#pragma once
// Robust implicit moving least squares (RIMLS) surfaces
// Paper: Feature Preserving Point Set Surfaces based on Non-Linear Kernel Regression
// A. Cengiz Öztireli, Gaël Guennebaud, Markus H. Gross. EG 2009
// Code: adapted from VCGLib
#include "SurfaceMeshHelper.h"
#include "NanoKdTree.h"
#include <Eigen/Core>
using namespace Eigen;
#ifndef V2E
#define V2E(vec) (Eigen::Vector3d(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]))
#define E2V(vec) (Vec3d(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]))
class RmlsSurface
typedef Matrix3d MatrixType;
enum {
Vector3VertexProperty points, normals;
ScalarVertexProperty radii;
RmlsSurface(SurfaceMeshModel * mMesh) : mesh(mMesh)
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
mBallTree = 0;
points = mesh->vertex_property<Vector3>(VPOINT);
normals = mesh->vertex_property<Vector3>(VNORMAL);
radii = mesh->vertex_property<Scalar>("v:radii", 0.0);
mAABB = mesh->bbox();
// Add original mesh points to KD-tree
mBallTree = new NanoKdTree;
foreach(Vertex v, mesh->vertices()) mBallTree->addPoint( points[v] );
// compute radii using a basic mesh-less density estimator
mFilterScale = 4.0;
mMaxNofProjectionIterations = 20;
mProjectionAccuracy = (Scalar)1e-4;
mDomainMinNofNeighbors = 4;
mDomainRadiusScale = 2.0;
mDomainNormalScale = 1.0;
mSigmaR = 0;
mSigmaN = Scalar(0.8);
mRefittingThreshold = Scalar(1e-3);
mMinRefittingIters = 1;
mMaxRefittingIters = 3;
delete mBallTree;
static const Scalar InvalidValue() { return Scalar(12345679810.11121314151617); }
/** \returns the value of the reconstructed scalar field at point \a x */
Scalar potential(const Vector3& x, int* errorMask = 0)
if ((!mCachedQueryPointIsOK) || mCachedQueryPoint!=x)
if (!computePotentialAndGradient(x))
if (errorMask)
*errorMask = MLS_TOO_FAR;
return InvalidValue();
return mCachedPotential;
/** \returns the gradient of the reconstructed scalar field at point \a x
* The method used to compute the gradient can be controlled with setGradientHint().
Vector3 gradient(const Vector3& x, int* errorMask = 0)
if ((!mCachedQueryPointIsOK) || mCachedQueryPoint!=x)
if (!computePotentialAndGradient(x))
if (errorMask)
*errorMask = MLS_TOO_FAR;
return Vector3(0,0,0);
return mCachedGradient;
/** \returns the hessian matrix of the reconstructed scalar field at point \a x
* The method used to compute the hessian matrix can be controlled with setHessianHint().
MatrixType hessian(const Vector3& x, int* errorMask = 0)
if ((!mCachedQueryPointIsOK) || mCachedQueryPoint!=x){
if (!computePotentialAndGradient(x)){
if (errorMask)
*errorMask = MLS_TOO_FAR;
return MatrixType();
MatrixType hessian;
mlsHessian(x, hessian);
return hessian;
/** \returns the projection of point x onto the MLS surface, and optionally returns the normal in \a pNormal */
Vector3 project(const Vector3& x)
Vector3 pNormal(0);
return project(x, pNormal);
Vector3 project(const Vector3& x, Vector3 & pNormal, int* errorMask = 0)
int iterationCount = 0;
Vector3 position = x;
Vector3 normal;
Scalar delta;
Scalar epsilon = mAveragePointSpacing * mProjectionAccuracy;
do {
if (!computePotentialAndGradient(position))
if (errorMask) *errorMask = MLS_TOO_FAR;
return x;
normal = mCachedGradient;
delta = mCachedPotential;
position = position - normal*delta;
} while ( abs(delta) > epsilon && ++iterationCount < mMaxNofProjectionIterations);
if (iterationCount >= mMaxNofProjectionIterations && errorMask)
*errorMask = MLS_TOO_MANY_ITERS;
pNormal = normal;
return position;
/** \returns whether \a x is inside the restricted surface definition domain */
bool isInDomain(const Vector3& x)
if ((!mCachedQueryPointIsOK) || mCachedQueryPoint!=x){
computeNeighborhood(x, false);
int nb = mNeighborhood.size();
if (nb < mDomainMinNofNeighbors)
return false;
int i = 0;
bool out = true;
bool hasNormal = true;
if ((mDomainNormalScale == 1.0) || (!hasNormal)){
while (out && i<nb){
int id = mNeighborhood[i].first;
Scalar rs2 = radii[Vertex(id)] * mDomainRadiusScale;
rs2 = rs2*rs2;
out = pow(mNeighborhood[i].second, 2) > rs2;
Scalar s = 1./(mDomainNormalScale*mDomainNormalScale) - 1.f;
while (out && i<nb){
int id = mNeighborhood[i].first;
Vertex v(id);
Scalar rs2 = radii[v] * mDomainRadiusScale;
rs2 = rs2*rs2;
Scalar dn = dot(normals[v], Vector3(x - points[v]));
out = (pow(mNeighborhood[i].second, 2) + s*dn*dn) > rs2;
return !out;
/** \returns the mean curvature from the gradient vector and Hessian matrix.
Scalar meanCurvature(const Vector3& gradient, const MatrixType& hessian) const
Scalar gl = gradient.norm();
Vector3d hg = hessian * V2E(gradient);
return ( gl*gl*hessian.trace() - dot(gradient, E2V(hg)) ) / (2.*gl*gl*gl);
/** set the scale of the spatial filter */
void setFilterScale(Scalar v)
mFilterScale = v;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
/** set the maximum number of iterations during the projection */
void setMaxProjectionIters(int n)
mMaxNofProjectionIterations = n;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
/** set the threshold factor to detect convergence of the iterations */
void setProjectionAccuracy(Scalar v)
mProjectionAccuracy = v;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
/** set a hint on how to compute the gradient
void setGradientHint(int h)
mGradientHint = h;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
/** set a hint on how to compute the hessian matrix
void setHessianHint(int h)
mHessianHint = h;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
const Eigen::AlignedBox3d& boundingBox() const { return mAABB; }
void computeVertexRaddi(const int nbNeighbors = 16)
mAveragePointSpacing = 0;
foreach(Vertex v, mesh->vertices())
KDResults matches;
mBallTree->k_closest(points[v], nbNeighbors, matches);
radii[v] = 2.0 * sqrt( pow(matches.back().second,2) / Scalar(nbNeighbors) );
mAveragePointSpacing += radii[v];
mAveragePointSpacing /= Scalar( mesh->n_vertices() );
// RIMLS specific parameters
void setSigmaR(Scalar v)
mSigmaR = v;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
void setSigmaN(Scalar v)
mSigmaN = v;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
void setRefittingThreshold(Scalar v)
mRefittingThreshold = v;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
void setMinRefittingIters(int n)
mMinRefittingIters = n;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
void setMaxRefittingIters(int n)
mMaxRefittingIters = n;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
bool computePotentialAndGradient(const Vector3& x)
computeNeighborhood(x, true);
unsigned int nofSamples = mNeighborhood.size();
if (nofSamples < 1)
mCachedGradient = Vector3(0);
mCachedQueryPoint = x;
mCachedPotential = 1e9;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = false;
return false;
if (mCachedRefittingWeights.size() < nofSamples)
mCachedRefittingWeights.resize( nofSamples + 5 );
Vector3 source = x;
Vector3 grad(0);
Vector3 previousGrad;
Vector3 sumN(0);
Scalar potential = 0.;
Scalar invSigma2 = Scalar(1) / (mSigmaN*mSigmaN);
Scalar invSigmaR2 = 0;
if (mSigmaR>0)
invSigmaR2 = Scalar(1) / (mSigmaR*mSigmaR);
Vector3 sumGradWeight;
Vector3 sumGradWeightPotential;
Scalar sumW = 0;
int iterationCount = 0;
previousGrad = grad;
sumGradWeight = Vector3(0);
sumGradWeightPotential = Vector3(0);
sumN = Vector3(0);
potential = 0.0;
sumW = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i < nofSamples; i++)
int id = mNeighborhood[i].first;
Vertex v(id);
Vector3 diff = source - points[v];
Vector3 normal = normals[v];
Scalar f = dot(diff, normal);
Scalar refittingWeight = 1;
if (iterationCount > 0)
refittingWeight = exp(-(normal - previousGrad).squaredNorm() * invSigma2);
mCachedRefittingWeights.at(i) = refittingWeight;
Scalar w = mCachedWeights.at(i) * refittingWeight;
Vector3 gw = mCachedWeightGradients.at(i) * refittingWeight;
sumGradWeight += gw;
sumGradWeightPotential += gw * f;
sumN += normal * w;
potential += w * f;
sumW += w;
if(sumW == 0.0)
return false;
potential /= sumW;
grad = (-sumGradWeight*potential + sumGradWeightPotential + sumN) * (1.0/sumW);
} while ( (iterationCount < mMinRefittingIters)
|| ( (grad - previousGrad).squaredNorm() > mRefittingThreshold && iterationCount < mMaxRefittingIters) );
mCachedGradient = grad;
mCachedPotential = potential;
mCachedQueryPoint = x;
mCachedQueryPointIsOK = true;
mCachedSumGradWeight = sumGradWeight;
mCachedSumN = sumN;
mCachedSumW = sumW;
mCachedSumGradPotential = sumGradWeightPotential;
return true;
bool mlsHessian(const Vector3& x, MatrixType& hessian)
// at this point we assume computePotentialAndGradient has been called first
uint nofSamples = mNeighborhood.size();
const Vector3& sumGradWeight = mCachedSumGradWeight;
const Scalar& sumW = mCachedSumW;
const Scalar invW = 1.f/sumW;
for (uint k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
Vector3 sumDGradWeight; sumDGradWeight= Vector3(0);
Vector3 sumDWeightNormal; sumDWeightNormal= Vector3(0);
Vector3 sumGradWeightNk; sumGradWeightNk= Vector3(0);
Vector3 sumDGradWeightPotential; sumDGradWeightPotential= Vector3(0);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<nofSamples; i++)
int id = mNeighborhood[i].first;
Vertex v(id);
Vector3 p = points[v];
Vector3 diff = x - p;
Scalar f = dot(diff, normals[v]);
Vector3 gradW = mCachedWeightGradients.at(i) * mCachedRefittingWeights.at(i);
Vector3 dGradW = (x-p) * ( mCachedWeightSecondDerivatives.at(i) * (x[k]-p[k]) * mCachedRefittingWeights.at(i));
dGradW[k] += mCachedWeightDerivatives.at(i);
sumDGradWeight += dGradW;
sumDWeightNormal += normals[v] * gradW[k];
sumGradWeightNk += gradW * normals[v][k];
sumDGradWeightPotential += dGradW * f;
Vector3 dGrad = (
sumDWeightNormal + sumGradWeightNk + sumDGradWeightPotential
- sumDGradWeight * mCachedPotential
- sumGradWeight * mCachedGradient[k]
- mCachedGradient * sumGradWeight[k] ) * invW;
hessian.col(k) = V2E(dGrad);
return true;
void computeNeighborhood(const Vector3& x, bool computeDerivatives)
// Find corresponding vertex
KDResults match;
mBallTree->ball_search(x, mAveragePointSpacing, match);
// Find neighborhood
double r = radii[Vertex(match.front().first)] * mFilterScale;
mBallTree->ball_search(x, r, mNeighborhood);
size_t nofSamples = mNeighborhood.size();
// compute spatial weights and partial derivatives
if (computeDerivatives)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nofSamples; i++)
int id = mNeighborhood[i].first;
Vertex v(id);
Scalar s = 1.0 / (radii[v] * mFilterScale);
s = s*s;
Scalar w = Scalar(1) - pow(mNeighborhood[i].second, 2) * s;
if (w<0)
w = 0;
Scalar aux = w;
w = w * w;
w = w * w;
mCachedWeights[i] = w;
if (computeDerivatives)
mCachedWeightDerivatives[i] = (-2. * s) * (4. * aux * aux * aux);
mCachedWeightGradients[i] = (x - points[v]) * mCachedWeightDerivatives[i];
void requestSecondDerivatives()
size_t nofSamples = mNeighborhood.size();
if (nofSamples > mCachedWeightSecondDerivatives.size())
mCachedWeightSecondDerivatives.resize(nofSamples + 10);
for (size_t i=0 ; i < nofSamples ; ++i)
int id = mNeighborhood[i].first;
Scalar s = 1.0 / (radii[Vertex(id)]*mFilterScale);
s = s*s;
Scalar x2 = s * pow(mNeighborhood[i].second, 2);
x2 = 1.0 - x2;
if (x2 < 0)
x2 = 0.;
mCachedWeightSecondDerivatives[i] = (4.0*s*s) * (12.0 * x2 * x2);
SurfaceMeshModel * mesh;
AlignedBox3d mAABB;
int mGradientHint;
int mHessianHint;
NanoKdTree * mBallTree;
int mMaxNofProjectionIterations;
Scalar mFilterScale;
Scalar mAveragePointSpacing;
Scalar mProjectionAccuracy;
int mDomainMinNofNeighbors;
float mDomainRadiusScale;
float mDomainNormalScale;
// cached values:
bool mCachedQueryPointIsOK;
Vector3 mCachedQueryPoint;
KDResults mNeighborhood;
std::vector<Scalar> mCachedWeights;
std::vector<Scalar> mCachedWeightDerivatives;
std::vector<Vector3> mCachedWeightGradients;
std::vector<Scalar> mCachedWeightSecondDerivatives;
// RIMLS specific
int mMinRefittingIters;
int mMaxRefittingIters;
Scalar mRefittingThreshold;
Scalar mSigmaN;
Scalar mSigmaR;
// cached values:
Vector3 mCachedGradient;
Scalar mCachedPotential;
Scalar mCachedSumW;
std::vector<Scalar> mCachedRefittingWeights;;
Vector3 mCachedSumN;
Vector3 mCachedSumGradWeight;
Vector3 mCachedSumGradPotential;