code{i} is a point pattern, then \code{x[i]} is the vector of
  pixel values of \code{x} at the locations specified by \code{i}.
  Pixels outside the domain of \code{x} have value \code{NA}.
  M <- as.mask.psp(as.psp(simplenet))
  Z <- as.im(function(x,y){x}, W=M)
  Y <- linim(simplenet, Z)
  X <- runiflpp(4, simplenet)
  Y[square(c(0.3, 0.6))]
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