Raw File
#pragma once

// some stuff for portable hashes...
#ifdef WIN32
#ifndef __MINGW32__
#include <hash_map>
#include <hash_set>
#define STDEXT stdext
#include <ext/hash_map>
#include <ext/hash_set>
#define STDEXT __gnu_cxx
#include <ext/hash_map>
#include <ext/hash_set>
#define STDEXT __gnu_cxx
// It's terrible but gnu's hash_map needs an instantiation of hash() for
// every key type! So we cast the pointer to void*
namespace __gnu_cxx{
	template <> class hash<void *>: private hash<unsigned long>{
		size_t operator()(const void *ptr) const { return hash<unsigned long>::operator()((unsigned long)ptr); }

#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>

* Given a set of elements, it is often useful to break them up or partition them into a number of separate, nonoverlapping groups. 
* A disjoint-set data structure is a data structure that keeps track of such a partitioning. See 
* <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure">Diskoint-set data structure on Wikipedia </a> for more details.
template<class OBJECT_TYPE>
class DisjointSet
	*		Inner class definitions
	struct DisjointSetNode
		DisjointSetNode(OBJECT_TYPE *x) {obj=x; parent=obj; rank=0;}
		OBJECT_TYPE *parent;
		int	rank;

	typedef OBJECT_TYPE* ObjectPointer;
	typedef std::pair< ObjectPointer, int >	hPair;

	struct SimpleObjHashFunc{
		inline	size_t	operator ()(const ObjectPointer &p) const {return size_t(p);}

#ifdef _MSC_VER
	STDEXT::hash_map< OBJECT_TYPE*, int > inserted_objects;
	typedef typename STDEXT::hash_map< ObjectPointer, int >::iterator	hIterator;
	STDEXT::hash_map< OBJECT_TYPE*, int, SimpleObjHashFunc > inserted_objects;
	typedef typename STDEXT::hash_map< ObjectPointer, int, SimpleObjHashFunc  >::iterator	hIterator;

	typedef std::pair< hIterator, bool > hInsertResult;

	* Default constructor
	DisjointSet() {}

	* Makes a group containing only a given element (a singleton).
	void MakeSet(OBJECT_TYPE *x)
		int object_count		= int(inserted_objects.size());
		assert(inserted_objects.find(x)==inserted_objects.end()); //the map mustn't already contain the object x
		inserted_objects.insert( hPair(x,object_count) );

	* Combine or merge two groups into a single group.
	void Union(OBJECT_TYPE *x, OBJECT_TYPE *y)
		OBJECT_TYPE *s0 = FindSet(x);
		OBJECT_TYPE *s1 = FindSet(y);
		Link(s0, s1);

	* Determine which group a particular element is in.
		hIterator pos = inserted_objects.find(x);
		DisjointSetNode *node = &nodes[pos->second];
		if (node->parent!=x)
			node->parent = FindSet(node->parent);
		return node->parent;

	void Link(OBJECT_TYPE *x, OBJECT_TYPE *y)
		hIterator xPos = inserted_objects.find(x);
		hIterator yPos = inserted_objects.find(y);
		assert(xPos!=inserted_objects.end() && yPos!=inserted_objects.end());
		DisjointSetNode *xNode = &nodes[xPos->second];
		DisjointSetNode *yNode = &nodes[yPos->second];
		if (xNode->rank>yNode->rank)
			xNode->parent = y;
			yNode->parent = x;
			if (xNode->rank==yNode->rank)

	std::vector< DisjointSetNode >	nodes;
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