% % Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen % $Id: ExNclus.Rd 3912 2008-03-13 15:10:24Z gruen $ % \name{ExNclus} \alias{ExNclus} \alias{Nclus} \title{Artificial Example with 4 Gaussians} \description{ A simple artificial example for normal clustering with 4 latent classes, all of them having a Gaussian distribution. See the function definition for true means and covariances. } \usage{ ExNclus(n) data("Nclus") } \arguments{ \item{n}{Number of observations in the two small latent classes.} } \details{ The \code{Nclus} data set can be re-created by \code{ExNclus(100)} using \code{set.seed(2602)}, it has been saved as a data set for simplicity of examples only. } \examples{ data("Nclus") require("MASS") eqscplot(Nclus, col=rep(1:4, c(100, 100, 150, 200))) } \keyword{datasets}