Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NS2DDV.                                                      #
#                                                                                   #
# Copyright(C) 2011-2018    C. Calgaro  (caterina.calgaro@math.univ-lille1.fr)      #
#                           E. Creusé   (emmanuel.creuse@math.univ-lille1.fr)       #
#                           T. Goudon   (thierry.goudon@inria.fr)                   #
#                           A. Mouton   (alexandre.mouton@math.univ-lille1.fr)      #
#                                                                                   #
# NS2DDV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms #
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,   #
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.           #
#                                                                                   #
# NS2DDV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY         #
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   #
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          #
#                                                                                   #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      #
# NS2DDV. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                               #

from base import *

def read_logfile(namelogfile):
	f = open(namelogfile, 'r')
	lines = f.readlines()
	i = 0
	for line in lines:
		if (i == 0):
			headers = line.split(' - ')
			nbdiags = len(headers)
			data = []
			for j in range(0,len(headers)):
				headers[j] = str(headers[j]).strip()

			diags = line.split('   ')
			while '' in diags:
			diags = map(float, diags)
			for j in range(0,len(diags)):

		i = i+1


	return [headers,data]

def extract_data(headers, data, myheader):
	i = 0
	if ((myheader[0:2] == 'P(') or (myheader[0:3] == 'UX(') or (myheader[0:3] == 'UY(')):
		temp = myheader.split('(')[1]
		temp = temp[0:-1]
		temp = temp.split(',')
		signal = map(float, temp)

	for header in headers:
		if (header == myheader):
			return data[i]
		elif ((myheader[0:2] == 'P(') and (header[0:2] == 'P(')):
			temp = header.split('(')[1]
			temp = temp[0:-1]
			temp = temp.split(',')
			signaltest = map(float, temp)
			if (max([abs(signaltest[0]-signal[0])/abs(signal[0]), abs(signaltest[1]-signal[1])/abs(signal[1])]) < 1e-8):
				return data[i]
				i = i+1
		elif ((myheader[0:3] == 'UX(') and (header[0:3] == 'UX(')):
			temp = header.split('(')[1]
			temp = temp[0:-1]
			temp = temp.split(',')
			signaltest = map(float, temp)
			if (max([abs(signaltest[0]-signal[0])/abs(signal[0]), abs(signaltest[1]-signal[1])/abs(signal[1])]) < 1e-8):
				return data[i]
				i = i+1
		elif ((myheader[0:3] == 'UY(') and (header[0:3] == 'UY(')):
			temp = header.split('(')[1]
			temp = temp[0:-1]
			temp = temp.split(',')
			signaltest = map(float, temp)
			if (max([abs(signaltest[0]-signal[0])/abs(signal[0]), abs(signaltest[1]-signal[1])/abs(signal[1])]) < 1e-8):
				return data[i]
				i = i+1
			i = i+1
	if (i == len(headers)):
		print('Could not find data with header '+myheader)
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