# This file contains a set of ROOT I/O customization rules. # The short form of those rules is # [type=Read] classname membername [attributes=... ] [version=[...] ] [checksum=[...] ] [oldtype=...] [code={...}] # # See the documentation for TClass::AddRule for more details. # # Each rule must be on one line (possibly split with a trailing \) # HepMC Rules HepMC::GenVertex m_event attributes=NotOwner HepMC::GenParticle m_production_vertex attributes=NotOwner HepMC::GenParticle m_end_vertex attributes=NotOwner HepMC::Flow m_particle_owner attributes=NotOwner HepMC::GenEvent m_vertex_barcodes attributes=Owner HepMC::GenEvent m_particle_barcodes attributes=Owner HepMC::GenEvent m_signal_process_vertex attributes=NotOwner HepMC::GenEvent m_beam_particle_1 attributes=NotOwner HepMC::GenEvent m_beam_particle_2 attributes=NotOwner