#' EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data #' #' Parametric replacement of rounded zeros for compositional data using #' classical and robust methods based on ilr coordinates with a special #' choice of balances. #' #' Statistical analysis of compositional data including zeros runs into #' problems, because log-ratios cannot be applied. Usually, rounded zeros are #' considered as missing not at random missing values. #' #' The algorithm iteratively imputes parts with rounded zeros whereas in each #' step (1) compositional data are expressed in pivot coordinates (2) tobit regression is #' applied (3) the rounded zeros are replaced by the expected values (4) the #' corresponding inverse ilr mapping is applied. After all parts are #' imputed, the algorithm starts again until the imputations do not change. #' #' @param x data.frame or matrix #' @param maxit maximum number of iterations #' @param eps convergency criteria #' @param method either \dQuote{lm}, \dQuote{MM} or \dQuote{pls} #' @param dl Detection limit for each variable. zero for variables with #' variables that have no detection limit problems. #' @param variation matrix is used to first select number of parts #' @param nComp if determined, it fixes the number of pls components. If #' \dQuote{boot}, the number of pls components are estimated using a #' bootstraped cross validation approach. #' @param bruteforce sets imputed values above the detection limit to the #' detection limit. Replacement above the detection limit only exceptionally #' occur due to numerical instabilities. The default is FALSE! #' @param noisemethod adding noise to imputed values. Experimental #' @param noise TRUE to activate noise (experimental) #' @param R number of bootstrap samples for the determination of pls #' components. Only important for method \dQuote{pls}. #' @param correction normal or density #' @param verbose additional print output during calculations. #' @return \item{x }{imputed data} \item{criteria }{change between last and #' second last iteration} \item{iter }{number of iterations} \item{maxit #' }{maximum number of iterations} \item{wind}{index of zeros} #' \item{nComp}{number of components for method pls} \item{method}{chosen #' method} #' @author Matthias Templ and Peter Filzmoser #' @seealso \code{\link{impRZalr}} #' @references #' Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J. (2012) #' Model-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data: Classical and robust approaches. #' \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis}, 56 (9), 2688-2704. #' #' Templ, M., Hron, K., Filzmoser, P., Gardlo, A. (2016) Imputation of rounded zeros #' for high-dimensional compositional data. \emph{Chemometrics and Intelligent #' Laboratory Systems}, 155, 183-190. #' @keywords manip multivariate #' @export #' @importFrom sROC kCDF #' @importFrom MASS rlm #' @examples #' #' data(arcticLake) #' x <- arcticLake #' ## generate rounded zeros artificially: #' #x[x[,1] < 5, 1] <- 0 #' x[x[,2] < 44, 2] <- 0 #' xia <- impRZilr(x, dl=c(5,44,0), eps=0.01, method="lm") #' xia$x #' `impRZilr` <- function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="pls", dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), variation=FALSE, nComp = "boot", bruteforce=FALSE, noisemethod="residuals", noise=FALSE, R=10, correction="normal", verbose=FALSE){ if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame") ## check if only numeric variables are in x: cl <- lapply(x, class) if(!all(cl %in% "numeric")) stop("some of your variables are not of class numeric.") stopifnot((method %in% c("lm", "MM", "pls", "variation"))) if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x))) if(method=="pls" & ncol(x)<5) stop("too less variables/parts for method pls") if(any(is.na(x))) stop("missing values are not allowed. \n Use impKNNa or impCoda to impute them first.") if(is.null(nComp)){ pre <- FALSE nC <- NULL } else if(nComp=="boot"){ nC <- integer(ncol(x)) pre <- TRUE } else if(length(nComp) == ncol(x)){ nC <- nComp pre <- FALSE } else { pre <- FALSE } if(!(correction %in% c("normal","density"))) stop("correction method must be normal or density") # pre <- TRUE # if(length(nComp) != ncol(x) & nComp!="boot") stop("nComp must be NULL, boot or of length ncol(x)") # } else if(nComp == "boot"){# # pre <- TRUE # } else { # pre <- FALSE # } ################# ## store rowSums rs <- rowSums(x) ################# ## zeros to NA: # check if values are in (0, dl[i]): check <- logical(ncol(x)) for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ # check[i] <- any(x[,i] < dl[i] & x[,i] != 0) x[x[,i] < dl[i],i] <- 0 } # if(any(check)){warning("values below detection limit have been set to zero and will be imputed")} check2 <- any(x < 0) if(check2){warning("values below 0 set have been set to zero and will be imputed")} x[x == 0] <- NA x[x < 0] <- NA indexFinalCheck <- is.na(x) ## check if rows consists of only zeros: checkRows <- unlist(apply(x, 1, function(x) all(is.na(x)))) if(any(checkRows)){ w <- which(checkRows) cat("\n--------\n") message("Rows with only zeros are not allowed") message("Remove this rows before running the algorithm") cat("\n--------\n") stop(paste("Following rows with only zeros:", w)) } ## check if cols consists of only zeros: checkCols <- unlist(apply(x, 2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))) if(any(checkCols)){ w <- which(checkCols) cat("\n--------\n") message("Cols with only zeros are not allowed") message("Remove this columns before running the algorithm") cat("\n--------\n") stop(paste("Following cols with only zeros:", colnames(x)[w])) } ################ ## sort variables of x based on ## decreasing number of zeros in the variables cn <- colnames(x) wcol <- - abs(apply(x, 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))) o <- order(wcol) x <- x[,o] if(verbose) cat("variables with decreasing number of missings:\n", colnames(x)) ## --> now work in revised order of variables ## dl must also be in correct order dlordered <- dl[o] ################# ## index of missings / non-missings w <- is.na(x) wn <- !is.na(x) # w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){ sum(is.na(x)) }) # indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(is.na(x))}) ################# ## sort the columns of the data according to the amount of missings in the variables # wcol <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(is.na(x)))) # indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix xcheck <- x w2 <- is.na(x) ################ ## initialisation indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(is.na(x))}) print(indNA) for(i in 1:length(dl)){ ind <- is.na(x[,i]) # if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3) if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dlordered[i] *2/3 } xOrig <- x ################ ## check if for any variable with zeros, ## the detection limit should be larger than 0: if(any(dlordered[indNA]==0)){ w <- which(dlordered[indNA]==0) invalidCol <- colnames(x)[w] for(i in 1:length(invalidCol)){ cat("-------\n") cat(paste("Error: variable/part", invalidCol[i], "has detection limit 0 but includes zeros")) cat("\n-------\n") } stop(paste("Set detection limits larger than 0 for variables/part \n including zeros")) } ################ n <- nrow(x) d <- ncol(x) ### start the iteration if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:") it <- 1; criteria <- 99999999 while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){ if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "; criteria =", criteria) xold <- x for(i in which(indNA)){ if(verbose) cat("\n replacement on part", i) ## if based on variation matrix: if(variation == TRUE){ orig <- x rv <- variation(x, robust = FALSE)[1,] s <- sort(rv)[11] cols <- which(rv <= s)[1:11] x <- x[, cols] } ## detection limit in ilr-space forphi <- cbind(rep(dlordered[i], n), x[,-i,drop=FALSE]) if(any(is.na(forphi))) break() phi <- pivotCoord(forphi)[,1] # part <- cbind(x[,i,drop=FALSE], x[,-i,drop=FALSE]) x[x < 2*.Machine$double.eps] <- 2*.Machine$double.eps xilr <- data.frame(pivotCoord(cbind(x[,i,drop=FALSE], x[,-i,drop=FALSE]))) c1 <- colnames(xilr)[1] colnames(xilr)[1] <- "V1" response <- as.matrix(xilr[,1,drop=FALSE]) predictors <- as.matrix(xilr[,-1,drop=FALSE]) if(method=="lm"){ reg1 <- lm(response ~ predictors) yhat <- predict(reg1, new.data=data.frame(predictors)) } else if(method=="MM"){ reg1 <- MASS::rlm(response ~ predictors, method="MM",maxit = 100)#rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100) yhat <- predict(reg1, new.data=data.frame(predictors)) } else if(method=="pls"){ if(it == 1 & pre){ ## evaluate ncomp. nC[i] <- bootnComp(xilr[,!(colnames(xilr) == "V1"),drop=FALSE],y=xilr[,"V1"], R, plotting=FALSE)$res #$res2 } if(verbose) cat(" ; ncomp:",nC[i]) reg1 <- mvr(as.matrix(response) ~ as.matrix(predictors), ncomp=nC[i], method="simpls") yhat <- predict(reg1, new.data=data.frame(predictors), ncomp=nC[i]) } # s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/abs(nrow(xilr)-ncol(xilr))) ## quick and dirty: abs() s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/nrow(xilr)) ex <- (phi - yhat)/s if(correction=="normal"){ yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, i]]) > .Machine$double.eps, yhat[w[, i]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, i]])/pnorm(ex[w[, i]]), yhat[w[, i]]) } else if(correction=="density"){ den <- density(ex[w[,i]]) distr <- sROC::kCDF(ex[w,i]) } if(any(is.na(yhat)) || any(yhat=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # check if we are under the DL: if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, i]])){ yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, i]], phi[w[, i]], yhat2sel) } xilr[w[, i], 1] <- yhat2sel xinv <- pivotCoordInv(xilr) ## if variation: if(variation == TRUE){ orig[, cols] <- xinv xinv <- orig } ## reordering of xOrig if(i %in% 2:(d-1)){ xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:i], xinv[,c(1,(i+1):d)]) } if(i == d){ xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:d], xinv[,1]) } # browser() x <- adjustImputed(xinv, xOrig, w2) # x <- adjust3(xinv, xOrig, w2) # ## quick and dirty: # x[!w] <- xOrig[!w] } it <- it + 1 criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE) if(verbose & criteria != 0) cat("\n iteration", it, "; criteria =", criteria) } #### add random error ### if(noise){ for(i in which(indNA)){ if(verbose) cat("\n add noise on variable", i) # add error terms inderr <- w[,i] if(noisemethod == "residuals") { error <- sample(residuals( reg1 )[inderr], size=wcol[i], replace=TRUE) reg1$res[inderr] <- error } else { mu <- median(residuals( reg1 )[inderr]) sigma <- mad(residuals( reg1 )[inderr]) error <- rnorm(wcol[i], mean=mu, sd=sigma) reg1$res[inderr] <- error } # return realizations yhat[inderr] <- yhat[inderr] + error s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/nrow(xilr)) ## quick and dirty: abs() ex <- (phi - yhat)/s yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, i]]) > .Machine$double.eps, yhat[w[, i]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, i]])/pnorm(ex[w[, i]]), yhat[w[, i]]) if(any(is.na(yhat)) || any(yhat=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # check if we are under the DL: if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, i]])){ yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, i]], phi[w[, i]], yhat2sel) } xilr[w[, i], 1] <- yhat2sel xinv <- pivotCoordInv(xilr) ## reordering of xOrig if(i %in% 2:(d-1)){ xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:i], xinv[,c(1,(i+1):d)]) } if(i == d){ xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:d], xinv[,1]) } # x <- adjust2(xinv, xOrig, w) # ## quick and dirty: # x[!w] <- xOrig[!w] } } ### end add random error ### # x <- adjust3(x, xOrig, w) # x[!w] <- xOrig[!w] x <- x[,order(o)] ## checked: reordering is OK! colnames(x) <- cn ## check if all is fine: # check if values are in (0, dl[i]): checkDL <- function(x, dl, indexNA){ check <- logical(ncol(x)) for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ check[i] <- any(x[indexNA[,i],i] > dl[i]) if(check[i]){ x[which(x[indexNA[,i],i] > dl[i]),i] <- dl[i] } } if(any(check)){ message("few replaced values have been corrected") } return(x) } x <- checkDL(x, dl, indexFinalCheck) res <- list(x=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it, maxit=maxit, wind=w, nComp=nC, method=method, dl=dl) class(res) <- "replaced" invisible(res) } # # # #' Bootstrap to find optimal number of components # #' # #' Combined bootstrap and cross validation procedure to find optimal number of # #' PLS components # #' # #' Heavily used internally in function impRZilr. # #' # #' @param X predictors as a matrix # #' @param y response # #' @param R number of bootstrap samples # #' @param plotting if TRUE, a diagnostic plot is drawn for each bootstrap # #' replicate # #' @return Including other information in a list, the optimal number of # #' components # #' @author Matthias Templ # #' @seealso \code{\link{impRZilr}} # #' @keywords manip # #' @examples # #' # #' ## we refer to impRZilr() # #' # bootnComp <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FALSE){ # ind <- 1:nrow(X) # d <- matrix(, ncol=R, nrow=nrow(X))#nrow(X)) # nc <- integer(R) # for(i in 1:R){ # bootind <- sample(ind) # # XX <- X # # yy <- y # ds <- cbind(X[bootind,], as.numeric(y[bootind])) # colnames(ds)[ncol(ds)] <- "V1" # res1 <- mvr(V1~., data=data.frame(ds), method="simpls", # validation="CV") # d[1:res1$ncomp, i] <- res1$validation$PRESS # nc[i] <- which.min(res1$validation$PRESS) # # d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(reg1$validation$pred, 3, # # function(x) sum(((y - x)^2)) ) ) # } # d <- na.omit(d) # sdev <- apply(d, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE) # means <- apply(d, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # mi <- which.min(means) # r <- round(ncol(X)/20) # mi2 <- which.min(means[r:length(means)])+r-1 # w <- means < min(means) + sdev[mi] # threshold <- min(means) + sdev[mi] # sdev <- sdev # means <- means # mi <- mi # means2 <- means # means2[!w] <- 999999999999999 # res <- which.min(means2) # mi3 <- which.max(w) # # minsd <- means - sdev > means[mi] # # check <- means # # check[!minsd] <- 99999999 # if(plotting) plot(means, type="l") # # res <- which.min(check) # list(res3=mi3, res2=mi2, res=res, means=means) # } # # # bootnCompHD <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FALSE){ # ind <- 1:nrow(X) # d <- matrix(, ncol=R, nrow=nrow(X))#nrow(X)) # for(i in 1:R){ # bootind <- sample(ind) # XX <- X # yy <- y # ds <- cbind(X[bootind,], as.numeric(y[bootind])) # colnames(ds)[ncol(ds)] <- "V1" # reg1 <- mvr(V1~., data=data.frame(ds), method="simpls", validation="CV") # d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(reg1$validation$pred, 3, function(x) sum(((y - x)^2)) ) ) # } # d <- na.omit(d) # sdev <- apply(d, 1, mad, na.rm=TRUE) # means <- apply(d, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE) # mi <- which.min(means) # if(plotting) plot(means, type="l", col="blue", ylab="squared total prediction error", xlab="number of components") # themean <- mean(means) # thesd <- sd(means) # abovethreshold <- themean - sdev > means # check <- means # check[!abovethreshold] <- 9999999999 # res <- which.min(check) # # minsd <- means - sdev > means[mi] # # check <- means # # check[!minsd] <- 99999999 # # res <- which.min(check) # if(plotting){ # abline(v=res, lwd=3) # abline(h=mi, col="red") # # abline(h=means-sdev, lty=3) # } # list(res=res, mean=means) # } # #checkIfValuesUnderDL <- function(x, dl, wind){ # check <- logical(ncol(x)) # for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ # check[i] <- any(x[,i] > dl[i]) # } # return(check) #} ## test adjust2: adjust2 <- function (xImp, xOrig, wind){ ## aim: do not change original values ## adapt imputations xneu = xImp s1 <- rowSums(xOrig, na.rm = TRUE) ## per row: consider rowsums of imputed data ## example: ## wind: F F T F F ## ganz orig: 3 5 NA 8 10 (sum=26) ## orig(init): 3 5 6.5 8 10 (sum=32.5) ## imp: 3 5 7 8 10 (sum=33) ## s: 26 ## s2: 7 ## fac: 26/(26+7) ## s1: 32.5/(26/(26+7)) = 41.25 for (i in 1:nrow(xImp)) { if(any(wind[i,])) s <- sum(xImp[i, !wind[i, ]]) else s <- 1 if(any(wind[i,])) s2 <- sum(xImp[i, wind[i, ]]) else s2 <- 0 # how much is rowsum increased by imputation: fac <- s/(s + s2) # decrese rowsums of orig. s1[i] <- s1[i]/fac } ## impS: 41.25/33 impS <- s1/rowSums(xImp) for (i in 1:ncol(xImp)) { xneu[, i] <- xImp[, i] * impS } xImp <- xneu return(xImp) } adjust3 <- function(xImp, xOrig, wind){ xOrigSum <- rowSums(xOrig) # sum imputed without former zeros: xImpSum <- numeric(ncol(xOrig)) for(i in 1:nrow(xOrig)){ xImpSum[i] <- sum(xImp[i,!wind[i,]]) fac <- xOrigSum[i] / xImpSum[i] xImp[i,wind[i,]] <- xImp[i,wind[i,]] * fac } xImp[!wind] <- xOrig[!wind] xImp } # ### switch function to automatically select methods #getM <- function(xReg, ndata, type, index,mixedTF,mixedConstant,factors,step,robust,noise,noise.factor=1,force=FALSE, robMethod="MM") { # switch(type, # numeric = useLM(xReg, ndata, index, mixedTF,mixedConstant,factors,step,robust,noise,noise.factor,force,robMethod), # factor = useMN(xReg, ndata, index,factors,step,robust), # bin = useB(xReg, ndata, index,factors,step,robust), # count = useGLMcount(xReg, ndata, index, factors, step, robust) # ) #} # # # #f <- function(){ ## x <- constSum(x) ## dl <- dl/sum(dl) # ## initialisation: ## x[is.na(x)] <- 0.001 # for(i in 1:length(dl)){ # ind <- is.na(x[,i]) # #PF# if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]/3*2 # if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3) # } # ## x <- constSum(x) # # ## parameters: # it=0 # criteria <- 10000000 # error <- rep(0, ncol(x)) # nComp <- normalerror <- numeric(ncol(x)) # if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals <- matrix(,ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x)) # nComp[nComp==0] <- NA # criteria <- 1e+07 # sigma <- mu <- rep(0, ncol(x)) # # ########################################### # ### start the iteration # if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:") # while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){ # xold <- x # it=it+1 # for(i in which(indNA)){ # if(verbose) cat("\n column", i) # ## change the first column with that one with the highest amount of NAs # ## in the step # if(wcol[indM[i]] > 0){ # xNA=x[,indM[i]] # x1=x[,1] # x[,1]=xNA # x[,indM[i]]=x1 # # if(method == "roundedZero"){ # xilr <- pivotCoord(x) # phi <- pivotCoord(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife! # ## --> x hat sich geaendert aber dl nicht. # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # reg1 = lm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2) # yhat2 <- predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i]) # if(bruteforce){ # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] ) # } else { # s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2))) # ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # } # } # if (method == "pls") { # xilr = pivotCoord(x) # ttt <- cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]) # phi <- pivotCoord(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] ## if(verbose) cat("\n phi", phi, "in iteration", it) # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # if(it == 1){ ## evaluate ncomp. # test <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")] # testy <- xilr2[,"V1"] # X <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")] # y <- xilr2[,"V1"] # nComp[i] <- bootnComp(xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")],y=xilr2[,"V1"], R) # } # reg1 <- mvr(V1~.,ncomp=nComp[i], data = xilr2, method="simpls") # yhat2 <- as.numeric(predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i], ncomp=nComp[i]) ) ## if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals[,i] <- reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]] ## if(noisemethod=="normal"){ ## mu[i] <- median(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]]) ## sigma[i] <- mad(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]]) * noiseeffect ## } # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- c1 ## fit=reg1$fitted.values[,,nComp[i]] # s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]]^2)/abs(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2))) # ex <- as.numeric((phi - yhat2)/s ) # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of NaN or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } ## if(verbose) cat("\n yhat2sel at iteration", it, "on column", i ,"is", yhat2sel) # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # # # } # if(method == "roundedZeroRobust"){ # xilr <- pivotCoord(x) # x[x < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.00000000001 ## TODO: better solution # phi <- pivotCoord(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife! # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # reg1 = rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100) ## reg1 = lmrob(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2) # yhat2 <- predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i]) # if(bruteforce){ # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] ) # } else { # s <- reg1$s # #PF# s <- IQR(reg1$resid)/1.349 # ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # } # } # # xilr <- xilr2 # x <- pivotCoordInv(xilr) # # ## return the order of columns: # xNA=x[,1] # x1=x[,indM[i]] # x[,1]=x1 # x[,indM[i]]=xNA # x <- adjust2(x, xcheck, w) # print(x[1:2,1:2]) # if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "column", i, "value", x[2,1]) # } # # # } # # # criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE) # colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck) # # } # # res <- list(xOrig=xcheck, xImp=x[,order(o)], criteria=criteria, iter=it, nComp=nComp, # maxit=maxit, w=length(which(w)), wind=w) # class(res) <- "imp" ## res <- adjust(res) # invisible(res) #} # # # ################################################################################## # #`impRZilr` <- #function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="roundedZero", # dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), bruteforce=FALSE, noise = TRUE, noisemethod="residuals", noiseeffect=1, R=10, # verbose=FALSE){ # # # if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame") # stopifnot((method %in% c("ltsReg", "ltsReg2", "classical", "lm", "roundedZero","roundedZeroRobust","pls"))) # if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x))) # # ################# # ## zeros to NA: # x[x==0] <- NA # # ################# # ## index of missings / non-missings # w <- is.na(x) # wn <- !is.na(x) # w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){ # length(which(is.na(x))) # }) # indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(is.na(x))}) # # ################# # ## sort the columns of the data according to the amount of missings in the variables # wcol <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(is.na(x)))) # indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix # cn <- colnames(x) # xcheck <- x # # ################ # ## detection limit in ilr-space ## for(i in which(indNA)){ ## ## } # # ## x <- constSum(x) ## dl <- dl/sum(dl) # ## initialisation: ## x[is.na(x)] <- 0.001 # for(i in 1:length(dl)){ # ind <- is.na(x[,i]) # #PF# if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]/3*2 # if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3) # } # ## x <- constSum(x) # # ## parameters: # it=0 # criteria <- 10000000 # error <- rep(0, ncol(x)) # nComp <- normalerror <- numeric(ncol(x)) # if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals <- matrix(,ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x)) # nComp[nComp==0] <- NA # criteria <- 1e+07 # sigma <- mu <- rep(0, ncol(x)) # # ########################################### # ### start the iteration # if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:") # while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){ # xold <- x # it=it+1 # for(i in which(indNA)){ # if(verbose) cat("\n column", i) # ## change the first column with that one with the highest amount of NAs # ## in the step # if(wcol[indM[i]] > 0){ # xNA=x[,indM[i]] # x1=x[,1] # x[,1]=xNA # x[,indM[i]]=x1 # # if(method == "roundedZero"){ # xilr <- pivotCoord(x) # phi <- pivotCoord(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife! # ## --> x hat sich geaendert aber dl nicht. # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # reg1 = lm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2) # yhat2 <- predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i]) # if(bruteforce){ # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] ) # } else { # s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2))) # ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # } # } # if (method == "pls") { # xilr = pivotCoord(x) # ttt <- cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]) # phi <- pivotCoord(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] ## if(verbose) cat("\n phi", phi, "in iteration", it) # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # if(it == 1){ ## evaluate ncomp. # test <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")] # testy <- xilr2[,"V1"] # X <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")] # y <- xilr2[,"V1"] # nComp[i] <- bootnComp(xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")],y=xilr2[,"V1"], R) # } # reg1 <- mvr(V1~.,ncomp=nComp[i], data = xilr2, method="simpls") # yhat2 <- as.numeric(predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i], ncomp=nComp[i]) ) ## if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals[,i] <- reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]] ## if(noisemethod=="normal"){ ## mu[i] <- median(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]]) ## sigma[i] <- mad(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]]) * noiseeffect ## } # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- c1 ## fit=reg1$fitted.values[,,nComp[i]] # s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]]^2)/abs(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2))) # ex <- as.numeric((phi - yhat2)/s ) # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of NaN or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } ## if(verbose) cat("\n yhat2sel at iteration", it, "on column", i ,"is", yhat2sel) # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # # # } # if(method == "roundedZeroRobust"){ # xilr <- pivotCoord(x) # x[x < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.00000000001 ## TODO: better solution # phi <- pivotCoord(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife! # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # reg1 = rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100) ## reg1 = lmrob(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2) # yhat2 <- predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i]) # if(bruteforce){ # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] ) # } else { # s <- reg1$s # #PF# s <- IQR(reg1$resid)/1.349 # ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # } # } # # xilr <- xilr2 # x <- pivotCoordInv(xilr) # # ## return the order of columns: # xNA=x[,1] # x1=x[,indM[i]] # x[,1]=x1 # x[,indM[i]]=xNA # x <- adjust2(x, xcheck, w) # print(x[1:2,1:2]) # if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "column", i, "value", x[2,1]) # } # # # } # # # criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE) # colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck) # # } # # res <- list(xOrig=xcheck, xImp=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it, nComp=nComp, # maxit=maxit, w=length(which(w)), wind=w) # class(res) <- "imp" ## res <- adjust(res) # invisible(res) #} # `impRZilr` <- # function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="roundedZero", # dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), bruteforce=FALSE){ # # `ilrM` <- # function(x, info=TRUE){ # x.ilr=matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x)-1) # D=ncol(x) # for (i in 1:ncol(x.ilr)){ # x.ilr[,i]=sqrt((D-i)/(D-i+1))*log(((apply(as.matrix(x[,(i+1):D,drop=FALSE]),1,prod))^(1/(D-i)))/(x[,i])) # } # # invisible(-x.ilr) # if(info) {res <- list(xilr=-x.ilr, # xOrig=x) # class(res) <- "ilrTransform" # } else { # res <- -x.ilr # } # res # } # `invilrM` <- # function(x.ilr){ # if(class(x.ilr) =="ilrTransform" ){ # fac <- rowSums(x.ilr$xOrig) # x.ilr <- x.ilr$xilr # y <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x.ilr),ncol=ncol(x.ilr)+1) # D=ncol(x.ilr)+1 # y[,1]=-sqrt((D-1)/D)*x.ilr[,1] # for (i in 2:ncol(y)){ # for (j in 1:(i-1)){ # y[,i]=y[,i]+x.ilr[,j]/sqrt((D-j+1)*(D-j)) # } # } # for (i in 2:(ncol(y)-1)){ # y[,i]=y[,i]-sqrt((D-i)/(D-i+1))*x.ilr[,i] # } # yexp=exp(-y) # x.back=yexp/apply(yexp,1,sum) * fac # * rowSums(derOriginaldaten) # invisible(x.back) # } else { # y=matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x.ilr),ncol=ncol(x.ilr)+1) # D=ncol(x.ilr)+1 # y[,1]=-sqrt((D-1)/D)*x.ilr[,1] # for (i in 2:ncol(y)){ # for (j in 1:(i-1)){ # y[,i]=y[,i]+x.ilr[,j]/sqrt((D-j+1)*(D-j)) # } # } # for (i in 2:(ncol(y)-1)){ # y[,i]=y[,i]-sqrt((D-i)/(D-i+1))*x.ilr[,i] # } # yexp=exp(-y) # x.back=yexp/apply(yexp,1,sum) # * rowSums(derOriginaldaten) # invisible(x.back) # #return(yexp) # } # x.back # } # # # # if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame") # stopifnot((method %in% c("ltsReg", "ltsReg2", "classical", "lm", "roundedZero","roundedZeroRobust"))) # if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x))) # # # ## zeros to NA: # x[x==0] <- NA # # ##index of missings / non-missings # w <- is.na(x) # wn <- !is.na(x) # w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){ # length(which(is.na(x))) # }) # # # ##sort the columns of the data according to the amount of missings in the variables # wcol <- apply(x,2,function(x) length(which(is.na(x)))) # indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix # cn <- colnames(x) # xcheck <- x # # ## initialisation: # # x[is.na(x)] <- 0.001 # for(i in 1:length(dl)){ # ind <- is.na(x[,i]) # #PF# if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]/3*2 # if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3) # } # # # x <- constSum(x) # # ## parameters: # it=0 # criteria <- 10000000 # error <- rep(0, ncol(x)) # # ########################################### # ### start the iteration # while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){ # xold <- x # it=it+1 # for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ # ## change the first column with that one with the highest amount of NAs # ## in the step # if(wcol[indM[i]] > 0){ # xNA=x[,indM[i]] # x1=x[,1] # x[,1]=xNA # x[,indM[i]]=x1 # # if(method == "roundedZero"){ # xilr <- ilrM(x) # phi <- ilrM(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]), info=FALSE)[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife! # ## --> x hat sich geaendert aber dl nicht. # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr$xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # reg1 = lm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2) # yhat2 <- predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i]) # if(bruteforce){ # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] ) # } else { # # s <- sd(reg1$res, na.rm=TRUE) # s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2))) # ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s # ##################################################### # # CHANGED PF: # #PF# if(all(dnorm(ex) > 5 * .Machine$double.eps)) yhat2 <- yhat2 - s*dnorm(ex)/pnorm(ex) # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # ##################################################### # } # } # if(method == "roundedZeroRobust"){ # xilr <- ilrM(x) # x[x < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.00000000001 ## TODO: better solution # phi <- ilrM(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]), info=FALSE)[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife! # xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr$xilr) # c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1] # colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1" # reg1 = rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100) # # reg1 = lmrob(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2) # yhat2 <- predict(reg1, new.data=xilr2[,-i]) # if(bruteforce){ # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] ) # } else { # # s <- mad(reg1$res, na.rm=TRUE) # s <- reg1$s # #PF# s <- IQR(reg1$resid)/1.349 # ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s # ##################################################### # # CHANGED PF: # #PF# if(all(dnorm(ex) > 5 * .Machine$double.eps)) yhat2 <- yhat2 - s*dnorm(ex)/pnorm(ex) # yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps, # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), # yhat2[w[, indM[i]]]) # if(any(is.na(yhat2)) || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates") # # check if we are under the DL: # if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){ # yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel) # } # xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel # ##################################################### # } # } # # xilr$xilr <- xilr2 # x=invilrM(xilr) # ## return the order of columns: # xNA=x[,1] # x1=x[,indM[i]] # x[,1]=x1 # x[,indM[i]]=xNA # } # # # } # # # criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE) # colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck) # # } # # res <- list(xOrig=xcheck, xImp=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it, # maxit=maxit, w=length(which(w)), wind=w) # class(res) <- "imp" # invisible(res) # } #