% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tri_constraint_constructor.R \name{make_summation_matrix} \alias{make_summation_matrix} \title{Construct symmetry constraint matrix for bivariate symmetric smoothing.} \usage{ make_summation_matrix(F, skew = FALSE, cyclic.degree = 0) } \arguments{ \item{F}{number of marginal basis functions.} \item{skew}{logical, should the basis be constraint to skew-symmetry instead of symmetry.} \item{cyclic.degree}{integer, specifying the number of basis functions identified with each other at the boundaries in order to implement periodicity. Should be specified to match the degree of the utilized B-spline basis.} } \value{ A basis transformation matrix of dimension \eqn{F^2 \times G} with \eqn{G