# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## object-oriented Regex interface ## include("pcre.jl") const DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTS = PCRE.UTF | PCRE.MATCH_INVALID_UTF | PCRE.ALT_BSUX | PCRE.UCP const DEFAULT_MATCH_OPTS = PCRE.NO_UTF_CHECK """ Regex(pattern[, flags]) <: AbstractPattern A type representing a regular expression. `Regex` objects can be used to match strings with [`match`](@ref). `Regex` objects can be created using the [`@r_str`](@ref) string macro. The `Regex(pattern[, flags])` constructor is usually used if the `pattern` string needs to be interpolated. See the documentation of the string macro for details on flags. !!! note To escape interpolated variables use `\\Q` and `\\E` (e.g. `Regex("\\\\Q\$x\\\\E")`) """ mutable struct Regex <: AbstractPattern pattern::String compile_options::UInt32 match_options::UInt32 regex::Ptr{Cvoid} function Regex(pattern::AbstractString, compile_options::Integer, match_options::Integer) pattern = String(pattern) compile_options = UInt32(compile_options) match_options = UInt32(match_options) if (compile_options & ~PCRE.COMPILE_MASK) != 0 throw(ArgumentError("invalid regex compile options: $compile_options")) end if (match_options & ~PCRE.EXECUTE_MASK) !=0 throw(ArgumentError("invalid regex match options: $match_options")) end re = compile(new(pattern, compile_options, match_options, C_NULL)) finalizer(re) do re re.regex == C_NULL || PCRE.free_re(re.regex) end re end end function Regex(pattern::AbstractString, flags::AbstractString) compile_options = DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTS match_options = DEFAULT_MATCH_OPTS for f in flags if f == 'a' # instruct pcre2 to treat the strings as simple bytes (aka "ASCII"), not char encodings compile_options &= ~PCRE.UCP # user can re-enable with (*UCP) compile_options &= ~PCRE.UTF # user can re-enable with (*UTF) compile_options &= ~PCRE.MATCH_INVALID_UTF # this would force on UTF match_options &= ~PCRE.NO_UTF_CHECK # if the user did force on UTF, we should check it for safety else compile_options |= f=='i' ? PCRE.CASELESS : f=='m' ? PCRE.MULTILINE : f=='s' ? PCRE.DOTALL : f=='x' ? PCRE.EXTENDED : throw(ArgumentError("unknown regex flag: $f")) end end Regex(pattern, compile_options, match_options) end Regex(pattern::AbstractString) = Regex(pattern, DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTS, DEFAULT_MATCH_OPTS) function compile(regex::Regex) if regex.regex == C_NULL if PCRE.PCRE_COMPILE_LOCK === nothing regex.regex = PCRE.compile(regex.pattern, regex.compile_options) PCRE.jit_compile(regex.regex) else l = PCRE.PCRE_COMPILE_LOCK::Threads.SpinLock lock(l) try if regex.regex == C_NULL regex.regex = PCRE.compile(regex.pattern, regex.compile_options) PCRE.jit_compile(regex.regex) end finally unlock(l) end end end regex end """ @r_str -> Regex Construct a regex, such as `r"^[a-z]*\$"`, without interpolation and unescaping (except for quotation mark `"` which still has to be escaped). The regex also accepts one or more flags, listed after the ending quote, to change its behaviour: - `i` enables case-insensitive matching - `m` treats the `^` and `\$` tokens as matching the start and end of individual lines, as opposed to the whole string. - `s` allows the `.` modifier to match newlines. - `x` enables "free-spacing mode": whitespace between regex tokens is ignored except when escaped with `\\`, and `#` in the regex is treated as starting a comment (which is ignored to the line ending). - `a` enables ASCII mode (disables `UTF` and `UCP` modes). By default `\\B`, `\\b`, `\\D`, `\\d`, `\\S`, `\\s`, `\\W`, `\\w`, etc. match based on Unicode character properties. With this option, these sequences only match ASCII characters. This includes `\\u` also, which will emit the specified character value directly as a single byte, and not attempt to encode it into UTF-8. Importantly, this option allows matching against invalid UTF-8 strings, by treating both matcher and target as simple bytes (as if they were ISO/IEC 8859-1 / Latin-1 bytes) instead of as character encodings. In this case, this option is often combined with `s`. This option can be further refined by starting the pattern with (*UCP) or (*UTF). See [`Regex`](@ref) if interpolation is needed. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> match(r"a+.*b+.*?d\$"ism, "Goodbye,\\nOh, angry,\\nBad world\\n") RegexMatch("angry,\\nBad world") ``` This regex has the first three flags enabled. """ macro r_str(pattern, flags...) Regex(pattern, flags...) end function show(io::IO, re::Regex) imsx = PCRE.CASELESS|PCRE.MULTILINE|PCRE.DOTALL|PCRE.EXTENDED ac = PCRE.UTF|PCRE.MATCH_INVALID_UTF|PCRE.UCP am = PCRE.NO_UTF_CHECK opts = re.compile_options mopts = re.match_options default = ((opts & ~imsx) | ac) == DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTS if default if (opts & ac) == ac default = mopts == DEFAULT_MATCH_OPTS elseif (opts & ac) == 0 default = mopts == (DEFAULT_MATCH_OPTS & ~am) else default = false end end if default print(io, "r\"") escape_raw_string(io, re.pattern) print(io, "\"") if (opts & PCRE.CASELESS ) != 0; print(io, "i"); end if (opts & PCRE.MULTILINE) != 0; print(io, "m"); end if (opts & PCRE.DOTALL ) != 0; print(io, "s"); end if (opts & PCRE.EXTENDED ) != 0; print(io, "x"); end if (opts & ac ) == 0; print(io, "a"); end else print(io, "Regex(") show(io, re.pattern) print(io, ", ") show(io, opts) print(io, ", ") show(io, mopts) print(io, ")") end end """ `AbstractMatch` objects are used to represent information about matches found in a string using an `AbstractPattern`. """ abstract type AbstractMatch end """ RegexMatch <: AbstractMatch A type representing a single match to a [`Regex`](@ref) found in a string. Typically created from the [`match`](@ref) function. The `match` field stores the substring of the entire matched string. The `captures` field stores the substrings for each capture group, indexed by number. To index by capture group name, the entire match object should be indexed instead, as shown in the examples. The location of the start of the match is stored in the `offset` field. The `offsets` field stores the locations of the start of each capture group, with 0 denoting a group that was not captured. This type can be used as an iterator over the capture groups of the `Regex`, yielding the substrings captured in each group. Because of this, the captures of a match can be destructured. If a group was not captured, `nothing` will be yielded instead of a substring. Methods that accept a `RegexMatch` object are defined for [`iterate`](@ref), [`length`](@ref), [`eltype`](@ref), [`keys`](@ref keys(::RegexMatch)), [`haskey`](@ref), and [`getindex`](@ref), where keys are the the names or numbers of a capture group. See [`keys`](@ref keys(::RegexMatch)) for more information. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> m = match(r"(?\\d+):(?\\d+)(am|pm)?", "11:30 in the morning") RegexMatch("11:30", hour="11", minute="30", 3=nothing) julia> m.match "11:30" julia> m.captures 3-element Vector{Union{Nothing, SubString{String}}}: "11" "30" nothing julia> m["minute"] "30" julia> hr, min, ampm = m; # destructure capture groups by iteration julia> hr "11" ``` """ struct RegexMatch{S<:AbstractString} <: AbstractMatch match::SubString{S} captures::Vector{Union{Nothing,SubString{S}}} offset::Int offsets::Vector{Int} regex::Regex end RegexMatch(match::SubString{S}, captures::Vector{Union{Nothing,SubString{S}}}, offset::Union{Int, UInt}, offsets::Vector{Int}, regex::Regex) where {S<:AbstractString} = RegexMatch{S}(match, captures, offset, offsets, regex) """ keys(m::RegexMatch) -> Vector Return a vector of keys for all capture groups of the underlying regex. A key is included even if the capture group fails to match. That is, `idx` will be in the return value even if `m[idx] == nothing`. Unnamed capture groups will have integer keys corresponding to their index. Named capture groups will have string keys. !!! compat "Julia 1.7" This method was added in Julia 1.7 # Examples ```jldoctest julia> keys(match(r"(?\\d+):(?\\d+)(am|pm)?", "11:30")) 3-element Vector{Any}: "hour" "minute" 3 ``` """ function keys(m::RegexMatch) idx_to_capture_name = PCRE.capture_names(m.regex.regex) return map(eachindex(m.captures)) do i # If the capture group is named, return it's name, else return it's index get(idx_to_capture_name, i, i) end end function show(io::IO, m::RegexMatch) print(io, "RegexMatch(") show(io, m.match) capture_keys = keys(m) if !isempty(capture_keys) print(io, ", ") for (i, capture_name) in enumerate(capture_keys) print(io, capture_name, "=") show(io, m.captures[i]) if i < length(m) print(io, ", ") end end end print(io, ")") end # Capture group extraction getindex(m::RegexMatch, idx::Integer) = m.captures[idx] function getindex(m::RegexMatch, name::Union{AbstractString,Symbol}) idx = PCRE.substring_number_from_name(m.regex.regex, name) idx <= 0 && error("no capture group named $name found in regex") m[idx] end haskey(m::RegexMatch, idx::Integer) = idx in eachindex(m.captures) function haskey(m::RegexMatch, name::Union{AbstractString,Symbol}) idx = PCRE.substring_number_from_name(m.regex.regex, name) return idx > 0 end iterate(m::RegexMatch, args...) = iterate(m.captures, args...) length(m::RegexMatch) = length(m.captures) eltype(m::RegexMatch) = eltype(m.captures) function occursin(r::Regex, s::AbstractString; offset::Integer=0) compile(r) return PCRE.exec_r(r.regex, String(s), offset, r.match_options) end function occursin(r::Regex, s::SubString{String}; offset::Integer=0) compile(r) return PCRE.exec_r(r.regex, s, offset, r.match_options) end """ startswith(s::AbstractString, prefix::Regex) Return `true` if `s` starts with the regex pattern, `prefix`. !!! note `startswith` does not compile the anchoring into the regular expression, but instead passes the anchoring as `match_option` to PCRE. If compile time is amortized, `occursin(r"^...", s)` is faster than `startswith(s, r"...")`. See also [`occursin`](@ref) and [`endswith`](@ref). !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This method requires at least Julia 1.2. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> startswith("JuliaLang", r"Julia|Romeo") true ``` """ function startswith(s::AbstractString, r::Regex) compile(r) return PCRE.exec_r(r.regex, String(s), 0, r.match_options | PCRE.ANCHORED) end function startswith(s::SubString{String}, r::Regex) compile(r) return PCRE.exec_r(r.regex, s, 0, r.match_options | PCRE.ANCHORED) end """ endswith(s::AbstractString, suffix::Regex) Return `true` if `s` ends with the regex pattern, `suffix`. !!! note `endswith` does not compile the anchoring into the regular expression, but instead passes the anchoring as `match_option` to PCRE. If compile time is amortized, `occursin(r"...\$", s)` is faster than `endswith(s, r"...")`. See also [`occursin`](@ref) and [`startswith`](@ref). !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This method requires at least Julia 1.2. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> endswith("JuliaLang", r"Lang|Roberts") true ``` """ function endswith(s::AbstractString, r::Regex) compile(r) return PCRE.exec_r(r.regex, String(s), 0, r.match_options | PCRE.ENDANCHORED) end function endswith(s::SubString{String}, r::Regex) compile(r) return PCRE.exec_r(r.regex, s, 0, r.match_options | PCRE.ENDANCHORED) end function chopprefix(s::AbstractString, prefix::Regex) m = match(prefix, s, firstindex(s), PCRE.ANCHORED) m === nothing && return SubString(s) return SubString(s, ncodeunits(m.match) + 1) end function chopsuffix(s::AbstractString, suffix::Regex) m = match(suffix, s, firstindex(s), PCRE.ENDANCHORED) m === nothing && return SubString(s) isempty(m.match) && return SubString(s) return SubString(s, firstindex(s), prevind(s, m.offset)) end """ match(r::Regex, s::AbstractString[, idx::Integer[, addopts]]) Search for the first match of the regular expression `r` in `s` and return a [`RegexMatch`](@ref) object containing the match, or nothing if the match failed. The matching substring can be retrieved by accessing `m.match` and the captured sequences can be retrieved by accessing `m.captures` The optional `idx` argument specifies an index at which to start the search. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> rx = r"a(.)a" r"a(.)a" julia> m = match(rx, "cabac") RegexMatch("aba", 1="b") julia> m.captures 1-element Vector{Union{Nothing, SubString{String}}}: "b" julia> m.match "aba" julia> match(rx, "cabac", 3) === nothing true ``` """ function match end function match(re::Regex, str::Union{SubString{String}, String}, idx::Integer, add_opts::UInt32=UInt32(0)) compile(re) opts = re.match_options | add_opts matched, data = PCRE.exec_r_data(re.regex, str, idx-1, opts) if !matched PCRE.free_match_data(data) return nothing end n = div(PCRE.ovec_length(data), 2) - 1 p = PCRE.ovec_ptr(data) mat = SubString(str, unsafe_load(p, 1)+1, prevind(str, unsafe_load(p, 2)+1)) cap = Union{Nothing,SubString{String}}[unsafe_load(p,2i+1) == PCRE.UNSET ? nothing : SubString(str, unsafe_load(p,2i+1)+1, prevind(str, unsafe_load(p,2i+2)+1)) for i=1:n] off = Int[ unsafe_load(p,2i+1)+1 for i=1:n ] result = RegexMatch(mat, cap, unsafe_load(p,1)+1, off, re) PCRE.free_match_data(data) return result end function _annotatedmatch(m::RegexMatch{S}, str::AnnotatedString{S}) where {S<:AbstractString} RegexMatch{AnnotatedString{S}}( (@inbounds SubString{AnnotatedString{S}}( str, m.match.offset, m.match.ncodeunits, Val(:noshift))), Union{Nothing,SubString{AnnotatedString{S}}}[ if !isnothing(cap) (@inbounds SubString{AnnotatedString{S}}( str, cap.offset, cap.ncodeunits, Val(:noshift))) end for cap in m.captures], m.offset, m.offsets, m.regex) end function match(re::Regex, str::AnnotatedString) m = match(re, str.string) if !isnothing(m) _annotatedmatch(m, str) end end function match(re::Regex, str::AnnotatedString, idx::Integer, add_opts::UInt32=UInt32(0)) m = match(re, str.string, idx, add_opts) if !isnothing(m) _annotatedmatch(m, str) end end match(r::Regex, s::AbstractString) = match(r, s, firstindex(s)) match(r::Regex, s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = throw(ArgumentError( "regex matching is only available for the String and AnnotatedString types; use String(s) to convert" )) findnext(re::Regex, str::Union{String,SubString}, idx::Integer) = _findnext_re(re, str, idx, C_NULL) # TODO: return only start index and update deprecation # duck-type str so that external UTF-8 string packages like StringViews can hook in function _findnext_re(re::Regex, str, idx::Integer, match_data::Ptr{Cvoid}) if idx > nextind(str,lastindex(str)) throw(BoundsError()) end opts = re.match_options compile(re) alloc = match_data == C_NULL if alloc matched, data = PCRE.exec_r_data(re.regex, str, idx-1, opts) else matched = PCRE.exec(re.regex, str, idx-1, opts, match_data) data = match_data end if matched p = PCRE.ovec_ptr(data) ans = (Int(unsafe_load(p,1))+1):prevind(str,Int(unsafe_load(p,2))+1) else ans = nothing end alloc && PCRE.free_match_data(data) return ans end findnext(r::Regex, s::AbstractString, idx::Integer) = throw(ArgumentError( "regex search is only available for the String type; use String(s) to convert" )) findfirst(r::Regex, s::AbstractString) = findnext(r,s,firstindex(s)) """ findall(c::AbstractChar, s::AbstractString) Return a vector `I` of the indices of `s` where `s[i] == c`. If there are no such elements in `s`, return an empty array. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> findall('a', "batman") 2-element Vector{Int64}: 2 5 ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.7" This method requires at least Julia 1.7. """ findall(c::AbstractChar, s::AbstractString) = findall(isequal(c),s) """ count( pattern::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString,AbstractPattern}, string::AbstractString; overlap::Bool = false, ) Return the number of matches for `pattern` in `string`. This is equivalent to calling `length(findall(pattern, string))` but more efficient. If `overlap=true`, the matching sequences are allowed to overlap indices in the original string, otherwise they must be from disjoint character ranges. !!! compat "Julia 1.3" This method requires at least Julia 1.3. !!! compat "Julia 1.7" Using a character as the pattern requires at least Julia 1.7. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> count('a', "JuliaLang") 2 julia> count(r"a(.)a", "cabacabac", overlap=true) 3 julia> count(r"a(.)a", "cabacabac") 2 ``` """ function count(t::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString,AbstractPattern}, s::AbstractString; overlap::Bool=false) n = 0 i, e = firstindex(s), lastindex(s) while true r = findnext(t, s, i) isnothing(r) && break n += 1 j = overlap || isempty(r) ? first(r) : last(r) j > e && break @inbounds i = nextind(s, j) end return n end """ SubstitutionString(substr) <: AbstractString Stores the given string `substr` as a `SubstitutionString`, for use in regular expression substitutions. Most commonly constructed using the [`@s_str`](@ref) macro. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> SubstitutionString("Hello \\\\g, it's \\\\1") s"Hello \\g, it's \\1" julia> subst = s"Hello \\g, it's \\1" s"Hello \\g, it's \\1" julia> typeof(subst) SubstitutionString{String} ``` """ struct SubstitutionString{T<:AbstractString} <: AbstractString string::T end ncodeunits(s::SubstitutionString) = ncodeunits(s.string)::Int codeunit(s::SubstitutionString) = codeunit(s.string)::CodeunitType codeunit(s::SubstitutionString, i::Integer) = codeunit(s.string, i)::Union{UInt8, UInt16, UInt32} isvalid(s::SubstitutionString, i::Integer) = isvalid(s.string, i)::Bool iterate(s::SubstitutionString, i::Integer...) = iterate(s.string, i...)::Union{Nothing,Tuple{AbstractChar,Int}} function show(io::IO, s::SubstitutionString) print(io, "s\"") escape_raw_string(io, s.string) print(io, "\"") end """ @s_str -> SubstitutionString Construct a substitution string, used for regular expression substitutions. Within the string, sequences of the form `\\N` refer to the Nth capture group in the regex, and `\\g` refers to a named capture group with name `groupname`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> msg = "#Hello# from Julia"; julia> replace(msg, r"#(.+)# from (?\\w+)" => s"FROM: \\g; MESSAGE: \\1") "FROM: Julia; MESSAGE: Hello" ``` """ macro s_str(string) SubstitutionString(string) end # replacement struct RegexAndMatchData re::Regex match_data::Ptr{Cvoid} RegexAndMatchData(re::Regex) = (compile(re); new(re, PCRE.create_match_data(re.regex))) end findnext(pat::RegexAndMatchData, str, i) = _findnext_re(pat.re, str, i, pat.match_data) _pat_replacer(r::Regex) = RegexAndMatchData(r) _free_pat_replacer(r::RegexAndMatchData) = PCRE.free_match_data(r.match_data) replace_err(repl) = error("Bad replacement string: $repl") function _write_capture(io::IO, group::Int, str, r, re::RegexAndMatchData) len = PCRE.substring_length_bynumber(re.match_data, group) # in the case of an optional group that doesn't match, len == 0 len == 0 && return ensureroom(io, len+1) PCRE.substring_copy_bynumber(re.match_data, group, pointer(io.data, io.ptr), len+1) io.ptr += len io.size = max(io.size, io.ptr - 1) nothing end function _write_capture(io::IO, group::Int, str, r, re) group == 0 || replace_err("pattern is not a Regex") return print(io, SubString(str, r)) end const SUB_CHAR = '\\' const GROUP_CHAR = 'g' const KEEP_ESC = [SUB_CHAR, GROUP_CHAR, '0':'9'...] function _replace(io, repl_s::SubstitutionString, str, r, re) LBRACKET = '<' RBRACKET = '>' repl = unescape_string(repl_s.string, KEEP_ESC) i = firstindex(repl) e = lastindex(repl) while i <= e if repl[i] == SUB_CHAR next_i = nextind(repl, i) next_i > e && replace_err(repl) if repl[next_i] == SUB_CHAR write(io, SUB_CHAR) i = nextind(repl, next_i) elseif isdigit(repl[next_i]) group = parse(Int, repl[next_i]) i = nextind(repl, next_i) while i <= e if isdigit(repl[i]) group = 10group + parse(Int, repl[i]) i = nextind(repl, i) else break end end _write_capture(io, group, str, r, re) elseif repl[next_i] == GROUP_CHAR i = nextind(repl, next_i) if i > e || repl[i] != LBRACKET replace_err(repl) end i = nextind(repl, i) i > e && replace_err(repl) groupstart = i while repl[i] != RBRACKET i = nextind(repl, i) i > e && replace_err(repl) end groupname = SubString(repl, groupstart, prevind(repl, i)) if all(isdigit, groupname) group = parse(Int, groupname) elseif re isa RegexAndMatchData group = PCRE.substring_number_from_name(re.re.regex, groupname) group < 0 && replace_err("Group $groupname not found in regex $(re.re)") else group = -1 end _write_capture(io, group, str, r, re) i = nextind(repl, i) else replace_err(repl) end else write(io, repl[i]) i = nextind(repl, i) end end end struct RegexMatchIterator{S <: AbstractString} regex::Regex string::S overlap::Bool RegexMatchIterator(regex::Regex, string::AbstractString, ovr::Bool=false) = new{String}(regex, String(string), ovr) RegexMatchIterator(regex::Regex, string::AnnotatedString, ovr::Bool=false) = new{AnnotatedString{String}}(regex, AnnotatedString(String(string.string), string.annotations), ovr) end compile(itr::RegexMatchIterator) = (compile(itr.regex); itr) eltype(::Type{<:RegexMatchIterator}) = RegexMatch IteratorSize(::Type{<:RegexMatchIterator}) = SizeUnknown() function iterate(itr::RegexMatchIterator, (offset,prevempty)=(1,false)) opts_nonempty = UInt32(PCRE.ANCHORED | PCRE.NOTEMPTY_ATSTART) while true mat = match(itr.regex, itr.string, offset, prevempty ? opts_nonempty : UInt32(0)) if mat === nothing if prevempty && offset <= sizeof(itr.string) offset = nextind(itr.string, offset) prevempty = false continue else break end else if itr.overlap if !isempty(mat.match) offset = nextind(itr.string, mat.offset) else offset = mat.offset end else offset = mat.offset + ncodeunits(mat.match) end return (mat, (offset, isempty(mat.match))) end end nothing end """ eachmatch(r::Regex, s::AbstractString; overlap::Bool=false) Search for all matches of the regular expression `r` in `s` and return an iterator over the matches. If `overlap` is `true`, the matching sequences are allowed to overlap indices in the original string, otherwise they must be from distinct character ranges. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> rx = r"a.a" r"a.a" julia> m = eachmatch(rx, "a1a2a3a") Base.RegexMatchIterator{String}(r"a.a", "a1a2a3a", false) julia> collect(m) 2-element Vector{RegexMatch}: RegexMatch("a1a") RegexMatch("a3a") julia> collect(eachmatch(rx, "a1a2a3a", overlap = true)) 3-element Vector{RegexMatch}: RegexMatch("a1a") RegexMatch("a2a") RegexMatch("a3a") ``` """ eachmatch(re::Regex, str::AbstractString; overlap = false) = RegexMatchIterator(re, str, overlap) ## comparison ## function ==(a::Regex, b::Regex) a.pattern == b.pattern && a.compile_options == b.compile_options && a.match_options == b.match_options end ## hash ## const hashre_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x67e195eb8555e72d : 0xe32373e4 function hash(r::Regex, h::UInt) h += hashre_seed h = hash(r.pattern, h) h = hash(r.compile_options, h) h = hash(r.match_options, h) end ## String operations ## """ *(s::Regex, t::Union{Regex,AbstractString,AbstractChar}) -> Regex *(s::Union{Regex,AbstractString,AbstractChar}, t::Regex) -> Regex Concatenate regexes, strings and/or characters, producing a [`Regex`](@ref). String and character arguments must be matched exactly in the resulting regex, meaning that the contained characters are devoid of any special meaning (they are quoted with "\\Q" and "\\E"). !!! compat "Julia 1.3" This method requires at least Julia 1.3. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> match(r"Hello|Good bye" * ' ' * "world", "Hello world") RegexMatch("Hello world") julia> r = r"a|b" * "c|d" r"(?:a|b)\\Qc|d\\E" julia> match(r, "ac") == nothing true julia> match(r, "ac|d") RegexMatch("ac|d") ``` """ function *(r1::Union{Regex,AbstractString,AbstractChar}, rs::Union{Regex,AbstractString,AbstractChar}...) mask = PCRE.CASELESS | PCRE.MULTILINE | PCRE.DOTALL | PCRE.EXTENDED # imsx match_opts = nothing # all args must agree on this compile_opts = nothing # all args must agree on this shared = mask for r in (r1, rs...) r isa Regex || continue if match_opts === nothing match_opts = r.match_options compile_opts = r.compile_options & ~mask else r.match_options == match_opts && r.compile_options & ~mask == compile_opts || throw(ArgumentError("cannot multiply regexes: incompatible options")) end shared &= r.compile_options end unshared = mask & ~shared Regex(string(wrap_string(r1, unshared), wrap_string.(rs, Ref(unshared))...), compile_opts | shared, match_opts) end *(r::Regex) = r # avoids wrapping r in a useless subpattern wrap_string(r::Regex, unshared::UInt32) = string("(?", regex_opts_str(r.compile_options & unshared), ':', r.pattern, ')') # if s contains raw"\E", split '\' and 'E' within two distinct \Q...\E groups: wrap_string(s::AbstractString, ::UInt32) = string("\\Q", replace(s, raw"\E" => raw"\\E\QE"), "\\E") wrap_string(s::AbstractChar, ::UInt32) = string("\\Q", s, "\\E") regex_opts_str(opts) = (isassigned(_regex_opts_str) ? _regex_opts_str[] : init_regex())[opts] # UInt32 to String mapping for some compile options const _regex_opts_str = Ref{ImmutableDict{UInt32,String}}() @noinline init_regex() = _regex_opts_str[] = foldl(0:15, init=ImmutableDict{UInt32,String}()) do d, o opt = UInt32(0) str = "" if o & 1 != 0 opt |= PCRE.CASELESS str *= 'i' end if o & 2 != 0 opt |= PCRE.MULTILINE str *= 'm' end if o & 4 != 0 opt |= PCRE.DOTALL str *= 's' end if o & 8 != 0 opt |= PCRE.EXTENDED str *= 'x' end ImmutableDict(d, opt => str) end """ ^(s::Regex, n::Integer) -> Regex Repeat a regex `n` times. !!! compat "Julia 1.3" This method requires at least Julia 1.3. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> r"Test "^2 r"(?:Test ){2}" julia> match(r"Test "^2, "Test Test ") RegexMatch("Test Test ") ``` """ ^(r::Regex, i::Integer) = Regex(string("(?:", r.pattern, "){$i}"), r.compile_options, r.match_options)