/*! \file kernel/polys.h Compatiblity layer for legacy polynomial operations (over @ref currRing) Macro defines for legacy polynomial operations used in @ref kernel_page and @ref singular_page. They take no ring argument since they work with @ref currRing by default. Notice that they have different prefix: `p` instead of `p_`. See also related global ring variable and the correct ring changeing routine: - \ref currRing - \ref rChangeCurrRing */ #ifndef POLYS_H #define POLYS_H #include "polys/monomials/ring.h" #include "polys/monomials/p_polys.h" EXTERN_VAR ring currRing; void rChangeCurrRing(ring r); #include "coeffs/numbers.h" /*************************************************************** * * Primitives for accessing and setting fields of a poly * poly must be != NULL * ***************************************************************/ /// deletes old coeff before setting the new one #define pSetCoeff(p,n) p_SetCoeff(p,n,currRing) /// Order #define pGetOrder(p) p_GetOrder(p, currRing) /// Component #define pGetComp(p) (int)__p_GetComp(p, currRing) #define pSetComp(p,v) p_SetComp(p,v, currRing) /// Exponent #define pGetExp(p,i) p_GetExp(p, i, currRing) #define pSetExp(p,i,v) p_SetExp(p, i, v, currRing) #define pIncrExp(p,i) p_IncrExp(p,i, currRing) #define pDecrExp(p,i) p_DecrExp(p,i, currRing) #define pAddExp(p,i,v) p_AddExp(p,i,v, currRing) #define pSubExp(p,i,v) p_SubExp(p,i,v, currRing) #define pMultExp(p,i,v) p_MultExp(p,i,v, currRing) #define pGetExpSum(p1, p2, i) p_GetExpSum(p1, p2, i, currRing) #define pGetExpDiff(p1, p2, i) p_GetExpDiff(p1, p2, i, currRing) /*************************************************************** * * Allocation/Initalization/Deletion * except for pHead, all polys must be != NULL * ***************************************************************/ /// allocates the space for a new monomial -- no initialization !!! #define pNew() p_New(currRing) /// allocates a new monomial and initializes everything to 0 #define pInit() p_Init(currRing,currRing->PolyBin) /// like pInit, except that expvector is initialized to that of p, /// p must be != NULL #define pLmInit(p) p_LmInit(p, currRing) /// returns newly allocated copy of Lm(p), coef is copied, next=NULL, /// p might be NULL #define pHead(p) p_Head(p, currRing) /// frees the space of the monomial m, assumes m != NULL /// coef is not freed, m is not advanced static inline void pLmFree(poly p) {p_LmFree(p, currRing);} /// like pLmFree, but advances p static inline void pLmFree(poly *p) {p_LmFree(p, currRing);} /// assumes p != NULL, deletes p, returns pNext(p) #define pLmFreeAndNext(p) p_LmFreeAndNext(p, currRing) /// assume p != NULL, deletes Lm(p)->coef and Lm(p) #define pLmDelete(p) p_LmDelete(p, currRing) /// like pLmDelete, returns pNext(p) #define pLmDeleteAndNext(p) p_LmDeleteAndNext(p, currRing) /*************************************************************** * * Operation on ExpVectors: assumes polys != NULL * ***************************************************************/ #define pExpVectorCopy(d_p, s_p) p_ExpVectorCopy(d_p, s_p, currRing) #define pExpVectorAdd(p1, p2) p_ExpVectorAdd(p1, p2, currRing) #define pExpVectorSub(p1, p2) p_ExpVectorSub(p1, p2, currRing) #define pExpVectorAddSub(p1, p2, p3) p_ExpVectorAddSub(p1, p2, p3, currRing) #define pExpVectorSum(pr, p1, p2) p_ExpVectorSum(pr, p1, p2, currRing) #define pExpVectorDiff(pr, p1, p2) p_ExpVectorDiff(pr, p1, p2, currRing) /// Gets a copy of (resp. set) the exponent vector, where e is assumed /// to point to (r->N +1)*sizeof(long) memory. Exponents are /// filled in as follows: comp, e_1, .., e_n #define pGetExpV(p, e) p_GetExpV(p, e, currRing) #define pSetExpV(p, e) p_SetExpV(p, e, currRing) /*************************************************************** * * Comparisons: they are all done without regarding coeffs * ***************************************************************/ /// returns 0|1|-1 if p=q|p>q|pq|p 0, s.t. b = a + c; #define pDivisibleBy(a, b) p_DivisibleBy(a,b,currRing) /// like pDivisibleBy, except that it is assumed that a!=NULL, b!=NULL #define pLmDivisibleBy(a,b) p_LmDivisibleBy(a,b,currRing) /// like pLmDivisibleBy, does not check components #define pLmDivisibleByNoComp(a, b) p_LmDivisibleByNoComp(a,b,currRing) /// Divisibility tests based on Short Exponent vectors /// sev_a == pGetShortExpVector(a) /// not_sev_b == ~ pGetShortExpVector(b) #define pLmShortDivisibleBy(a, sev_a, b, not_sev_b) \ p_LmShortDivisibleBy(a, sev_a, b, not_sev_b, currRing) #define pLmRingShortDivisibleBy(a, sev_a, b, not_sev_b) \ p_LmRingShortDivisibleBy(a, sev_a, b, not_sev_b, currRing) /// returns the "Short Exponent Vector" -- used to speed up divisibility /// tests (see polys-impl.cc ) #define pGetShortExpVector(a) p_GetShortExpVector(a, currRing) #ifdef HAVE_RINGS /// divisibility check over ground ring (which may contain zero divisors); /// TRUE iff LT(f) divides LT(g), i.e., LT(f)*c*m = LT(g), for some /// coefficient c and some monomial m; /// does not take components into account */ #define pDivisibleByRingCase(f,g) p_DivisibleByRingCase(f,g,currRing) #endif /// polynomial division a/b, ignoring the rest /// via singclap_pdivide resp. idLift /// destroyes a,b poly p_Divide(poly a, poly b, const ring r); /// polynomial division a/b, ignoring the rest /// via singclap_pdivide resp. idLift /// does not destroy a,b poly pp_Divide(poly a, poly b, const ring r); poly p_DivRem(poly a, poly b, poly &rest, const ring r); /*julia*/ /// polynomial gcd /// via singclap_gcd_r resp. idSyzygies /// destroys f and g poly singclap_gcd ( poly f, poly g, const ring r ); /*************************************************************** * * Copying/Deletion of polys: args may be NULL * ***************************************************************/ /// return a copy of the poly #define pCopy(p) p_Copy(p, currRing) #define pDelete(p_ptr) p_Delete(p_ptr, currRing) /*************************************************************** * * Copying/Deletion of polys: args may be NULL * - p/q as arg mean a poly * - m a monomial * - n a number * - pp (resp. qq, mm, nn) means arg is constant * - p (resp, q, m, n) means arg is destroyed * ***************************************************************/ #define pNeg(p) p_Neg(p, currRing) #define ppMult_nn(p, n) pp_Mult_nn(p, n, currRing) #define pMult_nn(p, n) p_Mult_nn(p, n, currRing) #define ppMult_mm(p, m) pp_Mult_mm(p, m, currRing) #define pMult_mm(p, m) p_Mult_mm(p, m, currRing) #define pAdd(p, q) p_Add_q(p, q, currRing) #define pPower(p, q) p_Power(p, q, currRing) #define pMinus_mm_Mult_qq(p, m, q) p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(p, m, q, currRing) #define pPlus_mm_Mult_qq(p, m, q) p_Plus_mm_Mult_qq(p, m, q, currRing) #define pMult(p, q) p_Mult_q(p, q, currRing) #define ppMult_qq(p, q) pp_Mult_qq(p, q, currRing) // p*Coeff(m) for such monomials pm of p, for which m is divisble by pm #define ppMult_Coeff_mm_DivSelect(p, m) pp_Mult_Coeff_mm_DivSelect(p, m, currRing) /************************************************************************* * * Sort routines * *************************************************************************/ /// sorts p, assumes all monomials in p are different #define pSortMerger(p) p_SortMerge(p, currRing) #define pSort(p) p_SortMerge(p, currRing) /// sorts p, p may have equal monomials #define pSortAdd(p) p_SortAdd(p, currRing) /// Assume: If considerd only as poly in any component of p /// (say, monomials of other components of p are set to 0), /// then p is already sorted correctly #define pSortCompCorrect(p) pSort(p) /*************************************************************** * * Predicates on polys/Lm's * ***************************************************************/ /// return true if p is either NULL, or if all exponents /// of p are 0, Comp of p might be != 0 #define pIsConstantComp(p) p_IsConstantComp(p, currRing) /// like above, except that Comp must be 0 #define pIsConstant(p) p_IsConstant(p,currRing) /// return true if the Lm is a constant <>0 #define pIsUnit(p) p_IsUnit(p,currRing) /// like above, except that p must be != NULL #define pLmIsConstantComp(p) p_LmIsConstantComp(p, currRing) #define pLmIsConstant(p) p_LmIsConstant(p,currRing) /// return TRUE if all monomials of p are constant #define pIsConstantPoly(p) p_IsConstantPoly(p, currRing) #define pIsPurePower(p) p_IsPurePower(p, currRing) #define pIsUnivariate(p) p_IsUnivariate(p, currRing) #define pIsVector(p) (pGetComp(p)>0) #define pGetVariables(p,e) p_GetVariables(p, e, currRing) /*************************************************************** * * Old stuff * ***************************************************************/ typedef poly* polyset; /*-------------predicate on polys ----------------------*/ #define pHasNotCFRing(p1,p2) p_HasNotCFRing(p1,p2,currRing) #define pHasNotCF(p1,p2) p_HasNotCF(p1,p2,currRing) /*has no common factor ?*/ #define pSplit(p,r) p_Split(p,r) /*p => IN(p), r => REST(p) */ /*-----------the ordering of monomials:-------------*/ #define pSetm(p) p_Setm(p, currRing) /// TODO: #define pSetmComp(p) p_Setm(p, currRing) /*************************************************************** * * Degree stuff -- see p_polys.cc for explainations * ***************************************************************/ #define pWeight(i) p_Weight(i,currRing) static inline long pTotaldegree(poly p) { return p_Totaldegree(p,currRing); } #define pWTotaldegree(p) p_WTotaldegree(p,currRing) #define pWDegree(p) p_WDegree(p,currRing) /*-------------operations on polynomials:------------*/ #define pSub(a,b) p_Sub(a,b,currRing) #define pmInit(a,b) p_mInit(a,b,currRing) /* ----------------- define to enable new p_procs -----*/ #define pMDivide(a,b) p_MDivide(a,b,currRing) #define pDivideM(a,b) p_DivideM(a,b,currRing) #define pLcm(a,b,m) p_Lcm(a,b,m,currRing) #define pDiff(a,b) p_Diff(a,b,currRing) #define pDiffOp(a,b,m) p_DiffOp(a,b,m,currRing) #define pMaxComp(p) p_MaxComp(p, currRing) #define pMinComp(p) p_MinComp(p, currRing) #define pOneComp(p) p_OneComp(p, currRing) #define pSetCompP(a,i) p_SetCompP(a, i, currRing) // let's inline those, so that we can call them from the debugger inline char* pString(poly p) {return p_String(p, currRing, currRing);} inline void pString0(poly p) {p_String0(p, currRing, currRing);} inline void pWrite(poly p) {p_Write(p, currRing, currRing);} inline void pWrite0(poly p) {p_Write0(p, currRing, currRing);} inline void wrp(poly p) {p_wrp(p, currRing, currRing);} #define pISet(i) p_ISet(i,currRing) #define pNSet(n) p_NSet(n,currRing) #define pOne() p_One(currRing) #define pNormalize(p) p_Normalize(p,currRing) #define pSize(p) p_Size(p,currRing) /// homogenizes p by multiplying certain powers of the varnum-th variable #define pHomogen(p,varnum) p_Homogen(p,varnum,currRing) BOOLEAN pIsHomogeneous (poly p); // // replaces the maximal powers of the leading monomial of p2 in p1 by // // the same powers of n, utility for dehomogenization // #define pDehomogen(p1,p2,n) p_Dehomgen(p1,p2,n,currRing) // #define pIsHomogen(p) p_IsHomggen(p,currRing) #define pIsHomogen(p) p_IsHomogen(p,currRing) /*BOOLEAN pVectorHasUnitM(poly p, int * k);*/ #define pVectorHasUnitB(p,k) p_VectorHasUnitB(p,k,currRing) #define pVectorHasUnit(p,k,l) p_VectorHasUnit(p,k,l,currRing) #define pTakeOutComp1(p,k) p_TakeOutComp1(p,k,currRing) /// Splits *p into two polys: *q which consists of all monoms with /// component == comp and *p of all other monoms *lq == pLength(*q) /// On return all components pf *q == 0 inline void pTakeOutComp(poly *p, long comp, poly *q, int *lq, const ring R = currRing) { return p_TakeOutComp(p, comp, q, lq, R); } /// This is something weird -- Don't use it, unless you know what you are doing inline poly pTakeOutComp(poly * p, int k, const ring R = currRing) { return p_TakeOutComp(p, k, R); } /* old spielwiese #define pTakeOutComp(p,k,q,lq) p_TakeOutComp(p,k,q,lq,currRing) // Similar to pTakeOutComp, except that only those components are // taken out whose Order == order // ASSUME: monomial ordering is Order compatible, i.e., if m1, m2 Monoms then // m1 >= m2 ==> pGetOrder(m1) >= pGetOrder(m2) #define pDecrOrdTakeOutComp(p,c,o,q,lq) p_DecrOrdTakeOutComp(p,c,o,q,lq,currRing) */ void pSetPolyComp(poly p, int comp); #define pDeleteComp(p,k) p_DeleteComp(p,k,currRing) inline void pNorm(poly p, const ring R = currRing){ p_Norm(p, R); } #define pSubst(p,n,e) p_Subst(p,n,e,currRing) #define ppJet(p,m) pp_Jet(p,m,currRing) #define pJet(p,m) p_Jet(p,m,currRing) #define ppJetW(p,m,iv) pp_JetW(p,m,iv,currRing) #define pJetW(p,m,iv) p_JetW(p,m,iv,currRing) #define pMinDeg(p,w) p_MinDeg(p,w,currRing) #define pSeries(n,p,u,w) p_Series(n,p,u,w,currRing) // maximum weigthed degree of all monomials of p, w is indexed from // 1..pVariables /// Deprecated: only for compatibility with older code! #define pDegW(p,w) p_DegW(p,w,currRing) /*-----------type conversions ----------------------------*/ // void pVec2Polys(poly v, polyset *p, int *len); #define pVar(m) p_Var(m,currRing) /*-----------specials for spoly-computations--------------*/ /// Returns TRUE if /// * LM(p) | LM(lcm) /// * LC(p) | LC(lcm) only if ring /// * Exists i, j: /// * LE(p, i) != LE(lcm, i) /// * LE(p1, i) != LE(lcm, i) ==> LCM(p1, p) != lcm /// * LE(p, j) != LE(lcm, j) /// * LE(p2, j) != LE(lcm, j) ==> LCM(p2, p) != lcm BOOLEAN pCompareChain (poly p, poly p1, poly p2, poly lcm, const ring R = currRing); #ifdef HAVE_RATGRING BOOLEAN pCompareChainPart (poly p, poly p1, poly p2, poly lcm, const ring R = currRing); #endif #define pEqualPolys(p1,p2) p_EqualPolys(p1,p2,currRing) /// returns the length of a polynomial (numbers of monomials) /// respect syzComp static inline poly pLast(poly a, int &length) { return p_Last (a, length, currRing); } static inline poly pLast(poly a) { int l; return pLast(a, l); } /*************************************************************** * * PDEBUG stuff * ***************************************************************/ #ifdef PDEBUG #define pTest(p) _p_Test(p, currRing, PDEBUG) #define pLmTest(p) _p_LmTest(p, currRing, PDEBUG) #else // ! PDEBUG #define pTest(p) do {} while (0) #define pLmTest(p) do {} while (0) #endif #endif // POLYS_H