# Copyright 2018 GPflow authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import tensorflow as tf
from .. import settings
from ..dispatch import dispatch
from ..features import InducingPoints, InducingFeature, Kuu, Kuf
from ..decors import params_as_tensors_for
from ..params import ParamList
from .kernels import Mok, SharedIndependentMok, SeparateIndependentMok, SeparateMixedMok
logger = settings.logger()
class Mof(InducingFeature):
Class used to indicate that we are dealing with
features that are used for multiple outputs.
class SharedIndependentMof(Mof):
Same feature is used for each output.
def __init__(self, feat):
self.feat = feat
def __len__(self):
return len(self.feat)
class SeparateIndependentMof(Mof):
A different feature is used for each output.
Note: each feature should have the same number of points, M.
def __init__(self, feat_list):
self.feat_list = ParamList(feat_list)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.feat_list[0])
class MixedKernelSharedMof(SharedIndependentMof):
This Mof is used in combination with the `SeparateMixedMok`.
Using this feature with the `SeparateMixedMok` leads to the most efficient code.
class MixedKernelSeparateMof(SeparateIndependentMof):
This Mof is used in combination with the `SeparateMixedMok`.
Using this feature with the `SeparateMixedMok` leads to the most efficient code.
# ---
# Kuf
# ---
def debug_kuf(feat, kern):
msg = "Dispatch to Kuf(feat: {}, kern: {})"
@dispatch(InducingPoints, Mok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return kern.K(feat.Z, Xnew, full_output_cov=True) # M x P x N x P
@dispatch(SharedIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return Kuf(feat.feat, kern.kern, Xnew) # M x N
@dispatch(SeparateIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return tf.stack([Kuf(f, kern.kern, Xnew) for f in feat.feat_list], axis=0) # L x M x N
@dispatch(SharedIndependentMof, SeparateIndependentMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return tf.stack([Kuf(feat.feat, k, Xnew) for k in kern.kernels], axis=0) # L x M x N
@dispatch(SeparateIndependentMof, SeparateIndependentMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return tf.stack([Kuf(f, k, Xnew) for f, k in zip(feat.feat_list, kern.kernels)], axis=0) # L x M x N
@dispatch((SeparateIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMof), SeparateMixedMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
kuf_impl = Kuf.dispatch(type(feat), SeparateIndependentMok, object)
K = tf.transpose(kuf_impl(feat, kern, Xnew), [1, 0, 2]) # M x L x N
with params_as_tensors_for(kern):
return K[:, :, :, None] * tf.transpose(kern.W)[None, :, None, :] # M x L x N x P
@dispatch(MixedKernelSharedMof, SeparateMixedMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return tf.stack([Kuf(feat.feat, k, Xnew) for k in kern.kernels], axis=0) # L x M x N
@dispatch(MixedKernelSeparateMof, SeparateMixedMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
debug_kuf(feat, kern)
return tf.stack([Kuf(f, k, Xnew) for f, k in zip(feat.feat_list, kern.kernels)], axis=0) # L x M x N
# ---
# Kuu
# ---
def debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter):
msg = "Dispatch to Kuu(feat: {}, kern: {}) with jitter={}"
@dispatch(InducingPoints, Mok)
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter=0.0):
debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter)
Kmm = kern.K(feat.Z, full_output_cov=True) # M x P x M x P
M = tf.shape(Kmm)[0] * tf.shape(Kmm)[1]
jittermat = jitter * tf.reshape(tf.eye(M, dtype=settings.float_type), tf.shape(Kmm))
return Kmm + jittermat
@dispatch(SharedIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMok)
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter=0.0):
debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter)
Kmm = Kuu(feat.feat, kern.kern) # M x M
jittermat = tf.eye(len(feat), dtype=settings.float_type) * jitter
return Kmm + jittermat
@dispatch(SharedIndependentMof, (SeparateIndependentMok, SeparateMixedMok))
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter=0.0):
debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter)
Kmm = tf.stack([Kuu(feat.feat, k) for k in kern.kernels], axis=0) # L x M x M
jittermat = tf.eye(len(feat), dtype=settings.float_type)[None, :, :] * jitter
return Kmm + jittermat
@dispatch(SeparateIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMok)
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter):
debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter)
Kmm = tf.stack([Kuu(f, kern.kern) for f in feat.feat_list], axis=0) # L x M x M
jittermat = tf.eye(len(feat), dtype=settings.float_type)[None, :, :] * jitter
return Kmm + jittermat
@dispatch((SeparateIndependentMof,MixedKernelSeparateMof), (SeparateIndependentMok, SeparateMixedMok))
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter=0.0):
debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter)
Kmm = tf.stack([Kuu(f, k) for f, k in zip(feat.feat_list, kern.kernels)], axis=0) # L x M x M
jittermat = tf.eye(len(feat), dtype=settings.float_type)[None, :, :] * jitter
return Kmm + jittermat
@dispatch(MixedKernelSharedMof, SeparateMixedMok)
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter=0.0):
debug_kuu(feat, kern, jitter)
Kmm = tf.stack([Kuu(feat.feat, k) for k in kern.kernels], axis=0) # L x M x M
jittermat = tf.eye(len(feat), dtype=settings.float_type)[None, :, :] * jitter
return Kmm + jittermat