Raw File
function [varargout] = walkspeed(w, varargin)
% infostructure = walkspeed(w) returns the speed, step length,
%   and step frequency in dimensionless units for a gait w. Output is in
%   the form of a structure with fields 'speed', 'steplength', 'stepfreq'
% walkspeed(w) with no output arguments prints out the speed, step length,
%   and step frequency
% walkspeed(w, 'plotfigure', 1) plots the angles for a step and then prints the
%   speed, step length, and step frequency on the figure
% [speed, steplength, stepfreq] = walkspeed(w) returns the same information
%   as three scalars, if the user does not want a structure
% infostructure also contains fields 'cot' and 'power' which are mechanical
% cost of transport and average positive power

% Art Kuo  v 1.0  (04/07/2004)
%   mod 06/08/2008 to include energy; also requires gaitspeed to return energy
%   took out mod later

plotfigure = 0; 

opt_argin = varargin;         % parse the options
onestepoptions = {};
while length(opt_argin) >= 2,
  opt = opt_argin{1};
  val = opt_argin{2};
  opt_argin = opt_argin(3:end);
  switch opt
    case 'plotfigure'                           
      plotfigure = val;
    case {'AbsTol','RelTol', 'tf'} % options for onestep
      onestepoptions = {onestepoptions{:}, opt, val};
      warning(['walkspeed options: plotfigure']);
[speed, steplength,stepfreq] = gaitspeed(w);

if plotfigure % do a onestep, plot the angles, and show the speed info
  onestep(w, [], onestepoptions);
  outstring = sprintf('speed     = %4.2f\nstep len  = %4.2f\nstep freq = %4.2f', speed, steplength, stepfreq);
  xl = get(gca, 'XLim'); yl = get(gca, 'YLim');
  % try to put the info on the upper left corner
  x = xl(1) + 0.15*(xl(2)-xl(1)); y = yl(2) - 0.03*(yl(2)-yl(1));
  text(x, y, outstring, 'VerticalAlignment', 'top');

sinfo.speed = speed;
sinfo.steplength = steplength;
sinfo.stepfreq = stepfreq;
%sinfo.cot = energy.cot;
%sinfo.power = energy.power;

varargout{1} = sinfo;

if nargout == 3 % user apparently wants three scalar outputs instead of a structure
  varargout{1} = speed;
  varargout{2} = steplength;
  varargout{3} = stepfreq;
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